ww3 is back on the table boys.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Israel is so fucked.

>Be Israeli shill

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US flag on wrong side m8

kek let’s see how those chinks handle a supply chain that long without a deep water navy

That's what you think.

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>be Israeli

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>all these posts explode 20 seconds from eachother

how the fuck did you not get a 4 minute stop? Are you a bot

Trump is pulling out of Syria

I bought a pass like a faggot.

Trump is a fucking Jew.

buy a pass you cheap nigger

Please, for the love of God, please let the Chinkies level Israel
Please, I offer you my post numbers.




mmmmm what territories? Isn't Assad kicking ass anyway? why would he need China?

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Sounds more like peace in the middle east.

golan muthafugging heights fgt

No it's not.

Trump made a deal with Putin in Helsinki. The US would guarantee Assad's security as long as they would allow the US to put pressure on Iran

>Sun Tzu Heights



Attached: macho man Ronald Savage.jpg (400x400, 30K)

I don't see how this means anything
Syria wants to beat terrorists
China is willing to help them

how is this WW3? The USA's involvement in the region is less and less every day

>USA, France, UK, Turkey and Saudi being against Israel

place your bets on proxy war no. "XX"

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That's gone. Spoils of a war Syria started and lost long ago.

Looks like another country has joined Syria, Russia, and Iran against the great evils of the world (Israel and the US).

There are no leaders willing and able to launch full nuclear strikes.
Weapons are useless without the willingness to use them.
This is how Nuclear war can't happen.
The closest we could get is some strongly worded letters.

Fuck Assad

Time to nuke his ass to the stoneage

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Because Israel can't deal with the idea of a unified Syria under Assad. Israel will orchestrate an incident to drag the US into confrontation with either Russian, Chinese or Iranian troops in Syria.

Israel will not exist soon, Trump are Genius as fuck.

>Why it isn't exist
They recently pass Israel State Law, Remove Arabic as Official Language, make Israeli Arabs Muslim, Christian, Druze as Second Class Citizens. This make Arab country angry, when they preparing Peace with Israel then Israel Backstab & insulting them.
Recently, There is Mass Resign from Israeli Arabs who was Politician, Military & Commander, Police, Professional and Gov't Worker.
Chaos aren't started with Palestine anymore, but Chaos will started inside Israel itself

Israel is Alone now, I repeat, Israel is Alone.
The Goyim Know, the goyim know
We can't shut it down

In other side
>Russia urges & accomodate Syrian Refugees to Return.
Million of Syrian Refugees will Return to Syria
>US-Taliban Peace Talks
Afghanistan would become New Country, Kingdom will reinstated, peace & stability would be back in Afghanistan, and Afghani Refugees will return to their Land.
>Imran Khan won in Pakistan
Pakistan will become more secular & socialist, Zia Ul Haq Ideology would be Abandoned, Peace & Stability woupd come back, Economy would become stronger like pre-Zia era and Overseas Pakis will Return.

>Meanwhile in EU.
There is no Refugee anymore, Lack of Workforce, No Low Wages Goyim Labor Anymore, Kangz Refugee aren't Reliable, Birthrate still Decline. EU Collapsed

pence would do it just tell him syria is full of fags

Also Netanyahu is an inbred retard so there's an internal civil war as well

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Nope. US isn't helping Israel anymore.

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Lel oh sweetie if only that were true


with a flight time of 6 hours from Xinjiang province to Syria i doubt they will need to get their boats wet.

>Macho man Ronald Savage.jpg
>Posts pic of Junkyard Dog

>t. Songbird McCain
die in a fucking fire

I'm pulling out of your mum too.

Last time the mongols were this far west they lost in a fight to the Egyptians just outside Jerusalem so I'm assuming they want round two

All signs point towards the US being thoroughly jewed, even if Israel is in danger of getting btfo’d I don’t think it’s going to happen. Obviously solution is for Saudi Arabia to put its money where it’s mouth is and solve the refugee crisis. Imagine if America didn’t do anything for Europe after ww2, well that’s what’s happening in the ME, only it’s made harder because sand people.

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>Xinjiang province
>let's just fly through the USAF air cover

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>has never seen an airdrop in his life
hey faggot, there are more ways to move supplies and men than just water you dumb fucking poz

sound like you asking for a terror strike

Chicomms BTFO the jewz. This getting good.

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>we need somebody competent, intelligent, and fair to clean up this clusterfuck
>call Xi

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Does someone have that Webm of the chinese military with Xi?

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He ripped up the Iran deal, officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital, fell for Israeli-backed false flags in Syria, putting pressure on other countries to vote against an anti-Israel resolution before he even took office, etc.

Don't conflate Trump's recklessness with some 4D chess against Israel.

You can keep listing your talking points. Reality is gonna smack you so hard in the face that you'll be in Wasrael before you even come to your senses.

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>implying the US isn't going to have one to rid of our nigger, spic, fag, kike, trannie, commie, self hating White, muslim etc problems

Lol this faggot thinks the shitkins are staying after Trump hangs the kikes. Getting America back to a 90%+ White majority will be one of Trumps main goals. It's okay I'll personally pay for your plane ticket when he makes the announcements.

Who or what wrote this?


>You can keep listing your talking points.

