Calling Out David Geffin: Expanding the Microscope On The Music Industry Extravaganza Edition

Doing a quick repost of an unnoticed bread, then will be continuing a look at the Occult practices in the music industry from the early days all the way up till now.

>David Geffen
>CLOSE friends with Bryan Singer(x-men director), and Spielberg(killed Heather O Rourke) has close ties to the lavender mob/Velvet mafia/gaybo mafia

>Most likely killed Kurt Cobain(Kurt like Cornell, and Bennington made a deal they stepped out of effectively costing them their lives) Kurt is specifically portrayed in Steve Jackson's(a high level occultist') playing card game NEW WORLD ORDER Zodiac Productions confirms the use of Magicks in the recording studio [Remove]

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Other urls found in this thread:

Backer of DEN(digital entertainment network)DEN gets busted for throwing sleepovers where male actors who were minors would attend, and were encouraged to abuse drugs given to them
Spielberg, and Geffen were supporters of DEN, and graciously backed DEN with large sums of money
Tom Hanks who recently came under fire over possible child abuse allegations is close friends with David Geffen(has been photographed multiple times with him)
Has been noted to have bribed a multitude of officials, and journalists, and it has been stated that millions of dollars have been spent doing so
Michael Jackson spent millions of dollars on a black magic ritual provided by a black magician to "curse" spielberg, and geffen
Michael Jackson claims spielgberg, and geffen used him as a scapegoat when allegations towards spielberg, and geffen were being made
Jackson, and spielberg used to be best friends

How this works
There are different occultist for different works of entertainment some specialize in sound, while others specialize in film. Geffen a magi of music, and spielberg a magi of film.
Where's the proof that Geffen is apart of this? Several Comet Ping Pong PERFORMERS were employeed by the Geffen Museum of Contemporary Art, also known as MOCA.
List of board members include
David Geffen, Heather Podesta, Jeffrey Soros and Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk are all part on the board.
Billionaire and LA icon Geffen was linked to pedophile ring with Marc-Collins Rector, Brock Pierce and Bryan Singer.
Abramovic’s infamous decapitation dinner took place at MOCA
Linda Ramone of MOCA- longtime friend of Marina Abramovic, attended Chris Cornell’s funeral
Linkin Park also ran exhibits at MOCA

>Save all this info I might not be around to drop it again no shit this was the closest thing to a "golden goose" I could have given

End of Repost

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holy shit..
as in the motherfucking tribe of den from the torah?
Another name for "Den" is "snake"
classic jews

Now Time for all things under the sun.

Beatles, Stones. All belong to occult practitioners, handlers in the music industry who have used music as a developing media.

Hold on to your butts its about to get strange

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>Hello my name is Lucifer, Sympathy for the Devil.

Now first of all I love the Beatles, and the Stones. I am not putting these groups down, they are the greatest rock n roll in my humble opinion. I will just leave the rest up to you

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The Beatles and Tavistock Institute?

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Why did Lennon put Crowley on the Album cover?

The Beatles songs do have double Meanings.

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The forces behind the music Industry just like hollywood there is a very Lucifarian force,

Backmasking is cool.


but on a real note what is with the Occult and the Apple.

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Tasteth of my forbidden fruit of knowledge

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Like every step forward an apple

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Coincidentally apples have a chemical in them that wake people up

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Also the Beetle is the Symbol in Ancient Egypt
for Eternal life. Strange again with the Occult and Egypt

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Discordianism aka the same people who shilled Kek worship on the chans. All CIA Satanists.

I know backmasking is real but is that one lmao?

Make another thread but explicitly exposing the luciferian aspects of Jow Forums culture (esp. Kek, divination via dub gets memes being nearly all demons or common Witchcraft animals)

Youll find it everywhere and get tons of Jow Forumstards triggered

Why has Jow Forums memoryholed the time that they actually unironically worshipped Baal, yet still think they're on the "good side"

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Masons run 4+4 chan too

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Finally, I thought these threads would never touch on the music biz. Someone like Geffen certainly has a dead man's switch, his importance goes much beyond the music industry too, but it's important to raise awareness of specific names.
A tip though OP: your posts ITT look like spam, try making them look more concise if you want more traffic.
I have some stuff on Cobain and others I researched months ago, if this thread takes off I'll dump it. Won't for now to ensure the thread gets some legitimate bumping, and not only text walls. Keep "readability" in mind when wanting this kind of thing to get on top

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Creator of the Shlomo Shekelstein meme was a Satanist who hung with Manson and married a woman named Weinberg.

It's almost like (((THEY))) want us to superficially "name the Jew" as long as nobody actually looks into the rest of the occult herarchy

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It would be nice to see actual research done in this topic instead of schizo /x/ shit that only discredits it. Similar to how the whole pedo investigation was derailed by faggots focusing on saturn and kabbalah just when finding out the trafficking networks was being discussed.

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I've posted this story when I see Geffens name come up.

My teacher at audio engineer school told me this story actually... He said his friend worked for Geffen and after his friend had a kid Geffen was like harassing him telling him that his child had "the bloodline" and that he wanted it. It scared his friend so bad that he left town and moved to Texas apparently.

