Who sank the Estonia?

What really did sink the Estonia?


MS Estonia was a cruise ferry that sank in 1994 in the Baltic Sea in one of the worst maritime disasters of the 20th century. It is, after Titanic, the second-deadliest European shipwreck disaster to have occurred in peacetime and the deadliest peacetime shipwreck to have occurred in European waters, with 852 lives lost.

German journalist Jutta Rabe and the magazine New Statesman claim that laboratory tests on debris recovered illegally from Estonia's bow yielded trace evidence of a deliberate explosion, which they allege was concealed by the Swedish, British, and Russian governments to cover up an intelligence operation smuggling military hardware via the civilian ferry.

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Shameless self bump. This is a legit conspiracy worthy of discussion my friends.

A mistake sank the Estonia.
That's all there is to it.

I don't know about that and a lot of people don't agree with you. But what a huge tragedy in any case.

So someone was smuggling hardware from the former Soviet Union and U.K. and Sweden worked with Russian government to prevent it. Why not just turn around the boat and give it back to Russia?

>This is a legit conspiracy worthy of discussion my friends.
Then make the thread on /x/.

If there's any water to any of that at all I'd hypothesize that it would be too blatant to just hand the ship back to Russia when they had no publicly obvious reason to do so.

Great book on the subject. However, there is no English translation.

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/x/ is for paranormal when this was clearly a political conspiracy. Ergo it should be on Jow Forums for discussion.
So was there an explosion? Was the ship carrying weapons/ammuition/ordinance?
Why did the Swedish government literally cover up the wreck by dumping stones on top of it?

Climate change

>legit conspiracy
no its not
a Rogue wave fucked it up
the end

>Was the ship carrying weapons/?
Yes, it isn't even a conspiracy. In 2005, Rein Lang, the Estonian Minister of Justice affirmed that MS Estonia was used to transport military equipment, but "that was not the cause of the sinking of the ship".

It was obviously a russkie sub

>501 Svenskere died
>5 Danes
tell me again why this was a tragedy?
oh and 2 people from Morocco died as well but we all know that we should add them to the Swedish number.

>What really did sink the Estonia?
pic related

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the mistake of not sending all of our jews to germany in the continuation war

>swedes in 94

Sweden turned Arabic in the mid 80s elf.

Post this on /X/
They love this kind of shit
Or say there was a Skinwalker on it and you'll get attention

I work on boats on the Baltic Sea and have studied this a lot. Kind of shakes me to my core since it's all so familiar. I even work regularly on the ship that came to help Estonia (Europa). There was so much that was fucked up about the industry back then, and so much now that's still messed up.

Estonia was a negligence case gone wrong. They had shitty maintenance laws back then that have been fixed. The welds on the cargo door were fucked, weather was exceptionally bad and cargo door was in front of ship instead of at the back (which is a lot better for upkeep and water breach maintenance).

Emergency water rafts were sealed shut by idiot painting crew who painted over the release capsules making them useless.

It's all so fucking ridiculous the whole thing, but changed the industry forever.

jews did it

>Look at me, I am actually a country even though people never seem to remember.

>so much now that's still messed up.

Could you tell us? I occasionally go on cruises around to Åland, Finland or Estonia and I know the odds are a million to one but reading about the Estonia and what happened to people on it always leaves me worried when onboard.

I haven’t read this thread, but I’m very familiar with this accident and was reading about it a couple years ago. Didn’t the car bay door open and water flooded in? Also, during the rescue a Finnish helicopter pilot did some of the most amazing ballsy as fuck heli flying that was high risk as fuck, but managed to save more people because of it. Why are Finns some of the best pilots and car drivers in the world? They can really unlock their autism

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The problems I speak of are internal relations and work politics. For example: on Tallink Europa there's huge difference in how much staff care (and get shit done) compared to Silja Serenade/Symphony.

Tallink staff are so overworked, underpaid and underfed they just don't give a shit and that worries me on some level. Engineers have been found regularly drunk and makes me suspect negligence. I really feel for the staff on Europa because there'll either be a mass strike or at least the staff are gonna slip up at some point.

Makes me understand the Estonia case a little more as I bet on that boat they were paid (as Estonians) such shitty money they never gave the extra percent that would have maybe saved their lives. There's a huge rift between Swedish/Finnish/Estonia workers as they are all on different pay brackets and create divides, resentment and lack of care.

With that being said, that’s what i remember reading. I do enjoy listening and learning about different conspiracy theories, if they are true or not, I just like the entertainment value.

