‘My Little Pony’ Animator In Prison For Child Porn – Over 60,000 Images Found

‘My Little Pony’ Animator In Prison For Child Porn – Over 60,000 Images Found


Who would have thunk it?

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We already had a dozen threads about this I am dissapointed that you are late


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Some people sleep!

60,000 images? What the cops went through and counted? Sounds legit.

never go full /mlp/

Call KKK Grand Dragon Andrew "race" Warski to bomb hasbro again

when they charge you with CP they have to have an actual count for the court so yeah, a cop has to sift through and count all of them. It is a major reason cops get counseling

>60k files selected

wow that was hard

Detective Boomer right here

Whats crazy is that police are legally obligated to hold on to evidence for years until a case is 100% closed, including the initial trial and then the appeals process. Think of all the CP just sitting in police departments; its absolutely fucked.

They actually log specifically what was in the images and give breakdowns on content, since some content in some quantities warrant additional charges, so a general file count is not very useful

/mlp/ was red pilled because (((they))) replaced the original team with new people that are totally pedophile.
Reminder that anti-bronies in this thread are Jews and r/The_Donald and should be mocked.

Why? Legit question tho. I mean in Russia cops are famous for selling the confiscated drugs so may it happen so that cops are pedo enablers, too?

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hopefully its the guy that posts on /tv/

Because even when we strip convicts of rights we don't actually strip them of rights because lawyerberg needs to make more money from his client and appealing with old evidence is the way to do it

Is anyone even surprised?

Ah, thanks.

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Goddammit Jow Forums you told me they were based

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fucking bump

kill all bronies now

>Wysom told the court that he had been watching child pornography as an offshoot of his addiction to adult pornography. His reasoning, as reported by the Ottawa Citizen, was that he had consumed so much “normal” pornography dating back to about a decade ago, that it no longer stimulated him, to the point that he had become desensitized to it and “needed something more."
porn is totally harmless tho :v)

nigga please, see

well color me surprised

That's kind of funny. I know Kat Stenson, she works on that show... Judging by what I've heard of the kinds of people they hire, I really wouldn't doubt it. They're more degenerate than your average degenerate. I can say this honestly.