Post Alt-Light/Bommer cringe

Post Alt-Light/Bommer cringe
I'll start

Attached: paul gay watson.png (500x599, 135K)

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check these

Althought "Bommer" is a nice meme.

Attached: liberalisticists.png (1195x692, 215K)

Pjw is my nigga

1) Random Rape: Be sure to pick an easy target. Like after a party offer to
take a drunk girl home since she can't drive safely. Make sure you are
strangers and that no one will be able to place you as the rapist. Example a
big frat party where you can mix with females and pick one up and give her a
fake name. This is also easy in areas where lots of teenagers cruise in their
cars. Get to know some girls while out driving, have them get into your rented
/ stolen / borrowed car. Take them to a dark place and rape them.
I don't want to get into details about how to rape them, hell you should be
able to figure that out. What you will have to decide is are you going to kill
them when you are done, or just beat them badly. I like to beat the shit out of
them and leave them half dead. Murder is no fun after the victim is easy to
kill. Take some handcuffs and get the girls hands behind her back so you can
have access to her without worrying about getting hit or scratched. The police
check under nails for skin samples. They also taken semen samples so maybe you
can throw on a condom, your choice. Another helpful hint might be to shave your
pubic hair off so they cannot get any trace of hair for evidence. Most females
will not testify if you are caught if you are evil enough to them. If they know
you could have easily killed them, and you are sick as hell in the head they
will shit their panties thinking about seeing you face to face again. You can
also break into a house late at night and rape a female in the comfort of a
bedroom. This requires stalking your prey to know when the best time to attack
is. The college dorm rapists use this method. They wait till marry jane comes
back from a party and goes to sleep. Then they break in through a window for
example and rape mary jane. Enough on random rape you get the picture.

Attached: spencer btfos gay watson.png (525x297, 17K)

>go to
>click on article
>scroll down to the comments
smell the boomer

Attached: england is a belief.png (564x404, 30K)

Attached: boomer of akkad2.png (447x515, 504K)

Attached: sgt 4chan.jpg (1200x1865, 231K)

Boomer advice to all the incels out there

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Conceptualize my awe

so his argument is that the set of beliefs values and traditions that represent england are classical libearlism which was developed in 19 century so before that there were no english? also classical liberalism is opposed to traditional British institution like the monarchy

>Prague's vibrant gay scene
Kill me pls.

>so before that there were no english?
Ironically Spencer made the exact same point.
PJW is the intellectual bottom of the barrel.

Attached: dicky.png (525x207, 15K)

The Jew. Only question is, what would they be plotting on them fields when we're not there to listen.

>open yourself for child rearing

Never forget

Attached: IMG_0709.jpg (750x684, 90K)

>Girls today care about any of this.

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Great plan, although their daddies will come after you and do the same to you, possibly killing you when the last of them has had their way with you.

do you have link i want to read the reply

is sargon a manlet?

5'9 at most. Not exactly tiny. But small end of average for a man.


Attached: tiny soygoy.png (561x618, 423K)


Attached: 1024px-Réception_du_Grand_Condé_à_Versailles_(Jean-Léon_Gérôme,_1878).png (1024x701, 1.46M)

maybe pjw is an absolute unit?

ffs... i fucking hate civ nat cunts. They essentially airbrush all the facts just because they don't like them. England = Land of the Anglos, Anglos = Germanic stock. Hell i was born in sussex, Stands for south Saxon, east Anglia is a region in the UK, stands for east anglos. For crying out loud, it's not that hard to understand that people named their nations after their tribe. Jesus fuck, that's what nation originally meant before fuckwits came along and said nonono it means borders and passports, Oh and how to collect your benefits.

Civ nationalism is a fucking club, anyone can join and leave when they get bored of it. I'll be English today, but maybe tomorrow i'll go to Mexico, eat some tacos, sell some drugs and be mexican, i'll then go to Japan, bow to random fucks and eat sushi, viola, now i'm a jap. HISTORICALLY LINKED TO THIS FUCKING NATION. It makes me laugh because i see these fuckers go into the real world, to China for example, and they tell the Chinese 'Look pal, i know your language and history, i'm as Chinese as you' and the Chinks don't know what to make of such fuckwittery. They have to point to themselves and say "NO I'M CHINESE! YOU WHITE!"

Do these fucks honestly wake up and think 'I think today i'll be X nationality'.

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nah, basedgoy is just a micro manlet

Attached: soygoy manlet.png (779x441, 206K)

This is why I push for balkanization in America, the entire country isn't like Texas. Most of the whites want to stick to their own kind and don't want to be dulled by negroes or mestizos.

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what was this ass hat pissy about?

I like the mainstream meteor man

Attached: Gay stream meteor man.png (595x96, 11K)

Ew The Anglosphere truly is the cradle of all this cancer.

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civic cucks are usually brown people that has some white in them.

I know a hapa PR. He's only a quarter maybe less than white but he truly believes he's white.

Do you think he has a fursuit?

Its always an eternal Anglo.

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Based and red pilled

Attached: ETERNAL.png (500x351, 44K)

Wait is he really gay? I always thought that effeminate blonde guy was gay. Not PJW

I hope not, that would be insulting to a furfag such as myself.

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>white teeth