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He's probably right, but how are we gonna colonize other planets?
Isaac Price
Camden Stewart
with Nikola Tesla Gates, they will function as doorways across the universe that will only take one step to traverse.
Grayson Carter
Nice trips.
The point is: Technology really is taking dignity and independence away from humans, but if doesn't advance even more we won't be able to colonize other planets if ours is in grave danger (human causes or not).
Nolan White
You're not. Humans evolved at a specific gravity and suffer on their own mountains and more than twenty feet underwater. Silly meatbags.
Joseph Hall
But, but, but, muh god neber said nuttin bout no planet colonisation....
Xavier Cook
If we ever get to a point in technology where humans can reach Earth-like planets, I don't think gravity would be the biggest problem.
Juan Sullivan
>how are we gonna colonize other planets?
We don't. There's no economic incentive that could possibly justify the cost. Maybe Jeff Bezos throws a few hundred billion at a vanity colony project but that is all.
But we will build space stations of various sizes with spin gravity, because manned stations allow you to do experiments, tourism, repairs and eventually, micro-g manufacturing.
No big colony stations though, it is simply too expensive compared to building cities on Earth.
Ryan Brooks
With 97 genders and anal sex.
Austin White
Seriously. We evolved on Earth; why live in a vacuum bubble on another planet which is otherwise completely inhospitable?
Daniel Lewis
Yep, just like there was no economic benefit to settling New Zealand. But yet here you are, talking out your arse.
Jayden Howard
Robert Gutierrez
you ever hear of a submarine? what about an airplane??? those let us easily go +/-30,000 feet
Henry Morales
If we NEED to get out I guess economic incentives won't be the most important incentives
Matthew Lewis
Because fuck it, what else too do with all this tech? At some time we gotta go cuz not enough room.
Dominic Ortiz
>We don't. There's no economic incentive that could possibly justify the cost.
in the near future it would be... hell you can literately send 4 tons of shit to mars for the price of building a mere 60 houses
Jacob Fisher
for very short amounts of time dumb dumb
David Brown
>for very short amounts of time
you ever think why? because of limited fuel and food/water you stupid fucking burger
Julian Morales
you're adorable, we never had dignity or independence for at least the last six thousand years, technology only made it easier to experience more lives than just your own with just a click.
Christopher Hill
Of course we never had absolute independence or dignity, but now people's control over themselves is way more limited, even though life has become more "comfortable".
Read his manifesto: Industrial Society and Its Future.
Leo Martin
Space travel was always just the PR wing of the ICBM industry. There was never any real intention of 'colonizing' other planets. We wouldn't even have gone to the moon if it was more than just an engineering exercise.
Henry Young
Humans used to have complete autonomy and lived in harmony with nature. Now we wake up to alarm clocks, go to a job where we work in miserable subservience, have our money siphoned to fund all sorts of silly causes, regulated to the extent that opening a business is a major risk, have to obtain permits just purchase firearms for our defense. We're at the mercy of our government now, and have absolutely no voice, and just live vicariouly threw others on the itnernet; it's not 'living'.
Luke Rodriguez
changing it, or another of the million specific factors of earth's biosphere, would affect our human bodies in another million interconnected ways. Humans (even hues) were made/evolved for earth, we belong here.
If we ever start successfully sending people to space stations or other biospheres for entire generations, it will result in dozens of new types of cancers and other exotic diseases, and depressed homesick people. Man belongs on Earth. Colonizing far away star systems is technocratic hubris. Fermi paradox.
Nolan Sanchez
Humans adapted to the mountains. Our species will be weaker on Mars and in the belt but we will be there.
Jaxon Peterson
life is a mistake; MGTOW comfiness is the only answer
Hudson Ortiz
Our champions define what dignity is.
Ian Ortiz
Thanks for the enlightment, high IQ finn.
Andrew Bennett
Too late at night for a blackpill :(
David Nelson
Sometimes women make me highly consider this path, but I still haven't given up on them. We're hardwired to procreate.
Jose Gomez
>life is a mistake
no user, you are a mistake and the result of the probably numerous ones you've made throughout your life...
Joseph Bell
Then you figure out that the earth is fla
Kevin Rogers
When are you gonna address the JQ, Dr. Peterson?
Noah Richardson
Sad to say it but highly unlikely. Im a huge fan of sci fi, but when you look into the numbers involved, mainly regarding distance and time, you realize its never going to happen.
Were going to die on this rock, along with the untermensch who never dreamed of leaving it in the first place. I imagine sometime within the next century we might see a manned expedition to Mars, possibly within our lifetime and possibly it might be the Chinese who achieve it, but beyond that there wont be anything.
Our entire history is doomed to be a cycle of civilizations rising and then falling, while the jews enrich themselves and pamper themselves for what little time they have on this world.
James Taylor
Next time we won't spare any of them. Don't be blackpilled