The Pope has spoken Jow Forums and now the death penalty is officially OVER.

>Pope Francis has declared the death penalty wrong in all cases, a definitive change in church teaching that is likely to challenge Catholic politicians, judges and officials who have argued that their church was not entirely opposed to capital punishment.

>Before, church doctrine accepted the death penalty if it was “the only practicable way” to defend lives, an opening that some Catholics took as license to support capital punishment in many cases.

>But Francis said executions were unacceptable in all cases because they are “an attack” on human dignity, the Vatican announced on Thursday, adding that the church would work “with determination” to abolish capital punishment worldwide.

>Francis made the change to the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, the book of doctrine that is taught to Catholic children worldwide and studied by adults in a church with 1.2 billion members. Abolishing the death penalty has long been one of his top priorities, along with saving the environment and caring for immigrants and refugees.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.

If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.

There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:

>I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
>I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with

Sage same here


>On May 5, 1993, three teenagers, Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley known in the press as the West Memphis Three, carried out the murders of three cub-scouts they stumbled upon in the woods.

>The victims, Michael Moore, Christopher Byers, and Stevie Branch were savagely beaten all over, including being clubbed with large sticks. Byers was also castrated while alive and an attempt was made to slit the throat of Stevie Branch. Afterwords, the naked bodies of the three children were tied up with their own shoe laces and tossed into a ditch while still alive, and ultimately drowned.

>Years later, the three killers who did this pled guilty to the murders and were paroled after Hollywood Celebrities donated over $20 million toward their defense, under the belief that right-wing Christians from the South had convicted the three killers of witchcraft. The celebrities had reached this conclusion after watching some HBO shock documentaries that cut out all the evidence and focused only on sensational elements of the murders.

>All three killers remain at large to this day with nobody doing time for the murders. The killers themselves are even active on social media.

>To date, four documentaries have been made in support of the West Memphis Three, all with input from the killers themselves, and all omitting crucial evidence against them which mysteriously found it's way on the cutting room floor, film after film.

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Disgusting cuckold pope.
>Tfw no Young Pope

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20 seconds after I post this faggot posts Jewish scat humour to derail the thread.
Mods please delete.

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That show was dope

>Implying people still listen to the pope.
>Implying normies won't kill rapists because some old pedo said so.
Wew lad.

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Assmad catholicucks trying to derail thread.
JUST accept that your religion is shit.

Religion isn't the problem.
The (((Church))) is the problem.

It's not that much of a change.

Q predicted this

It's really not. His directive is merely a change in discipline and not dogma. Catholics can still employ capital punishment in extreme circumstances.

i declare the pope is a muslim cocksucker, in all cases

Peter watched someone die for overstating his donation

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No nigga, I'm not mad about this, I'm mad that a literal paroled Satanic child killer is doing a meet and greet and nobody is pissed over it.

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makes sense really

its cheaper to incarcerate someone for life than it is to execute them these days, and it hardly acts as as a deterrent anymore to crime.

lets just ship all criminals to africa, regardless of race

That heretic can burn for all I care. Along with his pedophile priests and all the degenerates he has a hard on for.

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Mods please ban all flaggots.

seriously, we can ship them to south africa with no money, and if they can make it to europe, theyve paid their due. put gps in them because they have to walk the entire way, not just to the nearest phone and call for help.

>knows the swamp is being drained
>doesn't want himself or others to be killed and their funds/assets to disappear


Fuck the pope's rulez. he's a heretic anyway

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As a lifelong Catholic, I'm seriously considering leaving the Church over this. This is the last straw for me.

First it was
>you think that a woman who got raped and is now pregnant should have a right to terminate the pregnancy? You are a murderer

>you think that terminally ill people in extreme pain should have the right to a dignified death? You are a murderer

Now its
>You think victims or horrible crime should have the right to justice, and the freedom to live without fear? You are a murderer

Why should society as a whole suffer because the Church has this obsession with preserving life, even when that life (or in the case of abortion, the vague possibility of life) would cause immense suffering to everyone?

Are there any Catholics fighting back against this?

wrong , they where required to give all they had , they did not do this ,but said they did, this is seen as lying to the father and the punishment is death

Brother, it's a change in discipline, not moral teaching. The death penalty in NOT intrinsically evil. The Holy Father simply declared in that normal circumstances it's not warranted.

No they're just redditors upset whenever there's a thread that's not about Trump/Q larp/cuckservative politics.

It's their new way of marking their territory and enforcing a consensus. Ignore and report all posts like that.

>If you don't agree with this NWO kike plant you're a literal heretic by catholic rules
Even protestant lesbian clergy isnt reaching this level of bullshit.

The pope is a degenerate and must be burned at stake



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See how the heathens run at the sight of God?


Q predicted this.

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So hes against abortion too?
Because abortion is death penalty for me.

And here we see the Catholic, terrified at the loss of its system.

Are the priests and cardinals just trying to save their asses when the pedo purge finally happens

I can not support this pope. He is dragging the church down the road of proddie satanic shit.

How do I convert to orthodox?

This motherfucker is going to give plenary indulgence to all people, dead, living, or unborn.
You'll see.