Give me a good reason why Europe doesn't have every right to remain majority native and do whatever it pleases in regards to immigration.
And give me a good reason why Europe shouldn't remain majority native.
A challenge for liberals lurking on Jow Forums
Fuck off you Civic Nat Gyppo cunt.
God, I wish liberals actually tried to answer my question.
Come on soiboys!
...You do know Doom's, like, an Ultra-Liberal, right? At least Modern S0i Doom.
>majority native
I don't read comics I just used that a picture for no reason
Yes, it's a good word to use against liberals, especially if they are the sorts that believe in the whole native american bullshit
who are the natives of europe
every character is a fucking lib since 2000ish in comics, because the industry was over-run.
White Europeans
then you have to define white europeans
It's pretty self explanatory
Eh, fair enough.
True enough. It's just weird as hell that Doom is one. I mean, the guy LARPs as Royalty, has Latveria looking like Fairytale Germany with some GrecoRoman stuff and has gone full traditionalism.Yet I'm supposed to believe he considers everyone equals and allows multiculturalism in that fucking country? Seriously, I don't know how these people even think.
no, not really. There are europeans that are just as dark, if not darker, than mixed race black african/Caucasian people.
Especially Muslims/ Considering Muslims destroy everything in their path and replace it with Islam, it's literally not just a religion, it's an aggressive political ideology
Like who? Albanians?
Don't try to pussyfoot around gassing every last kike because it must be done
italians/spaniards etc. Some french thrown in there.
I’ll bite Brit.
Unfortunately I’m not a liberal myself, but one common argument that I hear is that denying someone access to your nation is racist and against human “rights.”
Why are you against being civil to immigrants?
That doesn't matter to me. They're Europeans and what goes in their countries is their business. And the reality is, most people don't want their ethnic group to become a minority in their state, but no politician ever asked if they'd be okay with millions of mussies
If it doesn't matter if people are white, where does the fear of becoming an ethnic minority come from.
My answer to that would be that I reject immigration ebing a "human right", I don't know who come decided that it was, but the ydefinitely didn't ask me and millions of people around the world.
A country can do whatever it wants, that means if they don't want immigration, they don't have to get it, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Because Europe is not America. We have various European ethnic groups living in Europe and most of them have their own state. States based on ethnic groups to governm themselves. France has the right to remain majority ethnic and native French, if you replaced France with Russians, I'd still have a problem with that, it's still genocide of an ethnic group regardless if the replacers are white. Same thing with Chechen Muslims, they are ethnic Russians, I still don't want them anywhere near me. When it comes to Islam, race isn't a factor, I hate it regardless.
It's even weirder, when you take into account the fact that Latveria is an Eastern European Country, and Doom was raised as an Orthodox Christian and Sorcerer.
But really, you can come up with a fairly plausible excuse on Doom being a Lefty. What bothers me is what they've done to Stark as a character.