You're the fucking guy spamming the thread with headlines as "evidence". And you keep doing this in other threads. You're the one with the agenda, and anyone who actually looks at Trump's policies won't fall for it.

This please.

>Trump's policies
ISIS is crushed
Assad is alive
Syria is reclaiming their land
NK Peace
Russia Peace
Iran no regime change
"New American Century" is dead
Articles about Trump killing the "World order" coming out every day
Trade wars and tariffs to kill the global monetary system
Working with Saudi Arabia to fund a Palestinian state

You were saying?

It's Real

China needs the target practice to strengthen their military training to take over Taiwan

makes sense

Saudi Become less fundamental and more secular

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said the increasingly nervous magapede for the second year

>20 posts by this ID
>it's the same images he spams every thread
o hai Kushner shill

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He's had to play along for the time being. That's really obvious at this point. Shooting duds on an empty airfield and making a symbolic statement to appease Bibi and Israel-firsters means next to nothing.

Trump understands subtlety much more than you think.

>no Iran regime change

Lol then how do you explain Q literally pushing for Iran regime change? I know you think Q is Trump so please explain that one. You make it sound like because that post by him was a month for so it's off the table.

He's just a shitskin that loves Trump but he doesn't get to stay in America after the kikes hang.

>I know you think Q is Trump so please explain that one.
Um, no I don't. The media is reporting on Q user because it's a Mossad psy op. They're using it as a target because that's by design. The news doesnt' report on anything that will actually redpill people. You had to make a leap to even try and make your point because you have nothing intelligent to actually say.

>ISIS is crushed
>Assad is alive
This is the only part that goes against Israel's interests. But as I said before, Trump

>NK Peace
>Russia Peace
>Articles about Trump killing the "World order" coming out every day
>Trade wars and tariffs to kill the global monetary system
Completely irrelevant to the Israeli lobby, and they aren't even true.

>Iran no regime change
Not yet. Trump cancelling the deal and putting sanctions on Iran is already affecting Iran's economy before they even come into effect.

>"New American Century" is dead
Trump appointed neocons to his administration. Until he starts firing them, this isn't even remotely true. Trump has also expanded military operations overseas, gotten involved in new conflicts, increeased military spending massively, etc. which are all principles of PNAC.

>Working with Saudi Arabia to fund a Palestinian state
Saudi Arabia is a regional strategic partner of Israel. Words about a Palestinian state mean nothing, especially if it doesn't involve removing Israeli settlements.

Obama lost syria

end of story

I don't give a fuck about syria, and if Israel gets hysterical, guess what


American's don't need Israel on their back, and they would like to travel to Iran.

There is no need for a Jewish state.

We do not even need to listen to Jewish demands for a state.

The Jewish state is the Kingdom of God.

Or the Kingdom of Heaven.


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I’m gonna dodge the draft and shoot at any government representative who approaches me if they force me to participate

North Korea isn't against Israel. They just sell weapons to Israel's rivals.

Many Tards in here doesn't know, sometime I realized that smarter people on Jow Forums was on /sg/.

>Why China Help Syria to Retake Idlib.
Idlib are full of Uyghur Extremist, unironically Extremist Uyghur im China became very few.
>According to China
why you wait them to return to shoah them in china with collateral damage and make instability inside your country when you can shoahing them freely in Syria without risking your country

Oh man, you just made it to another list.

WTF i love cockroachistan now...

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Fuck off Kike.
NK never Recognize Israel and always against Israel in UN


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Bro you literally used to post Q bullshit, I know you're the same guy, and know you're claiming Q is a mossad psyop? I've literally told you it's a modified limited hangout before in the past and you called me a kike shill for it. You talk out your ass when you're not just posting kike memes.

Like I said I can't wait till Trump hangs the kikes and your faggot shitskin multikulti ass is deported back to your shithole country.

It's about time, with the tariff pressure china's been bound to try out its military for worst case senario planning



Cool proxy Moshe! Have fun dying for Bibi!

Whatever, but you would be died.
And you have two option to died

>Died Stupidly
You shoot Gov't Representative who force you to participate

>Died as Martyrs & Hero to Humanity and Whites.
Accept the Draft, then when you arrived in Israel, go to Israel Military camp and shoot them all. The World will Remember you as Hero

Same sub 90 IQ "you're a kike" response as usual when I'm clearly not the multikulti pushing faggot. You're time is coming up you won't be in America much long, enjoy it while you can until your put on a ship or train.

>Fuck off Kike.

I'm against Israel, you fucking faggot. Learn some English before you start shilling.

Womp womp

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t. nervous kike

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What happens if the USA isn't controlled by Zionists and they side with the Islamic world?

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There's not much territory to retake. Assad is in the final stretch.

The Chinese just like to swoop in during the dying phase to reap some easy pickings whether it is capital/political gain. They do this in business and daily life too, the first thing a Chinaman thinks upon hearing news of a death in the family is whether he can loot their residence before his other relatives do.

Don't forget that they are ethnically cleansing muslims within their borders.


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Trump is a Zionist. You misunderstand Zionism though. Zionism is an age long plot to gather up the Jewish people in one state and then have them basically suicide.

Zionism is a good thing. It's why Hitler, Trump, are all zionists.

>morphykike using a bs pic without argument again
t. nervous kike

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The left used to hate Israel. Will this cause them to come out in support of their greatest ally?