Nation of Islam

How do international muslims feel about this sect of Islam?

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Niggers larping as Muslims.

Its more of a cult. far from mainstream islam

Are they like the blacks who pretend to be Jews?

They embrace it, because Yakub is real and told them to.

What religion isn't a cult?

They're a uniquely american sect of Islam.

>pictured is leader.

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They ignore them, like all christians around the world ignore mormons and neocon christians.

Blacks wanting to be muslims makes them feel cool.

Those blacks have about as much claim to being a tribe of Israel as group of fucking Khazars.

Clickbait clickbait

Their leader Farrakhan is redpilled on the JQ

They are extremely bizarre but also funny as fuck.

Literally the Mormons of Islam.

Not a mud but can answer. When I've asked Muslims they think they are great, .. until I point out they are a black supremacist UFO cult. After that they hate them.

By default if you call something Muslim they will be supportive of it. If a Muslim has only seen Farrakhan talking about kikes they'd sing their praises. Once the ayy lmaos and big head scientist turn up, they soon lose interest

and Russins that pretend to be Jews

They are a much a legitimate sect of Islam as Mormons are Christian.

He really hate him some Jews. If this nigger was white, he'd be leading the clan.

Real muslims tend to hate niggers and especially hate little sectarian offshoots.

My guess is that they would be killed in any serious Muslim country.


Black nationalists are extremely red pilled about the zionists

We're talking about NOI specifically.

>black supremacist UFO cult

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They have their own sci-fi version of the Koran because the real one describes nigs as subhuman creatures beneath even their hated jew enemies. Nogs are slaves in the middle east to this day, fkin based ragheads

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they actually believe this


They are mulattos, not really black in the truest sense.

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A third of the Africans brought over to America were muslim.

Heretics but it's okay, their heretics are retarded heretics and easy to solve it. Different with Shia, who close to Kuffar

most people don't know they even exist , and those who actually took the time to search about them laugh at their ignorance

Pretty accurate desu.

I am going to need a source on that.

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>"Muslims' presence [in the United States] is affirmed in documents dated more than a century before religious liberty became the law of the land, as in a Virginia statute of 1682 which referred to 'negroes, moores, molatoes, and others, born of and in heathenish, idollatrous, pagan, and Mahometan parentage and country' who 'heretofore and hereafter may be purchased, procured, or otherwise obteigned, as slaves.'"[19]

>Many enslaved peoples brought to America from Africa were Muslims from the predominantly Muslim West African region[8][12] Between 1701 and 1800, some 500,000 Africans arrived in what became the United States.[40] Historians estimate that between 15 and 30 percent of all enslaved African men and less than 15 percent of the enslaved African women were Muslims. According to 21st century researchers Donna Meigs-Jaques and R. Kevin Jaques, "[t]hese enslaved Muslims stood out from their compatriots because of their resistance, determination and education."[41]
It is estimated that over 50% of the slaves imported to North America came from areas where Islam was followed by at least a minority population. Thus, no less than 200,000 came from regions influenced by Islam. Substantial numbers originated from Senegambia, a region with an established community of Muslim inhabitants extending to the 11th century.[42]

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Cool. Just another reason we should have picked our own cotton.

Nigger detected.
Thread autohidden by Niggabot

niggers adopting the religion of their slave-masters

It's Blacks who want an ethnostate but felt that Christianity was a white man's religion.

The Muslim world has deviated from the prophet. What they feel dont matter. Muhammad said 3 generations after him would not be of him. So they can take their Arab Islam and shove it.

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The nation of Islam has done more to rehabilitate niggerish behavior more than any other method. I thought pol would approve.

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This is the single best speech given by Louis Farrakhan.

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No real muslim takes them serious or have heard of them, just another american larp

The Jihads that led to their defeats were done by black west African muslims.

There are hundreds of “muslim” cults and is viewed by mainstream Muslims as such.
A Turkish guy even made his own muslim bimbo cult

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>thinking Jow Forums actually wants niggers to do better.

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Absolutely haram. May Allah smite them

I like to join things...What's a guy like me got to do to get in on something like this?

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They killed Malcolm X

Clickbait. What's new with Jow

We believe that in Master Fard Muhammad, that God appeared in him.

After 400 years of affliction, God came to us and taught us knowledge of self and kind.

He came to clean us up.

He taught the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad for 3 years and 4 months (sign of Jonah).

Elijah Muhammad is the Elijah of the Book of Malachi. He is the lamb of God. He is the first born raised from the dead (negro). He is the Christ.

It doesn't matter what you think especially if you had not studied it to test if the truth they stand on is true or not.

The nation fell and in 3 years it rose again. Just like the temple was crushed and built in 3 days.

The bible and qur'an is black and white.

Either God came in the person or he didn't. THe nation is not a cult. it is not a religion. It is a way of life of being our natural selves.

75% of the work is with the woman because no nation can rise higher than the woman. If she is low down, so are the children and the man who made her low down. It takes a no good man to make a no good woman.

I am not registered nor a representative of the teachings but this has changed my life and you will not hear any better teaching on the bible or Qur'an.

The minister whoops the scholars. White men love him as well.

This place is a shit hole and this being posted here means nothing. You can't and will never stop the nation's rise.

Raisin heads! Being a black Muslim is the ultimate cuckoldry because you accept that you're subhuman and the perfect prophet of your God considered you to be the lowest form of humans. I bet you're not going to mention that before the (((Europeans))) enslaved blacks, they were literally a slaver colony ruled by a black Muslim king?

THe government killed Malcolm X

Same thing with George Lincoln Rockwell

this desu

Prove this wrong or stfu

I imagine Muslims who actually know NOI beliefs dislike them. I know Malcom X noted how he went to Mecca and Muslims there basically had to teach him Islam all over again because it was nothing like the NOI.

That isn't true. He was aware of white Muslims. Notice that Malcolm kept the Shabazz name? He didn't remove it. He tried to get back into the nation also and apologized for his short comings.

>Different with Shia, who close to Kuffar
Lmao Al-Saud kike
Teheran will completely eradicate your shihole

Islam is already Mormon tier ridiculous. Nation of Islam isn't any worse.