Are all hollywood actors pedo's who hate children?

I just wanted a discussion.

Attached: titusloveskids.png (624x463, 71K)

Most of them. Especially the ones that virtue signal.

>small pox blankets

kek people still believe this myth

>Are all hollywood actors pedo's who hate children?

Same percentage as Republican pedos in Congress. By the way, you don't use an apostrophe for plurals, comrade.

>only whites have done bad things in history.
they literally have access to endless amounts of information and yet they proudly boast their ignorance for the sake of virtue signaling and retweets

>Genocide, racism, slavery, theft, small pox blankets, crocks

More like FUCK YEAH, White People!

No. To them they are "helping" children. You have to remember that pedos are narcissistic psychopaths. They want to harm the kids and then they get upset that the kids are upset which causes them to harm the kids to teach them a lesson. To the pedo, molestation is a multitool.

Notice Pope Francis abruptly changed the Church's stance on the death penalty today? Hmm...could it have anything to do with the "fast trial, death penalty" motto of the donald?


Is Bono the reincarnation of the devil himself then?

wtf? I remember that guys show on fox. it lasted for about a week

I would say there are more real pedos on Jow Forums and Jow Forums than in hollywood. There are some real sickos and nutcases that dwell in the cesspool of Jow Forums.

not all, but many.
Clint Eastwood is a good man. So is Dean Winters.

What is it with these retards that think whites were actually hunting down nogs in the fucking jungles? THEY WERE SOLD BY THEIR OWN KIND.

Jow Forums doesn't support Republicans though, only Trump. Most """Republicans""" are liberals anyways.

Q predicted this

without googling I thought it happened one time actually?


Someone explaine this





kek we can see your ID you stupid faggot. I think this is bait but who knows with this place anymore

>have you seen the shit humans have done?
>have you seen the shit animals have done?
>have you seen the shit organisms have done?
fuck life!