So this is how she became wealthy? So while the Dems, MSN, DOJ/FBI are blowing Russian smoke up everybody's ass the senator of California who was in the head of the Senate Select Intel Committee had exmployed a Chinese spy for 20 years. And get this, he was only fired.
Dianne Feinstein - 20 years of Chinese Spying
Other urls found in this thread:
I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.
If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.
There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:
>I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
>I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with
Q predicted this
all the politicians in California and New York are a corrupt as can be. they SHOULD all be executed for treason. why they aren't touched is beyond me
change your diet fatso
pol cares more about some racist gook nobody working for the NYT
This embarrassment should be national news. The FBI declined to comment. No one wants to touch this. 20 years worth of spying deep within intel committee. There's no way she became that wealthy with a government salary. I think she's another Debbie Washingmyhair Shultz selling state secrets.
Good think we have Jeff Sessions to investigate!
Yeah this looks like the first big domino coming down in what should be a wild August with Congress home campaigning all month
WTH is going on? You got a local liberal news outlet calling her out in her home state. She had the audacity to pontificate about Russia and this wind bag was paying a Chinese spy for two freaking decades and she's the chairwoman of US national intelligence.
People are tweeting that during that time the Chinese government was picking off US assists in China. I hate to say this but I think it's time to start executing people who are found under court of law to be treasonous. They're no afraid of jail.
A kike selling out the country? Must be fake news.
>it's totally not the jews though
Feinstein should be a case study on election fraud
>California's Sen. Dianne Feinstein's estimated $94 million net worth makes her the second-wealthiest serving senator.
Did she invent something? Cure a disease? Invent a formula?
bump. a decent thread. if i see another Q attack thread by shills ill punch someone
Yeah, for years I would ask who's voting for her?
nope just a bunch of illegal shit in which they get away with. most politicians are criminals
Her husband. He works hard for a living, at least on election day.
Silicon Valley is put on notice. Who knows what networks that are operating against US tech companies. And now we are hearing about this? Truly she can't be the only one.
This happened under Comey's and Mueller watch and yet crickets.
Holy shit that clip is deranged in the way it glosses over the entire thing, concluding with Feinstein's office adding "we don't comment on personnel matters." They allowed the chinese spy to retire!!!!
What the fuck is going on? Where am I? Is this real life or not you niggers????
I've yet to meet a single liberal that voted for her.
What am I looking at?
Feinstein supports gun grabbing so as to make it easier for her Chinese overlords to take over the US.
>more chinese "immigrants" coming to US
>more chinese buyouts of american companies
>more traitors who sell out the nation to foreigners to line their own pockets
Traitors and their ENTIRE FAMILIES die first.
>What the fuck is going on?
A tale as old as history itself. Treason.
If only Dan White had known.
20plus years of shorting the market
Mayoral vs. Senator elections in California. Areas that were heavily for a Repub mayor went heavily for a Democrat senator that's hated by both Lefties and Righties.
California is fucked.
How many chinese live in those counties
Fuck Chinese “people”
you realize that in the event america was defeated they wont actually give you a chance right. the american government was caught spying on chinks in america using inferred cameras on spy satellites over america. they were looking into their homes. they stole random things while the people were at home. they found among other things a scale model of a nuclear reactor powering a home. the feds actually thought they could patent it. they had to answer in court how they knew anything was in the house as there was no record of anything linking the primary materials being sold to any one in the residence and they admitted it.
this was just a few years ago . it was also used against america in a international case dealing with immigrants in america. if they win you dont get to have weapons or you will be bombed. you think any of them see you as even human at this point given how americans have acted over the past 10 years towards them? leo decrapyoh would be executed, nikki haley fed into a wood chipper on pay per view and you dumb ass bombed for disobeying the new state
> Your face when you realize china and russia are in a proxy war
> Demancraps (chinese) vs. Redpublicans(Russia)
> They both know what's going on but can tell the public
> Why Trump can't let the emails go
The fuck is this schizo rambling garbage? I'm not a chink or an immigrant and I don't give a fuck about celebrities.
