Is it ok to make fun of white people

>is it ok to make fun of white people
>author is (((Rosenberg)))
Can't make this shit up

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Other urls found in this thread:

Q predicted this

(((Rosenberg))) every goddamn time

Caspere literally knew this

Q is this


Ovens when? Soon I hope.

Not even trying to hide it

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>(((make fun)))

Is wanting white people to die and suffer "making fun of white people"?

Rosenberg is a Germanic name, "berg" means mountain and is only Jewish when it is with sugar or gold, like Zuckerberg or Goldberg

they just don't stop do they?

Let's make fun of niggers and chechens in twitter/facebook

I hate jews.

Its jus comedy goy lighten up! This anti-semitism will not stand.

He's a Jew. 100%.

So Zuckerberg is
Big Rock Candy Mountain?

Rosen is almost always a kike thing. "Rosenblat" "rosenberg' "rosenstein" it's rose as in "rose gold" and follows the naming convention exactly. Kike.

Candy mountain Charlie!

>wen u've been kicked out of countless countries but suddenly it starts meaning something on a global scale so you abuse this newly found kindness by trying to get it to happen again

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Nigger not detected in OP's image.
Thread not autohidden.

I'm actually all for everyone being openly racist to eachother. I'm fine with this chink saying what she said if I can say what I want as well

>The old tweets bubbled up from the depths of the Internet, surfaced by an apparently anonymous user on Twitter.

>In them, Sarah Jeong, a technology writer recently hired by the New York Times for a prestigious post on its editorial board, spoke sarcastically about white people.

>“Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men,” she wrote in one.

>“White people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” she wrote in another.

>“#CancelWhitePeople,” another said.

>Without evidence that they had any bearing on Jeong’s extensive body of work, which includes a book she wrote about online harassment, these statements could have perhaps been unceremoniously dismissed as insignificant. But after conservative media seized on the story Thursday, they ignited a firestorm of debate.

>Jeong is the latest in a long line of people to have their old tweets surfaced for scrutiny in connection with a high-profile career assignment. She certainly won’t be the last

>But in a country in the midst of a painful debate about white supremacy and privilege, Jeong’s episode has exposed a deeper rift between some conservatives — whose political ideology has been marked by the rise of a president who has trafficked in racially charged rhetoric and policies — and the left, pointing to a fundamental disagreement about the nature of race and power in the United States.

>At right-leaning outlets such as Fox News, the Daily Caller, the Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and Infowars, Jeong’s tweets were skewered as “racist,” “offensive” and “anti-white.”
wow alt right.

will post the rest later.

the word berg (mountain in english) might be german but no real german has the name berg in it. its a jew

I make fun of nigger as well. Please dont arrest me police.
>here is a NYT article saying its okay to make racist jokes.

Sugarmountain to be precisely

It's because German Jews were forced to adopt German last names in the 19th century.
-berg, -man, -er, -roth, -baum, -stein

>making fun of
That's the real joke here, not her tweets.

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>“NYTimes’ Newest Hire Sent Tons of Anti-White Racist Tweets,” the Daily Caller chimed in.

>“Jeong was not hired despite her racist tweets, she was hired because of them,” wrote the right-wing site Infowars, known for its vigorous promotion of conspiracy theories.

>To some conservatives, her hiring, and the subsequent defense issued by the Times, was an example of how liberals get away with their own brand of racism — against white people.

>“Sarah Jeong not being fired by the New York Times for her racist and hateful tweets is example 93,687,887,482 of liberal hypocrisy,” conservative commentator and occasional conspiracy theorist Mark Dice wrote on Twitter.

>But others were quick to say that the statements Jeong made could be skewed as racist only if the culture, history and current sociopolitical context of the United States were ignored.

>“Part of the reason it was so easy for the outrage to be manufactured in the first place was it was completely decontextualized and ahistorified,” said Nolan L. Cabrera, an associate professor at the University of Arizona who will publish a book in the fall about racial attitudes held by white college students. “Then it was easy to drum up anger and say it looks like she hates white people. That only makes sense if you are willfully ignorant of 400 to 500 years’ history and contemporary social context and also the context from which the tweets were sent.”
what a bs

>It is likely true, as many have pointed out, that if any minority group were substituted in the place of white people into Jeong’s statements, she would not have kept her job. Some edited Jeong’s tweets to hammer home that idea, replacing the words “white people” in her tweets with “black people” and “Jewish people.”

