Be Right wing American with severe anglophobia/anti-English sentiment

>Be Right wing American with severe anglophobia/anti-English sentiment
>Support England's Left and go full refugees welcome in hopes the world will be rid of perfidious albion once and for all within my lifetime

Attached: Perfidious Albion.jpg (496x679, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You do realize everything Churchill allegedly did was also allegedly helped by America, right?

>FDR says "Don't bomb Berlin"
>Churchill bombs Berlin
Also Churchill pulled us into the First World War by forcing Germany into unrestricted sub warfare and sending the Lusitania into sub waters without alerting the Captain.
He's a vile snake and enemy of the US, same with all English subhumans. Something in the ground, water or air on that disgusting Island must turn the people birthed there vile.

Lusitania knew what was up. The Bund was on the New York docks warning people not to sail it for a full fuckin year before the Krauts did the sinking.

This is why I strongly support mass third world immigration to Western countries and ONLY to Western countries. Japan could use a lot of Africans from deep within the jungles too :)

Regardless Churchill's policies of disguising Royal Navy vessels as neutral to sink German subs, forcing the Germs to target neutral vessels, got Americans killed.

He also bombed Berlin in 1940, at FDR's behest, to get Hitler to do The Blitz. He sacrificed British citizens to take heat off the RAF.

He's a slime.

FDR's condemnation*

Lusitania wasn't neutral. It was bringing supplies to Britain. Get fuckin real.

Not defending Churchhill, you asshole. I'm calling you out for fucking lying. Both you AND Churchhill can be wrong.

>claim to be right wing and anti-anglo
op why dont you deport yourself your parasitical existance off an anglo colony while speaking the anglo language portrays you as nothing but a leftist anti-white playing the divide game.
Take note of the anti-anglo shit posters masquerading as right wing.

>winston churchill and adolf hitler were both the first to target civilians in their own wars
>their own war was WWII
they can't BOTH be first you dumb cuck

>Anglo colony
>Irish were an ethnic majority at the time of Revolution
Get fucked, Blackbeard.
English"men" aren't White, anyhow.

Also you can't be Right wing and support a parasitic country that has exclusively harmed your own throughout all history. If I care about America and the American people, I hate England. There is no in between.

Hitler targeted the Polish and the Dutch before they targeted German civilians.
Churchill targeted Germans before they targeted British civilians.

Its amazing the irish have so many colonies despite not ever attempting colonialism.

The fact you take for granted your freedom in an
Anglo colony and speak English says it all.

You are a parasite living off the White mans work.
What exactly is rght wing about your rootless mass immigration fantasy? Nothing.

>be american
>be jew
why am i not surprised?

I don't take for granted my freedom at all, I'm expressing my freedom in opposing the most primordial of tyranny, the Crown of England.

English"men" are not White, the Irish built the US. You wouldn't be able to touch the West Coast if it wasn't for them.

Britain is a parasite having always sucked up America's resources at best and lives at worst. Standing for my country first and opposing the country that harms it is Right wing.

The British are the biggest Jews of them all, Nigel Rothschild, creator of the State of Israel.

Kill yourself krautkike, you will never be a real American

America was founded by Anglos for Anglos

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>Also you can't be Right wing and support
Sure can if you're right wing and English, you stupid fuck.

>America was founded by Anglos for Anglos

Not really. Anglos, Saxons, Normans, Gauls, Goths... if you're gonna be stupid and name the HRE Tribes of Europe, you'd better include them all. There wouldn't be Americans without a whole fucking lot of NON-English settlers and militiamen.

If you're not a WASP- or at least have ancestry from one of the nations in Britain you're not American. Period. You have to to back

no. Anglo colonies were exploctly for Anglos. Not other groups.
Anglo is another word for Englishman you dickhead retard.

I'm Irish-Anglo mix, nigger. Grandmother married an Irishman because she knew how dreadful the English race was, shit you not.
America was founded by Irish and Anglos for people who aren't British subhumans. There's a reason we kept so many Irishmen like Daniel Shays and fought and expelled the British subhumans.

Can't be Right wing American was what was obviously entailed.

