Hey Jow Forums, friendly question from a Jow Forums native...

Hey Jow Forums, friendly question from a Jow Forums native. Could some of you fill out a small 8 question survey on religion and marriage for my sociology 205 final? Thanks guys, p.s. I promise this isn't some jidf fishing op


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Bump once for my magical digits

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It doesn't seem to be data mining, I did it OP. Also, check.

Thanks friend, i appreciate it, gotta write a paper on it and wanted as random a sample as possible.

How am I going to get (((them))) to fear me if its not mining my data

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Did it. Luck with your final man

Alot of great responses guys thank you have a memes. If anyone is curious, im noticing that eastern europe and latin America tend to stick to their faith and date within it wwhereas western europe and burgerland do not

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Thanks man, really. I wasnt expecting as many replies as i got. I sshared some of what im seeing in the results. Pretty interesting

It may seam that my responses of "Gnostic Agnosticism" and "Pagan Universalism" are me shitposting but I assure you that they are serious.


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Have a gook response fren.

Believe it or not i have gotten quite a few gnostics, suprisingly no one claiming to be muslim or jewish yet. Alot of catholics though

Task completed.

Good luck.

Got you, OP. I also came to Jow Forums for my sociology class a few years ago.

Done deal. Good job kid

Based poland! Thanks

cheked keked and completed

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Sorry my grandpa napalmed you guys, you seem alright

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Haha and now were here forever

German living in Silesia here, good luck with your finals Jow Forumsommando

Glad U showed up actually. Tired of weaponized larps and manufactured provocateurs. This was refreshing actually. Nice work kid

I nearly put down esoteric jahanism but I can't deny being a Catholic.

Submitted. Got a redirect error but judging by the URL I think it went through both tries. Would send the form to my group but judging by the size it would skewer your results very badly, kek. Good luck with your finals, Jow Forumsaptain

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Its hard at school bro, constantly gotta hide how ou really feel about stuff lest you be crucified. My public speaking and debate classes wwere good fun though

that gun looks sexy as fuck.

Thank you , it must be a welcome change from the constant blacked spam and agitprop from the shills

Your digits man.

Thank you, it must be a welcome change from the blacked spam and agitprop from the shills

Thank you gypsyfriend , the data gathered really helped you guys did me a big favor

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Lmao awesome, my grandpa got his second bronze star during the tet offensive btw, big personal hero of mine. He still laughs about it

Strange, thank you for trying though

Anons from eastern Europe, any insight why the strongest group to stick to dating and marriage in their own religion came from there?


Ptsd intensifies

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I have thought about this before, can give you like three reasons. Whereas in western Europe women and men have been educated that they can always date up and that relationships can and are encouraged to be short, here you are in a great deal of shame from family and friends if it didn't work up with your partner, you'll be told you made a bad choice or you were a dick. So choosing someone with a different religion (aka foreigner or evangelical) will increase that social pressure on you and also increase the chance of fucking up. People choose partners who are generally very similar to avoid having fights and ultimately breakups (that's good desu). Any user can confirm the nagging dating advice they get from their mothers, aunts, grandmas or concerned friends, you really don't want to disappoint. Secondly since all of your non-meme answers were from men it boils down to the fact women here have very strong personalities, no one wants some jw/baptist/catholic churchgoer nagging you constantly about religion when she already nags you constantly about everything, there are limits when it's not adorable or part and parcel anymore. Thirdly people here want families and think in these terms, you can't have a kids with someone you can't take to family get-togethers or talk about with your friends, that's not a good life for the children or you.

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Excellent answer, i will for sure use your insight when i break down the ddata in my paper. Your right about the cultural differences for sure, women here tend to be godless and without any form of moral compass