how young is too young?
Under the British empire, you were considered a full adult at the age of 8
how young is too young?
Under the British empire, you were considered a full adult at the age of 8
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12-14 depending if she has had her period or not
14 for girls, 6 months for boys. Let's be honest who can wait with young boys? Take off the nappy and take out the vibrators.
Trump 2020.
16. 14 is mentally too young and often also physically. Remember the recent story of a 13 year old girl that got raped in Sweden until her abdomen ripped? A girl who starts bleeding isn't a woman, a boy is also not a man after his first ejaculation. They're just on their way.
If she bleeds she breeds. With her parent's consent of course. Also, i'll take my dowry in bitcoin please and thank you
9 year olds are perfect desu so the British empire had it right
If she can make babies, theres no reason you can't make babies with her. The younger the mother, the more healthy the baby will be.
I'd say 13.
Whenever they develop primary sexual characteristics, that's a green light from nature you can go to town.
literally peak female
Biology says this. Anything else is invalid
19 years old
Rape is different from consensual sex though. Even adult females can get ripped during rape
I lost my virginity at 13 with a 17-18 year old black guy. I think age of consent should be like 13-15. It used to be 14 in Canada before the Conservative government bumped it up to 16.
Biologically, when they have their period. Morally, that's more complicated. I can tell you that I've seen 12-14 year old that are sexually attractive, but acting on that is a different matter.
>14 is mentally too young
>what are African children taking care of their little brothers and sisters at age 6
we have made them mentally too young
although i do agree that biological directive might not be the best indication of age of consent
personally I'd say fuck it, if the parents agree and the child agrees and is tested psychologically to be fit for consent, he/she should be allowed to fuck whomever wants to fuck him/her
although testing will have to be paid out of own pocket
Flag checks out
>a fucking leaf
16 is probably about right.
this, 16 is a reasonable medium between 'if it bleeds it breeds' and the obviously been fully grown what the fuck are you still doing in the house 18
Keep on with this you filthy kike cunt.
the nature knows best.
if she starts to bleed shes ready to make babies. everything else is social construct.
16 is a bad idea because it limits those under that age to partners willing to commit statutory rape. Removing AoC laws protects young people by allowing them to court with the very best partner they can find.
it should be bumped up to 22, when the brain is properly developed. people having sex before then or thinking they ought to be is how we get liberals.
sure, more than a few would be perfectly capable by 14 or so, but the point of AoC is to be absolutely sure about that.
Realistically, it should be considered rape if you’re not married.
Just get to the point of this thread already: post clothed JB.
Having a period is not an indication of ability to be able to have offspring. The periods start well before the puberty is finished, having children before that is dangerous. You need about a year or so for the body to fully adapt to the changes if you don't want to have children that are born too early and wouldn't survive without machines.
18. If younger the older partner can be no more than two years older. A 19yr can be with a 17yr old, and an 18yr old can be with a 16yr old. That’s it
If you want to marry, I would say 15
That animation was Justin Roiland's work though.
>mfw 19 and currently fucking a 16 yo
Fuck you
Plz jesus
Wrong. having children at 14 used to be common. The body is way more flexible to the damage caused by pregnancy and she will recover fairly quickly as opposed to habung my children when you're older.
waiting a year after first period is quite feasible desu.
Girls get their periods at 9 and 10 these days. Your point is bullshit.
Do you even science? There are many dangers in letting kids that young get pregnant.
Nice try Dan.
You mean when the infant mortality rate was something like 50% and every old book story started "his mother died at birth"?
99% of the posters here are just immature fuckup failures who feel they can't pull a woman so only dream of manipulating a child. That's about it. Literally full Muslim kebab seller (who are basically the direct equivalent and dont see the irony)
Go to gym (or just do a diet ffs), get a job, get a hobby and stop being a creepy "nice guy". You will be amazed.
It was 13 here until the last year and nobody gave a shit during decades, even the teen pregnancy rates were lower than now. Strange eh
all pedo niggers will fucking hang
>A girl who starts bleeding isn't a woman
women bleed every month
its their culture dont be xenophobic
Make sex outside of marriage illegal and the bottom marriage age 16 - perfect system based on NORMAL majority of people in the West. Everything else is an excuse, confusion or being a degenerate.
>99% of the posters here are just immature fuckup failures who feel they can't pull a woman so only dream of manipulating a child. That's about it. Literally full Muslim kebab seller (who are basically the direct equivalent and dont see the irony)
>Go to gym (or just do a diet ffs), get a job, get a hobby and stop being a creepy "nice guy". You will be amazed.
