Kid attacked for deadlifting too loud

So this kid was deadlifting when all of a sudden some faggot attacks him for being too loud. Anybody able to identify this guy?

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Q predicted this.

On today's episode of when shitskins attack...
Where the fuck was this Kuala Lumpur?



I thought canadians were white. Is their shitskin problem that bad?

Maybe he'll think about being less annoying next time he's at the gym.

Dude looks like he's trying to break his spine.


Montreal is full of Arabs and Haitians. I lived there for a while, definitely brown town

the gym already knows about it

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Both were retards

He wasn’t even doing anything. It’s not his problem that shitskin retard has brain problems

sage urself kid

>be at gym
>metal objects everywhere
>bitch about noise

Go fucking yourself, leaf.

>chinks and sand niggers doing subhuman things

No u this is a political board.

Jesus christ he's lifting that weight with his back. He's gonna seriously hurt himself. The shitskin did him a favour.

You aren't supposed to be dropping weights like a fucking retard. Management really needs to grow some balls and start kicking the meatheads out.

fucking shitskins gaingoblins man, he was even using two matresses so it wouldn't make any sounds

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Ill bet theres a thread on Jow Forums about this, where it should be you faggot.

are you suppose to drop the bar at the end of a deadlift?
I though you were suppose to carry it until it reaches the ground

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>Jorge Parra
>5 hours ago
>Sending this Jow Forums,

You must go back. Also, NYPA

The lifting guy wasn’t doing anything crazy brown people are just so jealous of whites it effects every part of their life. They live sad sad lives

he shouldnt have been dropping it at the top because its shit form and annoying but that guy overreacted

Clearly it was making noise. The lifter has no clue what hes doing. He shouldn't be in the gym.

>implying this isn't the slide n shill board

Q predicted this

You're not really supposed to drop the bar but that doesn't mean Admiral Shithead gets to step in and dictate the rules of the gym.

You can drop them how you fucking wish, faggot. Unless canashit is so poor you can't live 1st world anymore? He was using cushions as well and the basedboys canamutts get upset.

You shouldn't be on this board, you useless cunt.

no you arent
yes you are

That guy started a fight for no reason, and now he's needs either an ass beating or a jailing and an ass beating.

Thats grounds to sucker punch the dude

Canada is currently experiencing demographic change at a rate outpacing Sweden and even the US. It's projected to be 20% white by 2100.

>filming himself lifting
For what purpose? Jerking to it afterwards?

>t. shitskin who was the attacker in the video
You're giving yourself away, Achmed.

fuck off leaf
All deadlifts make sound, if you are so fucking gay that you can't handle the sound of it what the fuck are you doing at a gym?

t. shitskin in video

max or near max, especially for reps, you should let it drop around past the knees

1- NOT Montreal
2- That shaky trembling anglo voice, git out, reeeee git out
3- Anywhere east of St-Laurent in Montreal (the French area) that shitskin gino faggot would have been dead

fucking English Canadians, bringing all this fucking immigration

Sure you can drop the weight. But you must either be a fucking retard or just a typical bong for doing so. I'm not defending the shitskin, all I'm saying is the white guy is a fucking tard.

i fucking hate loud people at the gym its annoying as fuck, if the kid cant put down the barbell slowly then he needs to go lighter

this is not in Montreal, Tyrone

Agreed. The lifter could have been seriously injured over that tantrum the faggot pulled out.

Meant for

Critiquing form afterwords? Why the fuck is everything a fetish with you germans?

>Anybody able to identify this guy?
Not your personal army.

To post on Instagram. To find and correct form mistakes.

To catch an orchestrated prank on camera.

>t. never deadlifted more than 225
it's not a fucking isometric exercise. there's nothing wrong with a controlled drop. he didn't just let go of the bar at the top.

