>The number of migrant sea arrivals in populist Italy, so far in 2018, is down 80 percent compared to last year, whilst surging by over 350 percent in the same period in socialist Spain.
>The number of migrant sea arrivals in populist Italy, so far in 2018, is down 80 percent compared to last year, whilst surging by over 350 percent in the same period in socialist Spain.
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Fucking leftist plague
Domino effect?
Wow, just look at all those Syrian women and children. They're not even trying to fucking hide it anymore.
I saw a report the other day that alot of the sub-Saharan migrants are choosing to settle in North African states instead. There's something like 1-1.5 million who have already settled in the region.
It's about time Europe faces the same problems the USA had to deal with.
You fuckers were laughing at us, how does it feel?
We have little brown goblins, while you guys have archaic humanoids with no sense of morality or empathy for your kind.
I think they gave up on trying to pretend they are syrian. The jew will stop at nothing to flood europe with africans.
We will never be deranged like you.
>is down 80 percent
I look forward to when it's at 100%
>whilst surging by over 350 percent in the same period in socialist Spain
Based Spain turning the Iberian peninsula into a nigger dumping containment zone. I wonder if France is looking forward to their new "French Citizens" when they move from Spain to France for their gibmedats.
It is starting to become my favourite country , well done to them . Many other European countries shall change too . Austria is also a country i have hope for
Spain YES! So many new doctors and engineers.
That's good guys, people will hopefully open their eyes thanks to this.
They won’t, the negro along with Germanic admixture makes the Manolo a weak, subservient and good goy race.
In that case...
I wish we had a webm of the boat that recently landed back in Lybia. The massive chimpout there must have been
Wake up Spain.
t. Brazilan monkey
careful what you wish for
Spain is waking up. Suddenly since last ceuta invasion the immigration yas SPIKED hard as the issue that most spanish talk about or is more important.
There are cries for #welcome refugees in social medis, ofc, but the majority of those postings are actually the contrary. People want them out, build a wall in ceita and melilla and returning to where they came instead bringing them to the spanish coast.
The awakening is incredible, just wait and see. Dont eat media propaganda
100% Spaniard nordnigger.
Spaniards are the best goyim and love socialism, gibs and big government.
Trips or not we aren’t user.
At best it’d be Pp and nothing will change dude.
Im sure that when migrantes come, all those chinese tourists will think again before visiting a nigger infested city
>people bringing injecting into economy
not welcome
>people burden on the economy
pls fuck my wife and my daughter
Catalonia’s, specially Barcelona citizens are beyond retarded.
To be fair, Spain has desperate need for young men to bring into its burgeoning industries, hungry for labor. Every company in Spain, large or small, is desperate to hire - hence the extremely low unemployment rate. If there's one thing Spain really needs, it's many, many more people.
If they don't speak Spanish, all the better! That will make integrating them much more fun for everyone. It'll be like having a cute language partner at University :3
This is truly wonderful news for Spain. What a fortunate country to be receiving a boatload of wonderful, kind, smart, and above all courageous women and children. Viva Espana!
I am not surprised. The moment they noticed they can simply ignore spanish coast patrols, land on the beach and spread and no one will give a fuck, said patrols became useless.
At this point there's no choice but to actually be a threat to migrants. I assure you, just a few boats sunk with nignogs left to fend for themselves and the situation would drastically change.
And when Spain does wake up we will round up all the nignogs, send them to Barcelona and bomb the entire place to ashes. Two birds one stone
Spain needs an Identitarian movement. I have not seen any Spanish Generation Identity activity. Reconquista now. And of course you are waking up, all of Europe is waking up. Victory is ours in the end as long as we continue fighting.
t. 100% Brazilian Creatura.
Spaniards are brainwashed and have their temperament suppressed by the same forces and people that have targeted all of Europe. Nothing different.
>Every company in Spain, large or small, is desperate to hire - hence the extremely low unemployment rate.
Hahahaahahahahahaahha, Spain unemployment rate is the highest of Europe
>Spain’s foreign minister has rejected suggestions the country is experiencing mass immigration, calling instead for perspective on the issue and arguing that Europe needs new blood to make up for a low birth rate.
>arguing that Europe needs new blood to make up for a low birth rate.