The Irish had been in heavy populations since the Colonial era, why are both of you so fucking ret--
Oh yeah, you're defending Anglos, of course you'd be historically illiterate.

If you support England, you're not American. You're a Tory.

sorry bud you are stuck with me until the end
t. polack

The Polish are White, unlike the English whom we had to expel in the founding of this country.
Glad to have you.

>Anglo colonies were exploctly for Anglos
>Colonial America was at least 1/3rd Irish
Hmm, almost like you're a fucking retard or something, Jack Sparrow.
Why don't you use that meme flag to hang yourself.

Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Compexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.
t. Benjamin Franklin

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Second, bullshit revisionism.

America included French, Spanish, Dutch, German colonies from the start.

I suppose you could instead argue that only states with ONLY English Colonies can be American, but... well, you're not going to have many states left.

And the French, German, Dutch settlers of the New World?

Good grief, you have NO sense of History, and smack of being the kind of complete and total shitbag who declares that he's real irish, because his family lived in Boston for five generations.

Polish and Irish are White but Anglos-Saxons and Normans aren't. LOLOLOL

>>you have NO sense of History
Nifty opinion, care to back that up with any counter points?.. At all?
... none? Right then.

I'm American, not Irish. To say American isn't wasn't predominantly Irish, though, is revisionism.

I never said Normans aren't.
Just Anglos born in the British Isles are about as White as the night sky.

All other ethnicities were heavily outnumbered by British Americans. They were made by the Anglo, for the Anglo.

>Colonial America was at least 1/3rd Irish
>He thinks Scots-Irish are his paddy ancestors
Paddy is so desperate for validation he tries to steal the Anglo's history. How much of America was Catholic paddy then? Show me your source.

>Anglo colony introduced irish.
Doesn't disprove its an English colony you idiot.
no shit the British empire utilised British people.

It was with Margret Thatcher who turned the UK capitalist . That is when the refugees poured in . . I know i was there . before and after Thatcher . Reagans friend

No you get the fuck out. Your beliefs are the actual revisionism you rat.

This is a really nice and hospitable thing to say I appreciate it, but America should have an Anglo-Saxon ruling class, no question
Just not ones that tax you

>expel the English
Do you realise the american war of independence was Englishmen vs Englishmen?
You didnt expel the English you. Broke away from the Empire.
dumb mutts.

They have to stay in their original zones I.E. the penylvsnnia Dutch

My apologies on being foreign squatters in America, it must be hard, but I'm afraid you have to go back

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Based frog.
Anglo was a mistake.

I trace back to a "daughter of the Revolution".
My ancestors came over on the Mayflower.
Your presumptions are falls and you are a buffoon.
Just like your Norman claim, entirely out of left field, baseless, and put into my mouth. Hang yourself, you frankly suck at arguing.

No problem.
I disagree. One of our best Presidents, Andrew Jackson, had Scots-Irish heritage.
Most of the Anglo founding fathers seemed to be con artists sans Thomas Jefferson who was a true Patriot, so I am not fully against Anglo-Saxon authority, but I am against English"men".

>american war of independence was Englishmen vs Englishmen?
This is such a funny, funny cope.
You're illiterate and irrelevant. Just end it all for yourself.

As said, been here since the Mayflower, Nigel.
It is you who should have fled with your Tory brethren, you Crown worshiping filth.

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I have been, You're a total fucking retard.

Oh lord, there are two of these cumchugging morons.

>I have been
You have been what? Making counter points? You make me laugh.
You're arguing emotionally and revising history like a pinko. Quit while you're ahead, tory.

Three imbeciles who ignore history to hew to a bullshit 'White patriots settled America!'

"Patriotic to what?" you ask.

"To America, DUHH" they reply.

fucking mouthbreathers jacking off in the back of the sped trailer cutting backwards swastikas into their legs and not realizing it's backward, cause in the mirror it looked right.

Hope I see a triple suicide story reported in the news tomorrow...

perfidious albion has already subverted the US though

From the guy who keeps insisting the only people here were white, but not English...

What a fucking genius he is.