>Nolan L. Cabrera, an associate professor at the University of Arizona
Oh they found an expert on the matter

>But Cabrera said the idea was “a complete false equivalence,” noting that whiteness isn’t a cultural identity the way being black, Japanese American or Jewish is. Cabrera listed off examples of government policies that targeted various racial groups, including the Chinese Exclusion Act and Operation Wetback, calling racism a “systemic reality” that necessarily favors white people.
would love to see this "examples"

>“You hear that all the time: Substitute white and put in minority group x,” Cabrera said. “The term ‘racism’ is not the equivalence of prejudice or bigotry. It’s an analysis of social inequality along the color lines and an analysis of power dynamics and social oppression. None of which has ever been in the hands of people of color or communities of color: There’s never been the social structure to be able to oppress white people.”

>Still, some conservatives disagreed with that framing, acknowledging that though the tweets were not comparable to white-supremacist ideologies, they still should be considered racism.

>“The threat of anti-white racism (except in rare cases) isn’t violence. It’s not systematic oppression. There’s no realistic scenario where ‘the tables are turned’ and black Americans visit on white Americans a reverse version of the worst aspects of American history,” David French wrote in the National Review. “The problem with anti-white racism is that it runs directly counter to efforts to unify in spite of that history. It runs counter to efforts to elevate American culture. And, yes, it can and does create individual injustice in those instances where anti-white racism manifests itself in more than just tweets and academic journals.”

Jeong’s episode has also raised complicated questions about the stubborn nature of harassment that women of color face online. In a statement she posted to Twitter on Thursday, Jeong said she regretted the tweets and that they had been made as a satirical response to people who had harassed her because of her race and gender online. She included an image of the racial slurs directed at her and said she had used language that “mimicked” that of her harassers.

>This type of harassment, that combines racism and sexism, is something only women of color experience online, according to Shireen Mitchell, founder of Stop Online Violence Against Women.
muuuh sexism

>Social media have created the opportunity for minority communities around the world to connect, but they have also left these groups vulnerable to vicious attacks by anonymous trolls.
play stupid games...

>The ploys by these anonymous Twitter users vary, Mitchell said, but they often involve threatening children the women may or may not have.

>“I hope your kid doesn’t become a hashtag” is a common tweet Mitchell sees.

>Sonia Gupta, a software engineer in Colorado with a large Twitter following, experienced this type of harassment this week after sharing an article about “how dangerous and toxic white women are to women of color.” One tweet stuck out in particular because of a threatening statement it included about lynching.

>“It’s terrifying to these people who are enraged that we have an equal voice on this platform,” Gupta said.

>This kind of harassment knows few limits. A white male writer, Sam Thielman, showcased the racist responses he received after he defended Jeong, from people who thought he was Jewish because of his last name. He later said he is of German descent.

I had a turboJew teacher named Rosenberg.


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Ummmmmm, racist and sexist much?!

the news outlets are getting torn a new asshole in the comment sections over them defending NYT and the asian writer. even on the Washington Compost

>to make fun of white people
She wasn't really making fun of white people tough, was she?

>make fun of

You mean blatant hostile racism

You aren't familiar with the joke "#KillAllWhiteMen?" It's been around for decades. Pretty sure Mitch Hedberg had his own version of it.

Well the upside of this, the Dan Harmon thing and the James Gunn thing is that the left has now officially given up the right to dig up old dirt to try and get someone fired.
I mean even they couldn't be so brazenly hypocritical as to try to do it again after all this, right?

>I mean even they couldn't be so brazenly hypocritical as to

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Of course they think it's okay.

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why do jewish names sound like people who hoard valuables?

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as if Jow Forums wouldn't welcome their first physical contact with a female they're not related to

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I'm from Newton, Ma, which is a jew infested suburb of Boston. there's a local joke : why is Newton called the Garden City? because there's a rosenbloom on every corner

Do these people have zero knowledge of history before 1492? When Moorish, Mongolian, and Ottoman invaders tore white children to pieces and rape white women? At least be consistent.

