Child prostitution ring smashed in Colombia. Guess (((who))) is in charge


Check this shit out
>A child prostitution ring where more than 250 underage girls were branded with tattoos by their 'owners' has been broken up after dramatic raids.

>Police arrested 18 people after the girls were lured into coming the Colombian resort of Cartagena under the pretence of working as models there.

>Among those detained was the alleged 'Madame' of the operation - Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello - and several unnamed Israelis who are believed to be the network's ringleaders.

>They allegedly raped and tattooed all their victims, who were aged between 14 and 17.

>But when the girls arrived in Cartagena, they were stripped of their documents and belongings and forced into prostitution.

>They were allegedly showcased in catalogues and forced to attend sex parties on luxury yachts and hotels.

This is BIG.
250 girls in a single year likely to number in the thousands. Being herded around like cattle with advertising magazines pimped out to rich men and women. This is organised and well funded and "unnamed Israeli's" are in charge.

Archive this shit lads, get it added to the databases and search for any links to those exposed already in the last few years.

Attached: Cartagena madame.jpg (634x548, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-5320027,00.html

Who cares you dumbfuck

Stupid goyim

Yeah I know haha what a dumbfuck Anglo loser

Can't even man up and realize goyim are goyim

Probably a virgin

Attached: Das juden detection.jpg (469x344, 43K)

Bump so this get noticed and disinfo gets forgotten

Literally nothing

>and several unnamed Israelis
what are their names Jow Forums?

And while we're at it

Shut this thread down

Bump. Look up sex trafficking In Colombia. Big business, also alot of refuge from Venezuela getting trapped in this as well