>thinks American isnt an Anglo country
>thinks it actually expelled all the English descended people.
You are retarded.
If American did this why did it retain Anglosaxon culture as its dominant culture to the present day?
Why does it have so many famous English Anglophile writers?

I don't worship the crown Achmed, I merely realize America is for the Anglo and his descendants, just like the founders intended

Papists, Krauts and Micks will never be American.

The Dutch and French who had colonies here initially can stay, and the Scots can stay as a laboring class

I never made a claim about normans. Paddys are catholic, always have been. You are trying to count Scot and Anglo settlers of Ulster as your beloved potato eating race. You have no source for your claim that America was founded and made by the Irish. Even Andrew Jackson was Scots-Irish. Anglo-Saxons are English, and only Anglos are Americans.

Says the guy who thinks Anglo-Saxons didn't create and rule all 13 colonies and beyond. EVROPA didn't make America, it was British born and British bred.

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What are you ranting about? Anglosaxon colonialism has nothing to do with 1940s
germans you spastic.
America was established for whitesbefore nazi germans (another group of people) even existed.

You seem not to understand that not all 13 colonies were English.

You realize Bill didn't like the Anglos either dumbfuck?

OPs logic is circular and stupid. You're helping him with that round groove he's wearing into the board.

Yeah, sinking your only allies in the middle of a war for the survival of your very race is a brilliant fucking idea. Fuck you.

Could I get a quick rundown on the top right?

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You don't make any sense.
What are you butthurt about the fact that American was settled by whites for whites or by Englishmen?

If Hitler and Churchill were both fighting in the same war, how can they both be the first to target citizens in their war?

What the fuck are you talking about?
Are you by chance illiterate? Dyslexic?
I honestly have no idea what you're saying.

>English descended people
Never once said that, you fucking buffoon, you laughing stock.
>Anglosaxon culture
>American culture
Hilarious! American culture had for ages been anti-European. The Mexican war was so controversial because we even remotely resembled Europe in policy.
American culture was that of individuality and freedom whereas Anglosaxon English culture was that of submissiveness and serfdom. It's impossible for them to be farther off.

If you ask me, you're making up for your failure as a nation (as you are quite obviously English) by convincing yourself America is somehow an extension of your own. You're in denial, revising history and it's sad.

You quite blatantly worship the Crown.
The American Revolution was largely fought by Irish, so you oppose the heroes of the Revolutionary war. You support the tories and the English.
You are as un-American as it gets.

>Paddys are catholic, always have been
No, they've been Pagan and the ones in the North had been Protestant since before the Revolution, you invalid.

>Even Andrew Jackson was Scots-Irish.
... which was the term for Irishmen living in America during the Colonial and Revolutionary era. Christ you really don't know shit about history or US culture, do you? Higher a tutor and study history.

Anglos and Scots built your nation you ungrateful rat.

Do you deny that America was a WASP colony? and it still is really if you ignore the media lies.

He was the descendants of English colonists, he says it in the movie. That's quite literally what the know-nothings were. Anglo-Saxon descended Americans against Irish immigration to America.

Before America was totally subverted, it was taken for granted that being American meant being Anglo. Who the fuck founded Jamestown? The Irish?

>Seriously claiming there were no Scots in colonial America
>was code for Irish

Fucking moron ignores the Jacobean revolts and exiles.

I literally just watched it for the first time in a while this past weekend. He says his father gave his life defending America against the Brits.

They were not wholly english, but by 1776 they were 85% British of that the vast majority of that was Anglo.

>Scots-Irish is the term for Irishman
The Scots-Irish are Anglo and Scottish settlers from Ulster who absolute fucking retard. Have you even read the most basic of American history? You don't have a single source for your St. Patrick's fantasy. I'll say it one more time so that you can't ignore it. Scots-Irish =/= Irish

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Bill the Butcher is an interesting character. Hes portrayed as a "villian" but his attitude is repeated by many Anglo American writers and True Englishmen all over the world.
I'm not from America but these ideas were and are still fresh in the minds of English descended people where I am from.

