Asian SJWs

Are East Asians even human? She looks worse than dogshit (which she eats everyday of course).

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>Are East Asians even human?
Come out come out from behind the meme flag faggot.

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Subhuman gook detected. Sucky sucky for 5 dollas?

>oh man it's kind of sick how much gook jolly I get out of being cruel to old Jewish men

Fired instantly by the JYT. Life, career done...harakiri

asian SJW dont really exist
if you spot a so called "asian SJW" its an asian american

Yes by asian sjw i mean asian american sjw. They are even worse than white sjws.

People like her think jews are whites. They are that dumb.

Asians generally could be civilized but too autistic to have freewill as their mindset are too collectivist and stringent to culture. They could do what whites do but overdo it to extreme unnecessary level

>Be Japs
>Learn German work-ethics
>Worked to death

>Be Gooks
>Learn US Feminism
>Ministry of Woman, Womad, Daughters of Megalian, Woman's university (linked to Hillary Clinton), K-POP

>Be Chinks
>learn Jew Kikery (Steals shekels)
>Steals technology, jobs, housing, western naming

She's some ugly ass Asian bitch that probably got fucked by a white guy who dropped her because of her basedsauce tasting pussy. Now she hates all white men.

Constantly bringing her up is pointless. Let me explain before you scream shill. The New York Times already said they are going to stand behind her. This avenue of attack is not working, because now it's giving other liberal media outlets the balls to stand up against outrage. Find a new avenue of attack, because now it's just nothing but generating clickbait articles about "alt-right trolls just can't stand a sucessful Asian woman". When she isn't ousted, it'll be a win for them.

this does not apply to creativity and innovation

I would keep her in place. However...periodically remind people of her Tweets. Bring it up in a couple of months when she writes something. After the James Gunn thing they realize that we're playing their game, so they are circling the wagons.

Leave the bitch in place. New York Times didn't buckle under 'alt-right' harassment, haha win. But now you have a volatile writer with a long history of writing really racist shit in the fold.

She's just 1 of thousands of women, lgbtq, and POC who take to twitter everyday and spit maoist, globalist, communist ideals and white racism. The MSM has done an impressive job of keeping a lid on an ocean of darkness, all retards see if news anchors crying and rainbow flags.

Is that an asian? Looks latin to me


East Asians have no creativity and imagination and never will.

Have East Asians ever created great music? No, because they are soulless people.

I think the strategy should be trolling her gently on twitter in the near future. She is clearly unhinged and will snap at some point. Then nytimes will be forced to defend her again. The cycle will go on.

At this point, it is more useful for us that she is working at nytimes rather than get fired.

Imagine how hot the raceplay sex they have is

Attached: Jeong3.jpg (1200x1200, 243K)

satanic in every aspect.

This is not a bad idea, as long as it's gently.


the first comment "I will rape and kill u you dum chink bitch, we should have gassed all you total faggots at Hiroshima cunt whore"

These are the comments that she's going to love to post. "Look how ignorant white people are".

They love niggers

Attached: 1533233675763.webm (1920x1080, 1.22M)

Jews are tryingi to create animus between whites and Asians with this story. Don't fall for their tricks.

>"I will rape and kill u you dum chink bitch, we should have gassed all you total faggots at Hiroshima cunt whore"

These type of comments are usually posted by sockaccounts created by sjws. Clear falseflag. I don't think even our spergs are dumb enough to post something as stupid as that.

But yea she is a ticking time bomb who will snap once poked enough.

but I thought we love anime and azn chicks Jow Forums

Most people here (except newfags) know that jews are our biggest enemies.

We want to keep the bigger picture (jews) in mind but the fact that asian americans play the victim card even though they are more privileged than whites is what really disgusts me.

Why would she eat dog shit every day? Also she is potentially hotter than 99.9% of white SJW's.

Japs are cool but all other east asian mongoloids are subhumans and not our allies.

Found another whitoid with yellow fever. kys

East Asians copy and improve. A white man invents something, they copy it, do it ten times as well. It's a perfectly symbiotic relationship.

No idea what sub-saharan Africans are bringing to the table.

>Hates white people

>Dates as generic a white boy as she can find

...Well...someone has issues.

I'm married to a Jew. Asians are still hot though.

This is Jow Forums. Nobody here thinks sub-saharan Africans are of any use to society. They are good at apehoop though.

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This almost makes me want to buy apple products. If only it weren't completely false and apple is the biggest recruiter for cult like globalist faggots.

As someone who has been an expat in China for 3 years:

- the asians that can move to europe or america are mad rich and spoiled as fuck, it's called little emperor syndrome. It's not uncommon for first or second generation asian-americans or asian-europeans to get a house and luxury car from their parents for free

- brown looking asians get bullied by other asians and harbor great jealousy of white skin, just look at any chinese beauty store and every single product is there to claim you will get whiter skin, they even have products to make your nipples pink

- asians inherently feel inferior to whites leading to great internal anger, similar to how leftist cucks feel inferior to bbc and reflect that anger to sane people

Fapple is one of the biggest promoters of globohomo (TM)

>Are East Asians even human?

