Burgers BTFO in Barcelona, Spain. Now stay out.
Welcome to Europe
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To imagine this was the plan all along, bringing highly tribalistic individuals into civilization to cause violence.
thanks, I don't know why no one has posted the video yet, kek
If you're ever in a confrontation with niggers DO NOT HESITATE TO PUNCH THE FIRST ONE IN THE FACE. Make sure you KO that nigger and then immediately start on his friends. They scatter when that happens. If they get the momentum, more of them join.
Nigs gonna nog
We're used to it here
LMAO Americans can't escape niggers anywhere in the world now.
The plan was to enrich European culture by introducing it to our African cousins. White nationalists nad to ruin everything, as usual.
>by introducing it to our African cousins
so wait, those were Lithuanians attacking that man?
i fucking hate niggers
I think that too and I'm saying it since 2015 but most people don't seem to get it. They think if you "save" them everything will sort out
You really have your act cleaned up.
When i visited, i almost saw no blacks in Tel Aviv and in Jerusalem i can only remember seing them near an ethopian church.
INB4 democrats are the real racists
People actually think mere exposure to white people and standing on European soil will turn them into civilized people.
Just wait, any moment now.
What did she mean by this?
Okay, but what happened before the nigs started to nog?
I see,
I guess it's better to reduce the tourist industry income and multiply governmental expenses and rape statistics.
Yes, yes indeed, makes sense.
All that i know is that this is more propaganda for our Nationalist cause. Bonus is a fat American getting his ass whooped...lol
>Now stay out
they could also say they feel rejected and discriminated by a racist society and thats why they react that way. Society must be more open and including. About Germany it was said the Turks turn to AKP because of racism
Don't take this too seriously, Barcelona is the California of Spain. They'll get to be the Sweden of Spain in a year or so
europe is disgusting
Seems like it, sadly.
The question is, who's organizing all of this worldwide (?) That's a question that doesn't seem like part of a conspiracy theory anymore.
Aren't they supposed to be patriotic, conserving medieval basic patriotic values?
I don't know much 'bout them.
No, Barcelona is like Stockholm, and Catalonia is like Sweden.
I'm mostly a lurker here on Jow Forums but ain't all of this just stupid people getting to share stupid ideas over the stupid internet? And then malicious people taking advantage of the goodwill of the stupid people? That assholes, pussies and dicks speech from Team America, you know?
Since you're from spain
¿Qué coño esta pasando allá exactamente? Ya se que es algo hipócrita de mi parte debido a que irónicamente onions un inmigrante en los estados unidos. Pero igualmente, ¿Ya están comenzando a dejar que los inmigrantes en su propio país hagan lo que se les de la gana y ataquen a cualquier turista o gente nativa solo porque se les da la gana sin consecuencias como en el Reino Unido? ¿Y también porque consideras Barcelona la California de España?
The former president of the Parlament of Cataluña used to go to Africa to promote muslim non hispanic inmigration, and still all of Jow Forums supported the separatists.
If you lurk enough you'll read more than you can see I'd say.
uff, quise decir "onions".
ah, ya veo. Pinches filtros.
>fatnigger vs nigger
Christ who should I cheer for?
Well how the fuck are you meant to roll out communism when fucking white people keep building civilizations with prosperity, safety, rights and liberty. They are obviously the obstacle that needs to be eliminated.
Yes we all hate you niggers.
lol wasn't this posted yesterday already
undestand but you should send them here. we hate them too. now we have to hate you too.
what about this. use samson option on Africa and turkey and we will not talk about jews for 100 years.
Don't know what the fuck happened, I think it was the Aquarius, the "efecto llamada" the lefties said it would not occur. If anything the incident got Spain dragged closer to the illegals discussion, it's being talked more, tweeted more, posted more
This girl has a video: youtube.com
Shlomo for the love of god stop sending them here
Imagine my shock.
Nogs will be nogs.
>Shlomo for the love of god stop sending them here
Shlomo was told in Torah that YHVH said kikes shall rule goyim. YHVH also said if kikes misuse their power they will get punished, so I don't know what is going on. In Torah it doesn't say YHVH ever told kikes can abuse goyim. Must be some sick rabbi lying to them.
Ada Colau, básicamente. Esa cerda comunista ha convertido la ciudad de Barcelona en un estercolero. Los manteros (básicamente negros subsaharianos) campan a sus anchas con total impunidad, los Mossos no pueden ni tocarlos y las quejas de los comerciantes legales son sistemáticamente ignoradas. Luego está el problema de los "ocupas", ahora mismo no te puedes ir de vacaciones dejando tu casa vacía y esperar que al regresar no éste viviendo una familia de inmigrantes en ella. Llamas a los Mossos, les demuestras que la casa es tuya, pero no pueden hacer nada. Tienes que ir a juicio y esperar seis meses a que haya sentencia a tu favor, incluso así tienes que esperar otros seis meses para que los desalojen. Un año entero sin poder entrar en tu propia casa, pero teniendo que pagar la luz, el agua y la hipoteca. Valientes hijos de puta los que votaron a esta puerca.
so there's a superjew pulling the strings and jewing all the jews who are jewing us?
¡Ah! Y por supuesto olvídate de los objetos personales que tuvieses en casa. En un año, o los han vendido o los han roto. Barcelona ahora mismo es una ciudad sin ley, puro far west.
Dr Watson said it best, we think they will live by western rules and values because we assume that's what they want. In reality they do not because they evolved in a different environment for a very extensive amount of time to the point that we were on the verge of becoming different species.
It will literally take hundreds of years or maybe thousands for them to adapt.