It's okay to make fun of white people because it's okay to make fun of everyone

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Claims she isn't Jewish.

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>tfw you can replace this with niggers and it works even better


i make fun of every one online. and twitter is dead bruh check dat stock value

Jesus. Look at the first name you nigger

Whites will never be considered a minority either just a majority-minority. We can't have anything nice as whites because of white supremacy. We are literally the only group that can be openly mocked for our culture and appearance (which doesn't exist) and if you don't understand that then you must not have gone to college.

>Fox news and breitbart are "alt-right" goy!
>Alt-right means literal nazis!
And yeah "omuhgerd they no consider context or establish her as a human they see tweets calling for genocide and outright racism thrown around casually multiple times and just ASSUME!"
Consistency. Mmm.

Always hold your opposition to their own standards. I'm all for freedom to say whatever you want too but people like her are not and deserve censure.


>sugar mountain

this appeals to my interests.

>replace dyke buzzwords with "muslims" "jews" "blacks" etc

So trannies DON'T want to fuck straight men? That's literally all they want, to be able to fool straight men. They already screech when anybody proposes legislation requiring them to disclose, they get off on the fantasy of raping a man via deception.

And mexicans don't hop the border to take jobs? So they're straight-up parasites and don't want to work? Alright then.

>treating whitey different than others is A-OK
>this is a very simple principle
And what principle is that?

>with that nose

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Prime example of media manipulation. The debate is is it ok to be racist against whites.

I can see only three options:

1. Egalitarianism - we are all equal enough that individual differences are more important than stereotypes (color-blindness, post-MLK to Obama).

2. Segregation - we are all equal enough to live in the same nation, however, we are also implicitly granted freedom of association by the first amendment and private property (race-realism, post-civil war to civil rights era).

3. Naturalism - two different species cannot occupy the same territory without the destruction of one or both (2 million years of evolutionary history, and a few thousand years of recorded human history).

"Stay in the light people section, snownigger."
"Stop trying to better your country, we be out here now nigga somalian lyfe"
"Don't give me lip when I talk shit, boy"
"We're above talking to your kind"
"Wez werk hahd on dis shit nigga aint no be speekan lyke us aiight" (actually this one is good advice)
"Don't tell us we can't beat whites or steal their shit. Burning shit down over sleights is our culture wite boibur laws ain finna boutta apply ta us"
"Be an uncle tom. We own you you cracker ass bitch"
"Sometimes we're blatant hypocrites, sometimes we outright rig the system, help us because we say so. If calling for genocide is in fashion you shut your mouth and wait for us to hang you"
"These things that have made you a second class citizen are none of your business. Gibs me dat an shut the fuck up not your bidness"
"Racist is a racial slur now. No, you can't say shit about it cumskin."

>how to live with a permanent chip on your shoulder
Clearly crackers are the bane of existence.

Reminder that anybody who legitimately feels bad when labelled a racist and lets it dictate their behavior is a piece of shit who deserves everything they get. Only whites play by those rules and it's a racist af paradigm.

Whenever I want to make fun of a buddy I call him a groveling goblin that's only fit to live underground.

"No, no, see (fellow goy- I mean wypipo) it is not racist because no slur is used. What?? What do you mean 'african americans commit disproportionate amounts of violent crime?' you bigot!? What do you mean 'homosexuals account for massively disproportionate STD infection and carry most of the AIDS despite being a tiny fraction of the population' you nazi?!"
Holy shit this is a goldmine. This kike hit every note.

Based and redpilled

4. Egalitarianism - only whites are human so 2 and 3 are absolutely egalitarian.

5. Traditionalism - women are property, so egalitarianism does not include them.

The final redpill.

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If they aren't human and they eat humans, how does that make them cannibals?

>be racist against whites as an asian
"It's just making fun!"
>be racist against blacks as a white
"alt right super nazi that kills babies made tweet that killed many people in a violent rage"


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they used to be humans


Doesn't mean a thing

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It's different when your great grandpa had their great grandpa in chains. Deal with it and stop crying about your freedumbs

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>make fun of
>applaud white genocide