Jesus Christ, I've literally only been in this shithole of a country for a couple weeks and I can already proclaim the United States of America to be the single stupidest nation on the face of the Earth, more so than South Africa and I have been there.
You yanks are playing real-life's game of civilization on easy mode. How the hell did you let your infrastructure get this bad, your healthcare be twice as expensive for not even a fraction of the result, have corporations rape you wallets while pay you next to nothing and have mass shootings every two seconds? And you lot say we aren't white. What a fucking shithole. I now eagerly anticipating the day the interest on the national debt for the United States surpasses your military budget. You're the richest country on Earth, yet your country looks and smells like Eastern Europe. This is why the world laughs at you. America would rather have a sandnigger tier infant mortality rate than cut it's over bloated military budget on something useful.
>You yanks are playing real-life's game of civilization on easy mode. How the hell did you let your infrastructure get this bad, your healthcare be twice as expensive for not even a fraction of the result
It's called paying for the defense of the Entire Western World single handedly.... Imagine if Nations like Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc. had to actually pay to defend their Nations today...
Juan Adams
specify where you are at the country is ginormous you absolute retard
>he says on an american computer using american wifi eating american food supplied by american farms which is regulated by the american government that even gave him a chance to come here in the first place Bit hypocritical user.
Landon Reyes
typical yankeefag, hatin his own country. You make me sick.
Just realized we haven’t had a mass shooting in like 6 months. Weird.
Wyatt Martin
30 years of third world immigrants destroyed America. Low IQ brown people cannot function as a productive society.
Liam Hernandez
>How the hell did you let your infrastructure get this bad Busy building infrastructure in the middle east and china
>your healthcare be twice as expensive for not even a fraction of the result Nah healthcare is great, you just need insurance, which anyone with even a halfway decent job can get
>have corporations rape you wallets while pay you next to nothing Again nah. Consumer goods are cheaper than ever. Wages have stagnated sure but that's more of a result of immigration and trade policy than domestic economic policy.
>have mass shootings every two seconds? That's just the news. Gun violence is on the decline. What remains is either blacks or mentally ill people that aren't being put in mental hospitals because lefties decided schizophrenia is a personality quirk and not a disease
>And you lot say we aren't white. You Aren't
>I now eagerly anticipating the day the interest on the national debt for the United States surpasses your military budget. Uh, it has? What's your point? US national debt is meaningless anyways. The US is worth 400 trillion dollars. A couple dozen trillion in T bills is nothing.
>This is why the world laughs at you. The world can go fuck itself
>America would rather have a sandnigger tier infant mortality rate than cut it's over bloated military budget on something useful. Our military budget currently keeps the world at peace. There hasn't been a war since we started policing the world in 1946, and taking in all your exports to facilitate your economic recovery or development, depending on whichever shithole you're from. And when I say war, I mean structural war, not the imperial peacekeeping of desert storm or vietnam. I would rather the US government spend every single dollar it takes in on the military. Because that would guarantee no country or combination of countries could ever threaten us in any way. I don't need the government to protect me from the flu. I need them to protect me from war.
Samuel Wood
>It's called paying for the defense of the Entire Western World single handedly
>Ameripoors are so stupid they actually believe this
You pay to maintain your military presence all over the world because it allows you control. Trying to frame this any other way or believing the propaganda makes you an utter moron.
Blake Martinez
lol I know stupid yurofag
Andrew King
Ok Australmutt
Brody Lee
>You pay to maintain your military presence all over the world because it allows you control. Trying to frame this any other way or believing the propaganda makes you an utter moron. Of course that's why we do it. But it also keeps you from getting attacked, and keeps europeans from fighting each other like they have since time immemorial. We're not selfless. We control the world's oceans because we can, and because it's in our interests to do so. It just so happens that it's better for you that we do it than China.
Nathaniel Harris
Based and redpilled
Jason Allen
>textbook useless Ameripoor "rebuttal"
>implying we are anything resembling a threat
Jeremiah Carter
I didn't say you were a threat. But China might be less interested in paying for all that ore they get from you if we weren't around.
We have an interest in containing China. So do you.
Dominic Wood
>europoor detected >he doesn't know that America is vastly different depending on where you are.
Connor Bailey
Larper detected
Connor Cruz
>Imagine if Nations like Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, etc. had to actually pay to defend their Nations today...
Who the fuck are we defending against? Russia? Why do we even need the USA?
What does the USA do to Europe? >destabilize the Arab countries and cause a wave of non-white migration that will permanently change demographics and probably cause a civil war, then sends their "NGOs" and others to further cause division, even launch race mixing campaigns in Estonia
Or Russia: >Annexes Crimea and ships us oil, vodka and electricity
Wow what a contest thanks NATO for defending us against EBUL RUSSIA
Sebastian Sullivan
Seriously, the bullying against American members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Americans are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board. Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only American man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country? Potato niggers get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.
Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful ! Would you call an American man an "Amerimutt"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth American man that they are an "Amermimutt"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate? Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
Charles Foster
I recommend you pick up a history book. Russia isn't the only threat Europeans have to contend with. In fact, it's not even the biggest one, since Russia isn't really interested in anything west of the carpathians. That honor goes to other Europeans. I doubt there's a single century in all of human history where Europe hasn't been wracked by some form of structural conflict. You get along well enough when the adults are watching, but I have a feeling things wouldn't be quite so peaceful if we weren't. We'll find out soon enough either way, considering the US is stepping away from that role, albeit slowly.
If you have a problem with our presence in the middle east, why not send your own militaries to clean up and help stop the migrant flow? You want something, you better be prepared to make it happen.
Jose Howard
Oh, and if you think your standard of living would be even remotely similar to what it is today without easy access to global markets, especially the american consumer market, you're kidding yourselves. A one percent increase in the marginal cost of shipping makes half of all global supply chains economically unviable. Security costs paid by the United States to guarantee those global shipping lanes, even between countries we don't care about, are far in excess of that 1%.