Ah yes, keep voters divided by race.
That way Democrats can win, by making a vote against them = a vote for racism?

Old trick, Democrats needs to update their game.

Fuck off boomer. We don't want people to unite, we want more polarization and eventually Balkanization.

>it’s da jooz w fake news about muh based chink waifus

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Most asians live in states where whites are majority liberal. They also attend university at a higher rate than other races.

Funnily, white female expats feel strong inferiority to asian females. They are perceived as promiscuous yet not seen as marriage material.

lol. Ashkenazi Jews are white.

>White woman are cancer. I want a based asian trad waifu that is feminine
Can we just admit this is bullshit now.
All non-white people want us dead, if you don't see this you are blind.

fucking hell lads I just wanna get a whiff of the pungent aroma's eminating from her sweaty feet.


This pretty well sums it up.

so desperate for attention from white men, it's painfully obvious

Is she deleting the tweets? God I hope she is. Her flushed, dog face stressing as she frantically clicks around her mac book.


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Fucking this, the whole Asian waifu thing is the dumbest psyop in the history of Jow Forums

Asian american women are just as bad as white american women. Liberalism is the dominant ideology in the US and it turns almost all women into sluts and sjws.

If only everyone could imitate the krauts.

Imitate the krauts by having an average fertility rate of 1 baby per woman and replacing themselves with blacks and arabs? lol

Listen to nujabes my friend

>But here’s the salient point: White Jews aren’t white passing. They are functionally white.

Did you read this article?

What a fat neck.

Ashkenazi jews are biracial freaks. They are mostly semitic with little bit of european dna (mostly italian). Most Russian jews cluster closer to mizrahi jews (who look like arabs) than slavic russians.

Jews are not white. Fuck off shlomo.

alright if only everyone could imitate 1936 krauts

Prussian Junkers were even better than National Socialists but I get your point. The German man 100 years ago was almost the perfect man.


Bumpity Bump

This is how a lot of zipperheads talk about whites behind closed doors, but most of them are too shrewd to say it in public.

not even once

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i honestly cant tell if its a man or woman

is that horseface supposed to be your example of a good looking east asian woman?

theres way better, youre making it worse

Chinese are the most jewish of all east asians. Japs are the only saving grace of those disgusting "people".

Alright Jow Forums, what should be done about the hapa question (HQ)?


Asians are fine, they do their own thing Asian-Americans are their own special type of autism, though.

Korean girls are actually pretty cute. Korean girls are cute and smart. Often cold exterior but are very warm and fuzzy when you get to know them intimately. But like every woman they are just designed to extract resources from a male host in order to provide for their offspring. Never forget. inb4 selection bias mandibular plastic surgery pic posts which you can find on every race.

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K*reans are plastic degenerates.

I thought this also when I first met a korean girl but I noticed that the closer I got to her the more she opened up to me and seemed more real. They have a hard competitive shell but are basically like everyone else the more you know them, especially on an intimate level. But at the core of ALL women of ALL races is the same thing. Take it from me, I've dated many woman from all over the planet even women that some like polar opposites, pale white chicks, asians, hispanics, and they are ultimately at the core-core all the same. Well, I never hooked up with a 100% black girl only 1/2 black once.

damn dat karambit fade hair, where cop lesbianism?

they are very manipulative


they're robots

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Haven't seen an article that the (((alt-right))) is bullying her.
But this would be a huge win, if they would print some. I mean she is so racist that even the most normalfag of normalfaggot would scratch his head

this. She is damaging (((their))) course. but i fear that the nyt will move her to a different position.. maybe cleaning the kitchen or something like that where she cant do any further damage by being too obvious.

>I thought this also when I first met a korean girl but I noticed that the closer I got to her the more she opened up to me and seemed more real.....
what the fuck do you want to tell us?
are they less plastic when you get to know them better? your post doesn't make a lot of sense

was shitposting faggot. the point is that she secretly loves white cocks but dont get them. so she started to hate white people out of jealousy

> what the fuck do you want to tell us? are they less plastic when you get to know them better?

That's literally what I said. So, I think that's what I'm trying to tell you.

> your post doesn't make a lot of sense

When you gain a lot of experience with women you will know that there are multiple levels. There's the surface level that they project to people they are not intimate with, then there's the intimate level they give off which is one where they seem to let their guard down. Then there's like a core which is hard af and about using you for baby-making and just extracting resources (but this core is universal to all women not just korean women).

So, I'm saying that korean girls give off a plastic, tough exterior but that is the only difference, they are basically like every other woman on the other two levels.