I hear all the time about atheists who got Christians to seriously question and give up on their faith...

I hear all the time about atheists who got Christians to seriously question and give up on their faith. But what if those weren't real Christians? If their idea of Christianity is so fragile they sound like just larpers.

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Other urls found in this thread:


duh, it's like with ex white nationalists

not white and not nationalists

It's a LARP

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There are many false believers, hence why a lot of denominations are falling to feminism and faggotry. Fedoras will even admit to going to church to be at a social gathering.

The problem is that church is no longer about helping believers, but adding numbers to the congregation. You can blame cuck pastors for that.


i keep hearing about people that make suggestive threads in order to suggest things without really drawing attention to what they're trying to suggest.

this is retarded and funny

so this is the power of kek

Nothing wrong with being gay or a feminist. Those and Christianity are not mutually exclusive

This thread is a new low for christcucks. You sound like lefties talking about terrorists

If you cling onto a group identity without ever thinkig about it and refuse to prove your beliefs by facing challenge, criticism and arguments, instead just plug ears and go LA LA LA - you're the real larper less respectable than those who did and lost.

>Fedoras will even admit to going to church to be at a social gathering.
My mom is like that. She couldn’t even tell me what the Holy Spirit is. My dad is a retarded zionist. I showed him some of the fake jew memes I found on Jow Forums and he started having a massive existential crisis. Gen x is genuinely stupid.

>challenge, criticism and arguments,
Like the zionist le jew religion meme?

Like fucking anyhing, starting with where the fuck was the great flood, where are the ruins of Sodom/Babel's tower and why isn't the Sun orbiting the Earth like the book that's supposed to be the ultimate truth given by god says.

And getting more serious and asking what role does god play in the world? The basic principle of phylosophy is not to invoke unnecessary entities and not assume unnecessarily complicated theories. At this point we studied the world so thoroughly we can describe anything without invoking the god or any magical shit. Why even bother with god if the world makes perfect sense without the god?

Babel was Babylon and where does it say the sun orbits Earth (which it ackshully does if you want to get autistic about it.)

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Also my personal favorite question:

How did you chose your god? Why are you certain it's yor god that's real and all other are false?
Maybe Allah is the actually real god?
Or Ketzalcoatl?

What if you're worshipping the wrong god and the real god will punish you for it? How do you even know the true god from the false one?

The ampint of evidence presented by every religion is equally fucking nothing, and the myths and legends are equal fucking bullshit that doesn't represent reality about the world so they are all equally likely to be true.

>Babel was Babylon
And where is the fucking tower?
Did the fucking space levator magicvally disappear? Archeologists have the drawings of the cave men that came ages before anything resembling civilization but somehow an enormous tower just vanished.
It was so big it was meant to upset the god there must be not just the tower but fuckloads of infrastructure for the construction.

And why does the god now permit the skyscrapers if back then he got mad about tower built from shit and sticks(considering no other materials existed)?

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Testing because internet jew shoahed my router

Just spoke about this in another thread, but I'm actually in a transition from atheist to something in between.

I've always been a 'devout' atheist in as much as i've never had the ability to believe in god, but since coming more towards the right, i've been questioning my faith as i've seen, spoken to and read about more and more Pro-Atheist propaganda that seems more about being an anti-religion than about being astate of belief or non-belief.

That is to say, there are too many people out there with the label 'atheist' who just want to laugh about 'how stupid religious people are', yet are really agnostic because they believe in fairies or that they have fucking psychic powers.

I'm an atheist, but I openly envy people with belief. I have a friend who has recently married into a religious family and I think he's getting on board with the community elements of it, the networking wtc. I think he also wants to set me up with his sis-in law, who's good looking and apparently devout.

Not sure, but I kind of wonder now, is faith meant to take a certain amount of effort, or does it come naturally? Should i even bother if i'm a 'non-believer', or by worrying about all these factors and still doing my best, would i be considered faithful?

Also, how good is faith at negating feelings of depression?

Just because the bad people oppose the religion it doesn't mean that religion is good.

No, but I guess my point is that the hypocrisy is enough for me to even question atheism.

Knowing right from wrong the more I learn is like trying to walk in a straight line after spinning around in circles for a minute.