Please inform me on how it “actually” happened, friend.

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The most popular conspiracy theories seem to surround the ship carrying military equipement and being sunk by an explosion of some sort. There are also conspiracy theories surrounding a captain who was aboard the ship surviving the event and then disappearing shortly after. I imagine it's more likely that he went down with the shop. But the questions surrounding the carrying of military equipment is quite interesting.

Interesting. Russia involved some how?
Didn’t the small arm smuggling industry explode after the collapse of the USSR?

So who was sending weapons to who, and how was the boat taken down? Torpedo ? Explosion ? And who did it

Good questions to ask. Honestly I have no idea. I've only just started looking at the Estonia conspiracy theories and thought maybe Jow Forums would have more to say on it.
Maybe it was an accident and the Government just wanted to cover it up. Reminds me of claims that the Lusitania was carrying arms when she was sunk.
But there are also theories surrounding the NATO exercise taking place at the time and lack of assistance despite it being a naval rescue exercise.

The Jews.

I remember when pol was full of conspiracies, now its just "I hate niggers lmao"

Wilhelm Gustloff- #1 all time. Heck Titanic is number 3. Your wreck isn’t as you advertise.

>I imagine it's more likely that he went down with the ship.
He was filmed through the window of an ambulance car and it was shown on the national television:
His wife and friends said it's him. Also his name was read on the radio on the list of the survivors.

Where can I read these conspiracies? Give me a link

>go on daytrip to Estonia with friends
>Day drunk
>Find monument labeld "Estonia"
>Make a toast celebrating the independent Estonian nation
>Toast is sent out on social media
>Realize our misstake

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Is there any YouTube conspiracy documentary type videos on this?

frig off

Might be a bit of an English barrier on this post... are you trying to say you toasted to the sinking ?

Funny Swede

Two Estonians walk into a brothel and ask "hellooo, please teell uus whaat kind of giirl we can geet heeere for fifty maarks". The receptionist answers "Fifty marks? We got an expensive establishment here! For fifty marks you can only go fuck each other in those bushes over there". Estonians leave, then come back half an hour later and say "We just waaanted to aask who do we haave to paay noow".

>(((Rogue wave)))

Wow thanks for posting this. Any idea what happened after this?

Just general googling will give you plenty of stuff.Even Wikipedia gives some info about the weapon carrying claims.

To be fair, hating niggers is a good thing.

You do it and give me recommendations

LOL, fucking muppet.

>Any idea what happened after this?
Logical conclusion is that he was suicided.
Here's some interesting information:

I accidentally did it, and killed my mom with it.
>Be me.
>Mom is a Biologist, dad is a construction worker, but unemployed so mom feeds us.
>1995, which means that Estonia just got independence and the economy was shit.
>Mom gets a job offer as a professor in a Stockholm university which could pay really well, she also spoke a little Swedish at the time so the job would be perfect for her.
>She takes the job offer and heads to the Estonia ship to travel to Sweden.
>At the same time, me and my father are just playing outside (since he has no job).
>Go looking around in abandoned Soviet-time buildings.
>Find a weapons cache with all sorts of cool guns.
>Find an RPG-7, which I really want to use.
>My dad tells me to shoot it at the open sea.
>Shoot it at the open sea.
>Hear an explosion in the distance.
>Meh, probably exploded underwater.
>Go home with dad.
>At night, watching the news.
>MS Estonia has sank.
>Get call from Grandmother saying that mom died.
At least I got to shoot the RPG....

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Go riot on the streets of Tallinn and loot a bottle shop like its 2005 again.

>Swedish, British, and Russian governments
there's no such thing as a secret conspiracy between 2 or more countries.

if it was dont, it was done by a single intelligence agency.

90% of the time it turns out to be Israel

USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, 9/11, etc etc etc

and very probably JFK

Based and Redpilled. I will be calling the Estonian embassy in Moscow immediately and ask for them to secure better ties with Russia. Once that is done, Russia and Estonia may unify, creating the Finno-Slavic union. We shall invade the Balkans, Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Finland and Hungary. This will mark a new age for Slavic and Finno-Ugric relations. There will be a new language, that is a mix of all the Finnic and Slavic languages. It will be glorious.

So the crew member that made the mayday call didn't hear a massive explosion? He just talked about the issues they were having and then the precarious list. Survivors hadn't heard any explosions either.

What did the kikes gain from killing jfk?
Wait nvr mind. just remembered jfk wanted to end the fed. Fucking hook nose kikes

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