Why is Jow Forums so depressing?
Why is Jow Forums so depressing?
Other urls found in this thread:
beacuse politics are depressing
nobody said the truth would make you happy
if you think that pic is depressing, you're not white
you have to go back mbutu
>single line question bait
>1 post by this id
It's actually really fun and there's nothing like it. I like to imagine the great minds of old, scientists, authors, military sorts and such would be browsing Jow Forums everyday.
It's the world that's changed. If a decent, family man from the 50s/60s was transported to our age he might decide to start wearing a swastika on his arm
Because you're an Israeli shill and you've realized
-Trump isn't a zionist
-You have no allies
-The world hates you
-Your propaganda is failing
-The goyim know
-You can't shut it down
-You'll probably die alone against Iran and the rest of the world
because the truth hurts
I find comedy in depression.
Q predicted this
Because the modern concept of happiness is a farce.
What else does a man need?
Jow Forums rejects that and says happiness is something that is hard to obtain.
It may not keep your belly full or numb your brain with dopamine, but you will finally have a purpose and desire to live.
>You'll probably die alone against Iran and the rest of the world
I can't wait for the kikes to kick off a war with Iran only to find out we've decided to just let the shitskins roast them alive.
You're a paki faggot and you don't know how to have fun
Scientist here, chemist. Can confirm.
Jow Forums is a strange place because it exposes its users to the bleakest aspects of reality, but it also has provided the greatest laughs I've ever experienced.
I have never seen a joke/situation/comment in a movie, tv show, standup set or anywhere that touches the level of hilarity I've seen on this and other boards. You have to sift through a lot of shit, but when you find the gems, it's worth it.
Lurk more faggot, it becomes your happy place after a while
>UN flag
They shouldn't be surprised, it should be seen as wanting to make peace.
>Be Israeli
Watch older movies from the 80's or even better, watch "Our Gang" shorts from the 1930's on youtube. Humor before rampant kike SJW control was quite good. Our Gang is basically poll with little kids.
because its the truth
we lost dorner. he was our ray of sunshine
We couldn't protect his smile ;_;
>Why is Jow Forums so depressing?
Because jews that's why. Oh and also OP is a massive jew fag.
>be you
>be lifeless
>spam every thread on Jow Forums with your schizophrenia and Bibi folder
>even bought a Jow Forums pass
Get a life you sad dimwit.
>Be Israeli
This very much
its all negativity.
nobody said Jow Forums contains the truth, or that it is knowable at all. this place may always be right, but that doesn't mean it is correct.
If pol makes you depressed, lurk more you meme flag faggot
i remember thinking that.
t. Mutt who's going to die for Israelbib Iran soon.
>Be Israeli
>Have no allies
This rite here. I've popped a few veins on /pol I'm sure. It used to a lot more like that before the humorless jew shills came here to shit up our board because they are losing the narrative. Fkn sore losers
I met a jewish dude once. Seemed like he was probably a real human.
Yeah dog, like when milk became racist. That was pretty cool.
Fuck Israel. Why should we tell them anything after they sold our nuclear secrets to china. Some fkn ally eh?
Not even just those kind of stunts, which can be pretty good, but the tone and self-deprecating demeanor that almost everyone seems to have.
It honestly makes me laugh a lot and understand that we're all pathetic humans in a similar situation. This place has actually made me a very sympathetic individual.
Israel is on suicide watch right now and that's why the shills are shitting themselves these days.
we have more truth than most places, unless you're a religion type.
if we were wrong you wouldnt be here
I hope Iran gets some nukes somehow and turns that shit hole they call israel into a huge chunk of glass.
>I hope Iran gets some nukes somehow and turns that shit hole they call israel into a huge chunk of glass.
wrong. The whole goal of Trump is total world denuclearization. Iran has no nukes. Israel has t he nuclear stockpile. All eyes are on Israel. They will be wipedo ff the map.
It is a nice day to be a kittle bit depressed.
T. Western Israel.
Are you ready to get conscripted and die just so Netanyahu doesn't have to go to prison???
Political banter is only depressing to the weak minded.
Ain't that the truth
power lines are cool.
t. jew who hasn't heard of Operation Parenthetical yet
I will defend Israel to the last American.
>Be Israel
>Have no allies
where's the hurtbox post
there has to be a hurtbox post in someones picture folder
Dont never forget that thime isreal defeneded america.
that's comfy
because you haven't reach acceptance stage yet, user
Now I enjoy watching the world burn
A mixture of blackpills qnd redpills will cause depression possibly death
I reccomend you go back
>that curve
what skyrim mod
happier times
>trump isnt a Zionist
Ahh, mein sides
>meme flag
>one-line writing prompt
>no source, argument or context
>burying a dishonest presupposition in a question
>emotional nudging
Assad is alive
Israel's proxies are BTFO
NK Peace
Russia Peace
China Peace
Nuke deal with Iran BTFO preventing regime change
Civil war within Israel
Lieberman talking about a multifront war.
Trump willing to talk with Iran, Israel was not prepared for that.
Explain why he is a zionist.
its just the angle that makes it look so steep. the curve is from the mirage, you can see the mirage better in this pic.
This though. There's more than just one note playing here.
>be Israel
>be greatest ally
Stop shilling for isreal you nigger
All that inbreeding in Israel has caused you to miscalculate the world.
Ohh cut the shit already you refuge
Please gi back to your containment thread
Hahahah you can't handle reality.
>Be Israeli shill
The truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry.
-t. The Big Short
>he dares insult da rabbi Dumpf
>D.T.I.D.F activate
>Stop forcing me to confront reality!
here here.
That shit is lowering my blood pressure as I look at it.
time to listen to some black.
This webm proves without a doubt its just a mirage.
Trump bots cant see past their god emperors burlap sack
The more evidence you show them the farther into the delusion they get
It's not worth talking to them anymore. Just tell them to fuckoff and die
I have files on the shit he did
You do your own work, I cant help you
Because of the lack of animeposting
We overdosed on redpills, mate.
Oy whatcha doin' spreadin' lies there?
>Trump isn't a zionist
Sometimes lies are spouted, which serve the purpose of condoning the Slavic genocide and whitewashing nazi german crimes, and overall exaggerating allied crimes, ie 21th century goebbels propaganda, which makes people think the ignoble third reich was innocent, or less guilty of its barbarism, then they get sad. Brainwashing at its core.
Stay in your containment thread
Jews fucked everything up.
>>dem evil nazis really oys my veys
Very kosher
The cold hard truth is that reality is shit.
With friends like Israel, who needs enemies?
That goy knows something.
Because we're usually right.
With good goys like trump and his supporters
Who needs to shill for isreal
yeah i think that was the time.
I hate being right...
Why did God let me pull back the curtain?
Most factual, truthful and the least self-delusional. This place is currently the best place to get close to what you might call "the truth".
The enemy of my enemy and all that. You wouldn't understand, kike.
It's just too hot for white people, OP. It'll cool down in a few weeks and we'll all feel better.
>Be Kike
>Get shot ad left for dead because you take advantage of the people who help you.
The world would be better without "gods" chosen people.