>Chinese spying
This place is dead my friend. Only e-celebs and off topic allowed. If you want to actually discuss politics and happenings go elsewhere.
Sadly, DiFi could have become as wealthy as she is just by how she's fucked over Americans and steered business deals to her husband and his friends.
That's not to say she wasn't used by the Chinese, just that she's such a vile whore she could have lined her pockets lots of other ways.
People are saying this is only the beginning and Trump is about to declassify a bunch of stuff and throw a ton of people under the bus. News outlets are prepping cover stories for the fall out. We shall see if this is true.
Where you getting your info? Sauce nau! I do admit tho that this DiFi thing could have the potential of being YUUUGGGGELY BIG.
Random tweets, it's where I got his scoop. Some I think seems to be DC insiders. Rumor is that Trump has ton of top secret shit on people and they're panicking because it's a culture of secrecy that goes beyond politics, people cover for each other for personal gain and that Trump isnt playing by those rules since being an outsiders and shit starter. Makes sense why they're trying to coup him.
I'm kinda sick of it, honestly. This is sad really.
She, along with Bill and Hillary, stole a huge gold mine from a California rancher by having the California National guard claim the area and then literally sell it to the Chinese.
She is dirty as fuck and has admitted she went to North Korea when there was no record of such a trip.
Glad someone else is making the connection from DiFi to the Clintons selling state secrets to the Chinese.
treat her like the Rosenbergs.
They were allowed to flee to Israel and their accusers were prosecuted for "anti-semitism"...right?
Hahaha I remember that day, her body double even tweeted her location just a couple blocks from where Hillary was and then deleted the tweet.
Good times, that election was one hell of a psyop and she almost got away with it, if it weren’t for us meddling kids.
>that election was one hell of a psyop
We shouldn't get too full of ourselves, however.
America's "choice" was
1. An ultra-wealthy NY elite, servant of Israel, with a princess daughter married to a rabid Zionist
2. An ultra-wealthy NY elite, servant of Israel, with a princess daughter married to a rabid Zionist
>trump is a Zionist
Hehe oh man you almost had me. Haven’t you read Isaiah? Israel’s existence is necessary only until Damascus is destroyed.
Don’t worry, it’s all happening according to plan.
These clowns dont fucking sleep. all day all night trump is a zionist trump is a jew servant all the fucking time. it's overkill. they have no clue what else to do though. GUESS WHAT RETARDS?
I have tried to warn them about over-shilling and how obvious it makes their plots, but they are too fucking retarded to listen. I am guessing that they’re following a strict program and any deviation must be allowed on a case by case basis.
It’s almost like an AI is behind their strategizing:
>Jow Forums hates kikes
>Jow Forums likes Trump
>therefore, logically, if we shill the idea of Teump being a kike it will cancel out Jow Forums‘s like for Teump
It’s fucking moronic and obviously Jewish, their mentality is truly alien.
It is the unsolveable riddle for them, how to shed support from Trump. They truly cant do it and its hilarious to watch
It’s hilarious and the best entertainment I have ever had, watching all these vampires reveal themselves in real time. They don’t seem to realize that they’re just sealing their doom, it’s all so ill-advised. Where’s that famously high (((verbal IQ))) when they need it? LOL.
>So this is how she became wealthy?
Voting for every war she could helped he hubby's defense industry investments.
The rabbi doth shill too much, methinks.
yes of course!
yes russ- i mean china is the problem now!
No we fucking executed them
No she diverted state funding towards corporations/shell companies that she had vested interest in. Most politicians do this shit.
>Duel israeli citizen senator gets rich in a way nobody can explain and has 20 year ongoing ties to Chinese spy.
I suddenly feel sleepy again, I think I'm going back to bed. Doesn't an early nap sound good user?