Read HP Lovecrafts thoughts on immigration eroding American culture.
Many of the things these people said are the same issues we face today.
The same globalist menace trying to disolve nations.

The Irish won the Revolutionary war and built the trans continental railroad.
The Anglos sat back and got rich sans a handful.
Kill yourself.

WASP =/= English, you idiot.

Scots-Irish could mean either Scottish or Irish people.
It didn't just mean Scottish people you fucking retards.

>In colonial times, the Irish population in America was second in number only to the English. Many early Irish immigrants were of sturdy, Scotch-Irish stock. Pushed out of Ireland by religious conflicts, lack of political autonomy and dire economic conditions, these immigrants were pulled to America by the promise of land ownership and greater religious freedom.

Fucking cry more, tories.

>Waah don't attack my back
>Attacks everyone else's backs
Typical Anglo, a hypocrite and historically illiterate imbecile.

wog! you are just outing yourself as immigrant scum envious of the white mans civilisation.
You are so pathetic living off the Anglosaxons labour.

Lmao the Irish didn't do shite you parasitic papist worm. Scots and Anglos bud. Go crawl back to dublin. Also Scot Irish are Scots.

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>>Waah don't attack my back
>>Attacks everyone else's backs
>Typical Anglo, a hypocrite and historically illiterate imbecile.

HAHAHA You're attacking him for your behavior this entire thread.

Please, KYS. It's the only way. Or better, go the fuck back to Ireland. They LOVE the way Americans call themselves "Irish-American", or how "Irish-Americans" Celebrate "St. Patty's Day".

They so LOVE it, totally unironically.

Like a Scotsman loves hearing about how great Mel Gibson movies are.

Also, who the fuck founded New York? The English?

Who the fuck founded LA, San Diego, Santa Fe, and San Antonio? The English?

Who founded New Orleans, St. Louis, and Chicago? The English?

As said, my ancestors arrived on the Mayflower.
Bill the Butcher was not White and Anglo-Saxons are like Jews, they detest physical labor and prefer to profit whilst rubbing their pudgy pink hands.

The Irish won the Revolution and built the trans continental railroad.
This is fact and accepted by actual historians, not beady eyed, black haired, brown eyed, pink skinned, fat worthless Anglo tories.

Also Scots-Irish in the American sense are Irishmen and/or Ulstermen, as stated by my reliable source.
Also nice terrorist organization you posted.

I haven't attacked anyone's back, I can't see this as possible on an imageboard.
Or are you perhaps implying I'm a hypocrite, which is also wrong?

Fucking this.

Churchill didn't betray anybody. Just because you're spending the edge phase of your youth praising goosesteppers doesn't actually mean that Churchill was wrong to stick by Poland.

Another thing i noticed all these anti-anglo slime crawling around the internet.
They refer to soibois as anglos when theybare virtually all of irish descent.

you can tell they look irish they have the phenotype.
And many irish are pure socialist cucks embarassing the white race due to their butthurt about the English passed down from Irish to Irish.
Every left wing cuck gathering you ever see what do you know irish are there.

Against the Brits doesn't mean he wasn't an anglo-saxon

Have you ever read literature from the revolution? The rallying cry against king George in America was "defending our rights as Englishmen" it's in all of the pamphlets.

The British referred to Americans up to the civil war as "our cousins".

We were rivals and enemies but the same people by blood. You simply can't deny the fact the colonies were primarily founded by English settlers and Ulster-Scots, that's fact. And yes, I know there were Dutch and French here as well.

> (You)
>I haven't attacked anyone's back, I can't see this as possible on an imageboard.
>Or are you perhaps implying I'm a hypocrite, which is also wrong?

I'm implying you're full of shit by calling you an ignorant jackass who doesn't know history or his own fucking adopted "Irish" culture.

Yep, Bill the Butcher's father fought in 1812 against the British.
A war under President Andrew Jackson, who was ironically of Scots-Irish descent.

These fucking imbeciles worshiping the eternal Anglo whilst claiming to be patriotic Americans are truly clueless when it comes to basic history.