Christianity explains my world better than any other religion.
>Israelites: lets not kill the brown people and be tolerant n sheit
Oops we’re getting fucked up and they’re taking away our children now.
>whites: lets not kill the brown people and be tolerant n sheit
Oops we’re getting fucked up and they’re taking away our children now.
There are many other cause and effect descriptions explained as blessings/curses and they’re for the most part fairly consistent if your translation is close to the original. I don’t believe in atheism because of Aquinas’ arguments and I choose the religion that closest matches the real world. I wasn’t always Christian, but it’s currently the most accurate one from my pov.

The universe is over 13 billion years old

If you were born once randomly - why can't 'you' be born again?

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Maybe relevant.

I'm an Atheist larping as a Christian for the purpose of access to quality marriage material. AMA.

Do you know the Bible says I should kill you for that?

Faith itself doesn't help you too much, it's most likely the community which can help with issues such as depression or anxiety, only of course ig you aren't in a fucktard commune full of whackos.

>Israelites: lets not kill the brown people and be tolerant n sheit
Dude what?
When were the Jews anything but turbo tribalists?
>whites: lets not kill the brown people and be tolerant n sheit

What about christianity supports killing brown people?
If anything christianity is the first universualist religion that claims that all people's lives are or value and bleh blah.
Judaism says it's cool to kill goys.
Every pagan pantheon including the ones native to white people had a war god. Vikings even believed that only the warriors go to heaven.

If anything christianity created the idea of tolerance which could be to blame for the fall of Rome and is to blame for the fall of the west.

Japs for example believe in their own tribalistic Shinto gods and keep their borders closed, rufugees not welcome, in fact they hate the shit out of all other Asians as well.

If anything this is an argument AGAINST Christianity.

Maybe you can, there's just no way to tell if you were.

Good luck finding me. I'm convincing.

>Do you know the Bible says I should kill you for that?
What verse?

The problem here is you’re not arguing using my gnosis. The religion you are speaking of is different from the one I believe even if these two very different religions share the same label. The arguments you’re making might work on someone whose Christianity is ill defined or God forbid the same as your strawman.

Numbers 25:7-13

You mean if the universe has a perfect cycle where everything plays out, then rewinds or something once every billion billion billion etc years? Freaky.

I will give you some advice user because it kind of sounds like the boat I was in a little under a year ago. My advice to you is to first read the Bible (old king james version, that's what people mean when they say kjv on here in Christian generals). Even if you don't believe, while some parts do drag on it is a very good read. There are also a startling number of predictions in the book. A lot of atheist claim that God is a joke because he explains nothing about natural science to prove his existence, but in truth he does. The Bible was the first source to claim the Earth is round, among a variety of other now proven scientific facts. Pic related. It sounds silly given your current position in life, but I would ask that you look inward rather than outward for signs of God. It does still help to look at the world around you and ask yourself the honest question "Do I believe in coincidences?" The Bible also makes several predictions on the current state of the world today. As you lean farther and farther right, look at the degeneracy around you. It has all been predicted by a book written thousands of years ago. Many kikes on this board try to steer anons away from Christ by saying "Christ was a kike, it's all a big kike trick to make us worship Israel!" But fail to mention that Christ himself on several occasions tells us what we now know. Jews as we know them today worship Satan, and Israel is the heart of Satan worship. A synagogue of Satan WILL be built there if it has not already. There are also several important historical context that show that the ones claiming to be Israelites today are NOT the Israelites, or the "Chosen People" of God in the bible but pretenders, again, something the Bible predicts. If you study Numbers and Deuteronomy you can put these pieces together, even if these are the more tedious parts of the Bible. God bless you, user. I can answer any questions you might have to the best of my ability

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Questioning your faith is a central christian tenent. What the heck do you think Theology is about?

Hmm, that's at least a way I could start. Thanks user.

Most Christians are larpers. Are you holding yourself out as a "true" Christian?

Most people-of-religion or "Christians" as Jow Forums likes to refer them, don't know much about their professed religion. It gets them into whatever social club they need.

People of power and wealth know this about the masses and use religion to keep the idiots fighting amongst themselves instead of dealing with the real problem.

Ok user. I don't mind reading books. I'll give it a try. Thank you for your sizeable explanation. My friend I mentioned has also suggested in the past I read the bible too.

Sorry, but I can't really think of much else to say or ask. Just little steps at the moment to push past the akwardness.

That's alright user I wish you and your friend the best and I do sincerely hope you find Christ.