>The Spanish minister said he recognised that events such as those in Ceuta “shock public opinion and the disorderly nature of immigration produces fear”, but that the problem was relative. Six hundred people was “not massive” compared with the 1.3 million Syrian refugees in Jordan.
The female part is more likely to open their legs
That pisses me off. We could make great use of eastern european migration. You are even more white than us and many have degrees/useful work experience, also you can warn the blue pilled masses about the evils of communism.
But i guess the government here is anti-work. Uber forbidden, shops closing by municipal order, lazy mentality being praised everywhere while the country grows in gdp but never in productivity which will lead to another crisis which will make spain even more socialist...
Im blackpilled
>“We’re talking about 20,000 migrants so far this year for a country of more than 40 million inhabitants,” said Borrell, a former president of the European parliament. “That’s not mass migration.”
>l-lemme tell u about ur country
To understand the large swathes of Spaniards are subhuman monkeys is a thing only pure blooded Spaniards can do.
Can't make this shit up
i amazingly love how can they put toguether 15% of unemployment, and 40% of young unemployment with "spain needs new people to work becouse people is getting older"
The mental gymnastics there are beyond rationing
But most people in all of the world are also subhumans. It's up to sheperd to step up to protect and lead the sheep.
Ok retard.
Spain is lost since years ago since Franco named the jew.
"Spain is lost"
t. defeatist shill
You are not Spanish but Jewish
Shut up, Ireland.
kek, this shit just writes itself.
I'd rather be deranged and have mexicans, that "sane" and have muslims
Same in italy.
I guess (((someone))) doesnt have much fantasy to spin more than one tale.
such a shame for them that they have to send them al to germany
crusade 3.0
And everyone hung shit on Australia for turning back boats
Someone please make it stop. I feel like i'm living in the end times.
Its as if they realize they can't go to Italy and are going to Spain instead. The path of least resistance.
Just sent this to my uncle living in Czech, he always said Spain is the best place on earth, kek.
He's also Afrikaner so I'm sure he's not going to take this picture very well.
Based numbers
Wasted, kys flaggot.
Press S to spit.
Gets wills it
Deus Vult
They're coming for you, Hans.
i think it's time
can't argue with that
spanish hate thread.
Look at all those women and children kek
10/10 would sink
Deus vult dubbers
Werd. TaeTae lead us we pray
deus vult
We will follow by the will of kek
Praise kek. Include me in the screenshot fampai
And you aren’t Norwegian but an amerimutt then you retardes fucking snowy groid.
Interesting numbers you have there, friend. However, the Pope is pozzed as fuck, the only crusade he will call for is for gay orgies.
If screencap...include me
>when you invaded and conquered Northern Africa to prevent the Moslems from ever returning to Spain and two millenia later the Marxists of Barcelona think that is justification for allowing them back into Iberia
Deus Vult brother
This, it's legitimately an affront to God Himself.
It doesn’t matter where they land, they always go upwards to France, Germany and Sweden. If they land in Greece they go to Northern Europe. If they landed in Italy they went to Northern Europe. I assure you most of them who arrive in Spain are also going to Northern Europe
Great idea: We find a way to assassinate the Pope while making it seem as if "migrant" Muslims are to blame. Half of South America would float across the Atlantic on inner tubes and wooden planks to do our fighting for us.
"The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
I'm not even Christian but I'm in.
Related webm of literal human trafficking by NGOs.
This is legit casus belli to call for crusade, I don't know what we're waiting for, the Pope is holding up the Will of God because of Marxism, heresy at it's highest.
Wow doesnt look like a waste, shaky loser on the sidewalk
He's no true Pope if he doesn't value his people.
Holy god.. Soros sure likes them slaves here huh?
Not marxism, globalisms
you'd need a reformation of the church.
the Cathari tried, and were met with their own crusade, in France
The Brethren of the free spirit tried, and were stamped out.
Then finally Luther managed it.
Political powers and the church go hand in hand, the church was used as an army by the political power.
I have a heard time seeing any new crusades happening in this day and age.
Or the Will of God, that's for sure, you think God wants this to happen? Vatican clearly has been corrupted by degeneracy.
It doesn't matter, at this point there is nothing stopping the fact that in 10 years when the eurofags finally decided to evict the mongrels they let in, Americans will have to fight and die to liberate them a third time
Drowning effect
My condolences