Under the neo-british empire aswell :^)
Simple solution to this non issue is if under 18 a maximum 2 year difference. If you are attracted to people 10 years older or younger you have a fetish.
14 is the age of consent here hans, and you know how bad it really is here.
i went to a school in NRW (most degenerate part of germany dominated by greens for the non germans) and by 11th grade not a single one of the girls in the grade was a virgin anymore.
>The younger the mother, the more healthy the baby will be.
no, very young mothers have low birth weight among other things.
Confounded with most young mothers being malnourished nigs and idiots.
If she's bleeding she's fit for breeding, the laws of nature are never ever wrong.
What's the color of my ID?
>when /tv/ invades Jow Forums, the thread
she's so adorable. I'd lick her all over the place
Even 11 year olds have plenty of vaginal space
t. former childhood degenerate
Rape rips all females because they're bone dry still by the time the dry as fuck dick is inserted.
I've also heard girls say sex felt better as a child.
>I've also heard girls say sex felt better as a child.
dopamine receptors are more sensitive at a young age. Sex felt better as a teenager. But EVERYTHING felt better as a teenager. Including junk food, video games, weed, alcohol, anything that releases dopamine basically
I can tell you that that girl is way too young, you sick pedo fuck.
I think 16 is a reasonable age, but no younger than that.
I fucked a 13 year old when I was 17. She was very much a woman. The problem isn't that 13 is too young, it's that 13 year old women don't marry these days for cultural and economic reasons. When shit is sorted out they will marry men who are able to care for and protect them and this will be ideal.
People live best within strong group ties, not just with a husband.
If you love a girl and a girl loves you, to hell with the law my friend. Obviously such laws are relative to history and are not some divine unchallenged standard.
anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, and we should lower the age of consent?
If it ain't beleding it ain't right.
All my life I have heard the term old enough to bleed, old enough to breed. Although I have personal issue with this it is correct in a natural and practical sense. The hormone fueled vags are cravin so who has the right to deny ? this is what the sick filthy perverted moslems do to their children
8 is perfect
Depends on the local community and customs, OP. Usually encoded into law at some point one a consensus is reached.
only old women should be allowed to breed, the final step in the Autist World plan
The British empire was pedophiles then
They still are.
>under the age of 25 must hang,
>t. buthurt femishit prune
14 to 16 is the perfect boilogical age for breeding.
Nice graph you made in excel.
>Nice graph you made in excel.
it's a study you retarded danish faggot search it up.
implying anything has changed...
it is kind off sad that the averige Jow Forums kafir is too dense to realize feminism played a crucial role in raising the age of consent and creating the pedo-hysteria. Ugly, old, fat and single women hating on young and beautiful girls, nothing new here.
>idb4 the jooz
If you do a reverse image search on the picture you find that your picture is posted all over the internet, mostly forums and fake news sites. Give me a source or gtfo you stupid mudslim nigger.
>A 13yo can consent to sex with a 16yo boy
>A 15yo girl cannot consent to sex with a 18yo boy
Consent is just a construct. They will fug Chad anyway.
when the reach this completly arbitrary age barrier the magically gain the ability to consent.
>this is what reactonaries actually believe.
it's sad mate just sad how deluded these faggots are.
I think of a bunch of dudes in their 20's - 30's have no place discussing this topic because
1) You're not discussing stuff that's pertinent to your own lives and future.
2) Lower age of consent isn't going to magically guarantee you an underage girlfriend like you're so desperately hoping.
3) You guys are only discussing age of consent for girls, not boys. No equality because you only care about pussy.
Bunch of sick freaks.
equality is a spook.
>Lower age of consent isn't going to magically guarantee you an underage girlfriend
who said anything about getting a qt gf?
it should be done like our ancestors did it arranged marriges done and organized by the family and Once a father gets his daughter married, it is the husband who is going to pay for her well being this ensures 3 things a stable loving nuclear family (deu to the bonding starting at an early age) and high birth rates (young girls are more fertile) traditionalism.
>1) You're not discussing stuff that's pertinent to your own lives and future.
how is it not important?
>Bunch of sick freaks.
>shitposts on a mongolian dynamite fishing forum
>expects mentaly sane indeviduals.
There is no AoC for boys. They didn’t bother making a law saying a woman couldn’t fuck a male child.
We should make it 13 like it was before it was raised but with the condition that it is marriage and the father consents. 18 without parental permission and marriage.
>muh poorly drawn drawings are rly kids
you really have a boring life don't you?
Basically the AoC is a thing in white countries to further plummet the birth rates and have more time for jews to brainwash your women into joining the labour force and becoming 30 yo miserable childless hags.
lmao SOMEBODY think of the cartoon children!