It takes a large amount of discipline and intelligence to live by western values and uphold the rules. They simply didn't evolve to do this.
This is Ada Colau, the major of Barcelona.
Part and parcel de vivir en hoyo hediondo senegales.
Qhu cuentas de los chinos y cagacalles, he visto a muchos en las marchas por la independencia? que carajos hacen?
>tourists aren't welcome but rapefugees are :^)
Tourists eventually leave, you fuck.
And you European men have no balls, I see.
I think it's way more related to Soros.
How odd that all these things started to go out of control after he stablished his new office in Bcn. Also he has pet niggers backed up by Open Foundation spreading anti white shit on twitter and shitty newspapers and other publications.
Are you retarded? The "refugees welcome" wasn't written by the same person that wrote "tourists go home" and it's mocking that person's mentality.
People elected this faggot? He looks like he would get along pretty well with Trudeau.
Trapichear, pero al menos no se meten con nadie fuera de su ambiente salvo cuando te pilla por en medio. En un casino manejado por la mafia china, a una española le metieron una bala en la cabeza (ajuste de cuentas); pero en general, si no te metes en sus asuntos te dejan en paz. Eso sí, entre ellos se hacen de todo, sobre todo los chinos, son unos hijos de puta con su propia gente.
She is woman. Funny thing, Ada Colau has always been a lesbian, until she found a rich guy who was working in real estate exploitation, suddenly became bisexual.
que mierda amigo.
So do you think that maybe soon enough we might see some spanish polititians get redpilled on the subject?
Je. Eso me recuerda a un libro que leí del holocausto en el que los judíos que finalmente fueron librados descubren que sus casas ahora les pertenece a otras personas, excepto que ahora las cosas están al revés y los judíos son los que te andan quitando la casa y dándoselas a los inmigrantes. Pero dejando las bromas alado, ¿Porque coño dejan que cualquier babosa sin cerebro deje que una de sus ciudades sea un desmadre completo dominado por cualquier inmigrante? ¿Acaso ella esta jodidamente estúpida para no saber que si les da libertad instantáneamente a cualquiera que se meta a su país ilegalmente, significara un desmadre total? Si los políticos siguen haciendo esas cosas tu país, ya no existirá algún país hispanohablante que no sea tercermundista.
>she is a woman
Let me fix this: she would get along pretty well with Dilma.
you can't even fucking tell at this point, thinks are just bad
Should have knocked them out one by one.
That's probably the most exercise Americans have done in years.
LOL, that's spain, looks more like Africa with all those niggers.
This, so much this...
One on one a Nigger will run
Two on one is nigger fun
nah, too many in Tel Aviv sadly
sounds like a deal
i swear it's not me, i'll ask my father
tú no eres de Barcelona, verdad?
Antes de la Colau también había manteros huyendo de la guardia urbana y turistas low cost, simplemente ha ido degenerando cada vez más.
Y sobre el tema de los okupas eso pasa también en Madrid y en Tarragona y en cualquier sitio, no sé exactamente entonces por qué es culpa exclusivamente de la Colau
Viven completamente alejados del ciudadano medio. Por supuesto la casa de ningún político va a ser ocupada ilegalmente por inmigrantes, ellos tienen seguridad armada pagada con el dinero de nuestros impuestos.
This is the home of the leader of Spanish Communist. Yes, it's a fucking pool.
>Cherry-picked video of refugees acting uncivilized, against numerous examples of them helping build your countries and being productive members of society.
Really makes you think
how mad am I if I dream about civil war and genocide while listening to this?
¿¡En serio me vas a comparar!?
Claro que las cosas estaban mal con el tartamudo, pero ni punto de comparación con la mierda que tenemos hoy en día. Antes los manteros todavía agachaban la cabeza cuando se les acercaba un Mosso, ahora están más crecidos que nunca. En cuanto a lo de los okupas, permite que me ría; Barcelona es la puta capital de la okupación en toda Europa. Si bien no es un problema que sólo se de aquí, sí que es donde se produce con más regularidad. Lo que no es de sorprender si tenemos en cuenta que buena parte del equipo de gobierno de Ada Colau son antiguos okupas o han simpatizado con el "movimiento".
>Cherry-picked video
Come to Barcelona, and see it for yourself.
The letters r, e, u, g, s, o and m don't share the same penmanship. Just compare the r from "tourist" to the r in "refugee"
Fuck off
Pos ya no se que más decir. Ver como España(Y Europa en general) esta siendo dictada por gente estúpida que esta poniendo la vida de los inmigrantes antes de los de su propia gente dejando que su propia cultura sea destruida por ellos y tratar de negar que ellos no son más que unos pobres santos que están tratando de buscar una nueva vida fuera de su propio país es muy deprimente. Espero que algún día los políticos tomen la pastilla roja y vean las gran estupidez que están haciendo antes de que sea muy tarde y toda Europa sea historia.
in Germany the first generation Turks were more liberal than their grandchildren. So we have a growing group of german citizens who are born there who identify as Erdogan Islamists. But who could have known that when their grandparents where invited. Also another risk. Not even if the grandparents or parents halfway integrate and are tolerant there is a guarantee that it will stay that way
Fucking leafs, I swear to god.
That Burger was severely injured. archive.is
give that they don't ever put out any info publicly, we have to infer what they are from what associated groups do
they are globalist and are pushing for a world wide socialism
Leftists are like this everywhere, man. Just take a look at Lula. Fucker had a triplex and a ranch. When he had cancer, he got treated at Sírio-Libanês (one of the best hospitals in Brazil), the poor that have cancer need to be treated through SUS, our public health care system.
gee, why are spaniards so violent?