Thank you

I appreciate your good intent but why the fuck do you cucks recommend the king James version? He edited the shit out of it to the point of sticking his devil worshipping name on it. I think that some of the book has truth but the rest has been altered to lead the blind to hell when they seek guidance. I feel like their is no pure guide anymore

Many Bible stories cannot be communicated in English because our language is missing words. The Eden (pleasure paradise) story is absolutely destroyed in English Bibles. It’s not a tree and there is no apple. There’s no snake either. The deceiver tricked woman into consuming the goods of the branch of knowledge of what is morally right and wrong (ideology) becoming like gods (only God decided right and wrong) and as a result humanity lost paradise. I’ve seen one other person on the internet know this and his thread got immediately deleted.

The same could be said for a Buddhist or Muslim or Jew. The same could be said for an Atheist or Agnostic or a Deist. Conversions or philosophical beliefs change all the time. What's your point?

Should someone follow something so blindly? Should no one ever be skeptical?

>idea of Christianity is so fragile
All the Abrahamic religions are based only on the gullibility of their believers

The 2nd column is not science. Why do religious always have to lie about everything?

>look at the degeneracy around you
It's most degenerate religious people ass-raping children when they're not busy beheading children

>Revelation 22:15
>1 Corinthians 6:9–10
>Galatians 5:19–21
>Ephesians 5:5
>1 Timothy 1:9-11
Outside are fthe dogs gand sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: xneither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Now bthe works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, cdivisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that dthose who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.

understanding this, that the slaw is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted.

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In my case, I went so far down the Christian rabbit hole, ended up getting baptized, and actually experienced the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as a real experience. Its scary because the Spirit slays your ego, so your ego thinks that this means death (of itself and the body), but instead, just the ego dies and you get transformed spiritually, illumination, heart opens, bliss pours into you, various spiritual faculties awaken, and have had several OBE's since then as well. When you reach this point, its impossible to leave Christianity because you know the Holy Spirit and Jesus is real,

Nothing an atheist can ever say could possibly ever change this. They are coming from the perspective of never having had the Holy Spirit experience or becoming Christians, so they are ultimately coming from a non-sequitur right off the bat

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They're definitely larpers, a true christian never loses faith.

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Typical slav-tier troll-posters.

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How do you know? Jesus will reveal Himself to those who are open to accepting Him. Atheists will always be fumbling in the dark.

>The Earth is round
>Date of discovery by men: 15th century
Lol, people have known that the Earth is round since at least the 6th century BC.

I'm open to the concept of religion and religious philosophy. I've never had Jesus reveal himself to me. Through story or thought or dream or any other way. Am I missing some details in the world via sense datum? If so, what are they? Are they only subjective signs or objective?

How is one persons perception of the world any more true than anyone else?

Have you noticed any difficulties that the elite have keeping their secrets secret?

Well, if it hasn't happened; then, obviously you're not doing it right. Read the gospels and concentrate on the sayings of Jesus and start doing the,.

>start doing them.

Why should I choose the stories and lessons of the bible over the stories and lessons of other religious texts or religious figures?

If you want the Christian experience; you have to do the Christian thing. Follow your other books and philosophies and see where they take you. You have a choice and the universe will force you to choose.

Yes, but which one is the objectively correct one? I think they are asking of you

There is no answer to that. It is incumbent on every man to test every spirit(religious philosophy) for himself.

Do you think there is any difference between the Christian God Yahweh and the Muslim God Allah? Do you understand the difference between theism and deism? Or do you think polytheism is more likely true or even pantheism? Your questions are very simple to ask but take some effort to answer, you have to understand most religions and be able to articulate them to answer and that takes work, if you are willing to ask a question you should be willing to do the research yourself to find the answer a Christian would give you, or else you are nothing more than a fedora.

When I talk with fedoras I don't even ask them what they believe created the earth because I know the answer, they don't care anymore, they are tired of asking questions and have become content with a false assurance of meaninglessness, it allows them to justify anything they want to think say or do at any moment, but the possibility of them being wrong Is always there so it takes some force to restrain their doubt, they have to have contempt over something, something has to be wrong so they can have some certainty to ground their beliefs on, the other party has to be wrong without a shadow of a doubt though, and because certainty cannot be mustered from what's meaningless a real hatred has to be directed towards the wrong party, what they are saying isn't even a different idea, it's a heresy that is unforgivable and cannot be tolerated, look at how easy it was for SS soldiers to dehumanize innocent people once they believed they were beyond forgiveness for their crimes

I can easily accept that answer. In the end, I haven't been persuaded by any religious view.

