Why is Identity europa, a movement meant to preserve and save the White Race, led by someone who's literally 5'2"?

Why is Identity europa, a movement meant to preserve and save the White Race, led by someone who's literally 5'2"?

Attached: Stub Legs.jpg (141x250, 5K)

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Wait at least a month before you recycle shill threads.
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Europeans arent american. The strong left europe to conquer and settle the USA

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How tall was Hitler ?

why is that pic so small

He's 5"5 and braver than you, kike

Hortler dod nothing wrong

he could be three feet high and he would still tower over a faggot like you

It's the other way around. USA is the manlet country.

And you are currently letting in Mexicans who are some of the shortest manlets on the planet. It will only get worse.

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>those hanging udders

Stalin was 5'4 and a ruthless motherfucker as well. Manlet is a state of mind only.

>mexico has the manletniest
Pic related

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-02-20-25-09-1.png (1440x1325, 268K)

Saw this thread yesterday
He's not the leader and hasn't been for a year


I would let her rape me

Because most White Nationalists are losers. White Nationalism is good, and we need to get the Chads on board so we can put these manlets in the back of the group photos.

Lots of leaders are manlets.

Mehico's average male height: 172cm
Mehico's average female height: 159

Like this?

Attached: two-large-mexican-women-valladolid-yucatan-mexico-c3akd4.jpg (640x522, 109K)

Only deportation can save USA now.

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What about these tiny piece of shit insects? What do we do with them?

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That's Canada. That's a different problem.

What does your nation struggle with?

Q predicted this

Mozart and beethoven were 5'4, and they spread germanic classical music throughout the world.

That's a secret. I don't want to be made dun of.

Vicente has 0 Mexican blood

Let him breed with a woman of at least 180 cm and his kids should be fine.
You can't say that about mutts.

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hilarious how the nerd in the middle is the most intimidating and masculine only because he's the tallest.. fuck i hate being average

He's probably leading it because of how insecure he is, trying to preserve cucks like him.

it's not about "white race" rather about Europe. You know you hardly hear complaints about integrated migrants. So it's bs to say it's about racism or white race. Not even the Identitarians want a Europe with Ariernachweis or whatever

imagine the size of "her" "clit"

You tried this thread yesterday and it failed.


manlets are saving the world and theres nothing you can do about it

Vincente Fox is literally white though

You just outed yourself as a spic. ICE vans are on their way, Pedro.

Every single day

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>Europe's literal trash was shipped to the USA after it was colonised and founded by Anglos
>same literal trash think they can claim the achievements of people in no way genetically similar to them
American Larpers in a nutshel

I asked this fat Amerimutt kid why he had so many gay piercings, he said to me "my ancestors were pirates".
Then I realised, Americans don't want to be American so much, that they craft some alter ego, a persona if you will to escape the reality of being descendant of someone who would rather run to a new continent, than stay in their ancestral homeland and fight.

Little white boi

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Only a catastrophic plague or a real holocaust with a 40 million body count can save America. Thankfully, the CDC cannot stop ALL the diseases.

5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)

manlets not allowed

>I would let her rape me

If you let her do it it isn't rape.

Why is OP, the original poster, posting an unoriginal post?

Except for the nordics. They sent their poor, their insane and their retards lol. That's why so many Americans are fooled into thinking meds are better than nordics.

such a shame, his features are Aryan as fuck. wonder why he grew so small

is that with or without the sombrero though