There are different levels of noise, Achmed. Touching the weight down on the ground doesn't make as much noise as dropping them, even if it's on padding.

don't want noise in your family yoga gym? don't put in free weights. just have machines and men won't frequent your shitgym. only sojbojs and females. but that won't pay the bills, will it?

guess white people really can't tell asians apart

Annexation of Canada will happen in 2024 when Trump is declared the White Emperor of the Americas

I thought that looked dangerous. Obviously I don't deadlift. All the same, the other guy was being a massive faggot and should have helped the guy out not do that.

also nypa

this, all that retard had to do was not attack the kid and simply tell him he's being too loud

Critiquing form afterwords?
Makes sense.
>Why the fuck is everything a fetish with you germans?
>To find and correct form mistakes
Thanks for clarification.

you don't need to film it to know your form sucks. the kid was dropping the weights pretty much from his waist.

dude probably did him a favor desu

I swear next time I go to that gym im recording everything.
last time
>some indian guy making super loud noises lifting tiny 35 lbs weights

how is this Jow Forums related?
>inb4 i said shitskin so now it belongs here

Sometimes I really wish cops didn't exist. The overreaching awe inspiring power of the government is really the only thing keeping me from burning your neighborhoods down.

He can and will kick your faggot ass you poop flavored muzzie.

The title of the video says its in Montreal, my bad, where did this happen then?

This made me unreasonably angry.

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>I speak for Jow Forums
Got to love cute, retarded new fags. So much ego and self proclaimed authority. No one was asking you, user.

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The gyms IG

kid was a cunt for slamming the weights

The faggot could have calmly walked over and explained things to the lifter instead of endangering his health-again. I bet screaming idiots like him get their platoons fragged during wartime.

Get out of MY gym, wh*te boi

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You sound black.


Fucking pussies the lot of you, I lift in an oly gym where some also come for fitness purposes, people often drop the bar above their head and no one fucking complains about it
I don't understand how faggots can be so sensitive about that kind of noises

I can't understand what they're saying at all in the beginning. All I can understand is "bro" and "get out"

Reported for spam.

looks staged. real confrontations have an element of randomness to them, these guys are carefully waiting for each other to finish their lines before they speak... just like a tv show or movie

I lift far more than 225. And I got to where I am because I used good form and never dropped the weight like a tard

stop bumping this thread faggots


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Who the fucks touches it on the ground?
This isn't a fucking teaparty. You are at the gym.
Litterally kys


Heh, I legit thought they were Greek or Russian at first.

you can give someone shit for being a retard. but kicking weights out of his hands is a nono. huge risk of injury. but hey, it's a shitskin. their countries wouldn't be such shitholes if they acted like humans

>buzz fit
>buzz feed
kek, leafs

Lol that fuckin guy probably just got done injecting a mix of Mexican steroids, turinabol, pre-workout, and crack.
If any of you weak pleb normies are wondering, the teenager would have gotten a thumbs up from 99.99% of gymbros for lifting hard and with good form.

looks like he works there.
dude should have called the cops for assault. what a roided out nigger.

Kid probably didn't even know any better. Odds are the kid probably would of stopped if the meat head had just told him he was being loud and asked him tone it down or stop instead of kicking the guy. Faggot was having an adrenaline rush and looking for an excuse to start shit.

only thing you lift more than 225 of is gallons of cum into your mouth faggot

Real thought provoking political issue here.....

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no, he wasn't. he was training at his limit. how one should do. if you're a weakling faggot and still have enough power to put back that weight slowly you train not hard enough

he's speaking french, talking about his injured nuts

It's better to not even touch the ground but come close. This thread is full of fucking 140lbs clowns.

The dude looks like he works there, if he doesn't he can fuck off.

Kid's lifts look like shit, his feet are nearly touching each other and he's dropping the weights like a goon. Fuck em, fuck both of them.

Frankly, I see all races doing asinine things these days.

>He fucks up his knees by bringing the bar all the way back down
Never gonna make it.

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people who don't go to their limit are touching it to the ground. from reading OP's title I thought it was yet another "guy is shouting like a gorilla during workout" video. but no it's just metal hitting rubber pads lol. fucking numales I swear

Come on now, I'm at least a 200lb clown.

>not touching the ground
ahahahahahah fuck off leafo

It's franglais, a mixture of garbage Quebec french and english. For all its efforts, Quebec's language police cannot stop english from becoming the primary language.

Ackshually you gay fucking faggot the dead lift and squat are both exercises you SHOULD film yourself doing and critique later to ensure you are doing perfect form. It allows you do lift greater weight and be less prone to injury.

that's because our IQ is falling. if we don't change anything we will end up like those shitskins

>every 3rd post or so is either darkie or muzzie
Absolute state of Al-Canadistan

Read the description. This guy is the client of the channel owner (no idea in what way). He probably talked to him about it when it first happened and the owner told him to film himself next time in case something happens again.