So there's that

I feel like unironically they make the best memes

Exactly which is why we ultimately must repent of memeing

bump for interest

Yeah I feel that, bringing a little Reality to this place would be nice I also think they are behind this'n the whole monster energy meme hahaha

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What about the Police, and Miles Copeland Jr of the CIA? Or Jim Morrison's dad being head of fleet that called in Gulf of Tonkin. Or the CIA introducing drugs via psychedelic 60's.

Nirvana was pay to play- no magic just over produced punk rock.

I mean I guess I stopped because its Just Endless, The Snake is LONG, Seven miles

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Guess were more calling out Geffin, check the Voat link pretty good

Miles copland JR. His son is the drummer of the police.
At the outbreak of World War II, Copeland joined the National Guard, and contacted Rep. John Sparkman of Alabama, who arranged a meeting with William J. Donovan.[8] The two hit it off immediately, but Copeland nonetheless was not recruited to Donovan's Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and instead joined the Corps of Intelligence Police, which became the Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) in January 1942.[8] Copeland was stationed in London and reportedly gained the top-secret "Bigot" clearance and took part in discussions about Operation Overlord.[8]

After the conversion of the OSS into the Strategic Services Unit on 1 October 1945, Copeland joined what would become part of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).[8][9] Serving in London, he became a lifelong Anglophile. He married Lorraine Adie, a Scot he had met during the war when she was serving in the Special Operations Executive.[10]

Among Copeland's first postings was Damascus, Syria (September 1947)[8] beginning a long career in the Middle East. Together with Stephen Meade he played a role in supporting the March 1949 Syrian coup d'état.[8][11] Working with Kim Roosevelt, he was instrumental in arranging Operation Ajax, the 1953 technical coup d'état against Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mosaddegh.[4][12]

In 1953, Copeland returned to private life at the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton while remaining a non-official cover operative for the CIA.[13] He traveled to Cairo to meet Gamal Abdel Nasser, who had overthrown King Farouk and taken power in Egypt, advising Nasser on the development of the Mukhabarat[14] and becoming Nasser's closest Western advisor. Copeland opposed major paramilitary CIA operations such as the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba in 1961 on the grounds that they were impossible to keep secret due to their size.[4]

The song Kid Charlemagne by Steely Dan is about the CIA agent who distributed LSD to San Francisco, Stanley Owsley



How about we talk about the 27 club and the CIA killing prophets.


please search for that blog - link is banned, sgt. pepper is OTO from A to Z

yes, the jewess from the holes was his beard and the daughter... where's she now?

>sgt. pepper is OTO from A to Z

>Paul McCartney said this on the making of Sgt Peppers, "We were fed up with being the Beatles. We really hated that fucking four little mop-top boys approach. We were not boys, we were men. It was all gone, all that boy shit, all that screaming, we didn't want any more, plus, we'd now got turned on to pot and thought of ourselves as artists rather than just performers. There was now more to it; not only had John and I been writing, George had been writing, we'd been in films, John had written books, so it was natural that we should become artists.

>Then suddenly on the plane I got this idea. I thought, Let's not be ourselves. Let's develop alter egos so we're not having to project an image which we know. It would be much more free. What would really be interesting would be to actually take on the personas of this different band. We could say, 'How would somebody else sing this? He might approach it a bit more sarcastically, perhaps.' So I had this idea of giving the Beatles alter egos simply to get a different approach; then when John came up to the microphone or I did, it wouldn't be John or Paul singing, it would be the members of this band. It would be a freeing element. I thought we can run this philosophy through the whole album: with this alter-ego band, it won't be us making all that sound, it won't be the Beatles, it'll be this other band, so we'll be able to lose our identities in this."

That album has the power to dismantle Identites

Lets not forget who is on the album cover I will go more in depth

Lewis Carol who is the Author of Alice and Wonderland another major occult program.

The Beatles transformed into the lonely hearts club band. They became a completely different band in this album. They sounded different, and were different.

in the front lines, leading an army of inspired people including, Albert Einstein, Marlon Brando, Karl Marx, Marilyn Monroe, Carl Jung, Edgar Allen Poe, Bob Dylan, Aldous Huxley, H. G Wells, Oscar Wilde, Lewis Carroll, T.E. Lawrence, Shirley Temple, as well as sportsmen, gurus, writers, missionaries, actors, comedians, sculptors, designers, artists, comedians, and politicians. Very Occult.

Another sign is Snow white is there. Snow white is a princess or metaphorical spirit who was put to sleep by an apple the same apple as the one in the garden of Eden and Sleeping Beauty, the apple of Knowledge or the mind. And she is then awoken to true life by the kiss of true life. IT is a sign by the collective unconscious mind. There can also be some other interpretations as to why she is there but I leave it at that.

One such sign is a ceramic Mexican craft known as the "Tree of Life" there are others of course, Beatles Run DEEP

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In fact all Beatles albums have a separate double meaning. For Example this one is also related to SGT. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. The Title of the band alone. But anyways, This one represents the collective unconscious mind from which the Beatles were connected and transmitting majick and messages beyond the mind. The term Revolver also means going around and around. In order to Evolve. Evolve backwards. Love going round and round baby

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RE Lover

also Lennon wanted to put Hitler and Jesus Christ on there weird bro

mental illness crisis is madness,

I thought you died Charlie

You might also want to ask why kpop videos are full of satanic imagery even though Korea has a completely different occult heritage. Something fucky is going on with music.

that thing on the right holding the doll freaks me right out