>Scots-Irish could mean either Scottish or Irish people
Are you retarded? Nobody who has even a basic level of historical knowledge would have the utter gall to say that Ulster protestants are the same as Catholic paddys. Here's some questions for you: Where did the Scots-Irish come from? How did they get to Ulster? What language and religion did they follow?

Who founded damn near every other city you kike? Who turned those cities from backwaters into metropolises?

the fuck is u talkin about
>anglophobe beyond the 1800s
pls stop

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George Washington was born February 22, 1732, the first child of Augustine Washington and his second wife Mary Ball Washington, at Wakefield on their Popes Creek Estate in the Colony of Virginia. He was a common subject of the British Empire at that time, under the reign of George II.[3]

Washington was descended primarily from English gentry of Sulgrave, England...

I've provided sources, you haven't.
I've countered points, you'd tossed ad hominems.
I've argued in good faith, you've made an all around buffoon of yourself.
Not much else to say.

>Churchill didn't betray anybody
>Murders 1,000+ Frenchmen for existing

See the source in you fucking braindead utter buffoon, you retard, you simpleton.
Never reply to me again with your illiterate retardation, and preferably commit suicide as well.
Also I don't see how an anti-Monarchist was English in culture you subhuman nigger.

>Who turned those cities from backwaters into metropolises?
Lot's of European immigrant groups who helped build America into the world power it is today during the 19th and early 20th century.

Q predicted this

You dont know shite about Ulster you stupid cunt. Lmao cry moar about the UDA ya parasitic twat. I-I-It was Irishmen, nah it was ULTSER MEN proddies not papist pricks.

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Once again, an anti-Monarchist advocate of individualism isn't English in culture whatsoever you subhuman retarded nigger.

Don't you have a pub to bomb, terrorist?
>John Adams was born on October 30, 1735, (October 19, 1735, Old Style, Julian calendar) to John Adams Sr. and Susanna Boylston. He had two younger brothers, Peter and Elihu.[3] Adams's birthplace was on the family farm in Braintree, Massachusetts (now Quincy, Massachusetts).[4] His mother was from a leading medical family of present-day Brookline, Massachusetts. His father was a deacon in the Congregational Church, a farmer, a cordwainer, and a lieutenant in the militia.[5] John Sr. also served as a selectman (town councilman) and supervised the building of schools and roads. Adams often praised his father and recalled their close relationship.[6] Adams's great-grandfather Henry Adams emigrated to Massachusetts from Braintree, Essex, England

Beginning to notice a pattern of Anglosaxons in American history.

Oh my God you are actually retarded and illiterate, you've missed the entire argument. You've missed what's been right in front of you for near 100 posts. You don't even know what you're arguing about. You're that fucking stupid.
I'm done with you, get filtered.

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Kek, he was a dumb mutt

Lmao Ulster proddies not papist child fiddlers ya plastic paddy. You don't know jack which is why you spew shite.

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>Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 (April 2, 1743, Old Style, Julian calendar), at the family home in Shadwell in the Colony of Virginia, the third of ten children.[3] He was of English, and possibly Welsh, descent and was born a British subject.[4]

There's no point in bringing 'sources', because you're not right, you're not even wrong. You're just spewing total shit because you think it's what a good 'irish-american' should do.

This entire 'Anglos settled America now get out so the real Anglo settlers can live here' is fucking retarded. Also 'Anglos aren't English'

No one but Anglos were ever here...

It goes on and on with your terrible bullshit.

thanks for conceding.

Wrong pic.

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>Leaf says 'shite', and 'twat'
>LARPing that hard.

you are just demented as he is fuck off.
People are simpky stating acknowledge the Anglosaxon history or get out.

About time someone got him to admit he's fucking stupid.

>Lot's of European immigrant groups
None of them even came close to out-populating or out-working the native Anglo-Saxon. Are you going to tell me diversity is our strength next?

>you fucking braindead utter buffoon, you retard, you simpleton
You insult like a kike. You haven't provided any sources that 1776 was an 'Irish" rebellion against Anglo-Saxons that expelled all English people from the states.



And ignore the Dutch, the Germans, the French, the Spanish... 'Muh Muricuh.'

>19 posts

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