Leaving thread now. Hope you live a happy and fulfilling life user!

>Nothing wrong with being gay or a feminist. Those and Christianity are not mutually exclusive

Niggah, you gay.

Question 1) Yes.
Question 2) I believe I do.
Question 3) No.

Speaking from the perspective of a lifelong atheist who came to Christ, I think many believers have their faith eroded by being asked questions they don't have answers to. These questions usually take the form of science-based "gotcha" questions, which the Bible doesn't provide answers to because it's not about that, and not having an answer (or at least an answer that satisfies the atheist questioning them) makes them doubt their faith unduly.

But the other thing is not having answers to faith questions, and the biggest problem there, honestly, is how few Christians read the Bible. Seriously, I'm a discipleship leader for my church and it boggles my mind that so many followers of Christ are ignorant of Scripture. Being uninformed makes them vulnerable to attack.

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What if you're not a real Christian, you're actually a satanist who has been fooled by the devil into worshipping him?
Hurrdurr with the power of imagination and blind belief in the unproven (faith) anything is possible and you're free to be a complete shithead and feel smug about it, wasting your life arguing trivialities instead of improving the material world.
>b-b-but fedora
You're actively lowering the level of discourse on this precipitously stupid board, thanks. Hope you get struck by a bolt of real introspection someday.

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>But the other thing is not having answers to faith questions, and the biggest problem there, honestly, is how few Christians read the Bible. Seriously, I'm a discipleship leader for my church and it boggles my mind that so many followers of Christ are ignorant of Scripture. Being uninformed makes them vulnerable to attack.
I suspect it’s because most Christians only see it as a social group, hence all the larpers. Few are interested in taking the rabbithole a few feet down, forget them even trying to go all the way.

>I suspect it’s because most Christians only see it as a social group
I think you're 100% right, which is very sad: the fruits of the spirit cannot be gained from a distant, halfhearted relationship with Christ

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Who is this cute dino gremlin?

>bump-stocks are allowed by God.


You realise you faggots are as retarded as muslims right?


You're right, one is more mentally deluded. But still both mentally deluded.

>I don't care what atheists think is "rational", I'm Christian because I have faith!
>so then you have faith in the bible when it says that Noah's ark happened?
>n-n-no that's obviously just a metaphor because its unrealistic

Every modern "Christian".

Look at this fucking queer.

There was a flood in that area. Other sources recorded it. Modern churches preaching that it literally happened worldwide (a falsehood they obviously know is a falsehood) makes me wonder how infiltrated our churches are.

Coming from a fedora that’s rich.

When you die time stops thus you are born over and over again

The Christian bible says it flooded the entire world, any Christian who contends otherwise is using rationality, not faith, to determine his religious beliefs.

A flood-denying "Christian" has the same spiritual methodology as an atheist: he only believes the parts of the bible which he himself considers to be plausible. The only difference is the "Christian" claims there is sufficient evidence for Jesus having magic powers, which is of course retarded and no more "spiritual" than believing cancer can be cured with quartz crystals.

What are you talking about? The original text says the entire land/area was flooded, not the whole world. Did you ever think maybe you’ve been lied to and the Bible doesn’t always say what you’re told it says?

I'm polish and I grew up in a majority catholic country. My whole life I've been an atheist. Never, even for one second, have I ever believed any part of it.

But nowadays I'm seriously considering LARPing as a christian(I've read the bible 3 times and I know the stories well) just to get a christian trad wife. I don't care anymore. I'm gonna LARP my whole life it that's what it takes.

There was a worldwide flood and jesus is real.

Nope, you're wrong.

Stop with this. Worldwide flood is a mistranslation. If the average Christian’s doctrine wasn’t based on lies, strawmen and memes there might not a people leaving the faith problem.

>just to get a christian trad wife
There's a special place in hell for you.

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Except that is no such place, so it's fine.

Heretics get the purging flames from Christ Himself.

The look of shock and horror on your face when you're dead and get cast into hell will be priceless.

There is no cosmic justice, the only justice there is the worls is created by human beings. It's not very nice but it's a harsh universe.

Being a Christian is great, I get to pick and choose which parts of the religion make the most sense to me personally and never acknowledge the things I don't like.