Why do Libtards claim to be tolerant but fail at doing just that

Why do Libtards claim to be tolerant but fail at doing just that
>be at Trader Joes
>wearing my Jeb Bush 2016 shirt
>be grabbing a bottle of Kombucha out of the fridge when suddenly some old geasers tell me I need to be ashamed of myself
>I say, you need to be more specific, is it my tattoos(both my arms are tatted up bottom to top), my piercings(got 15 of them), or my hairdo(just your typical comb over)
>she says "no look at your shirt dear you are trying to intimidate everyone here"
>completely forgot about my shirt
>look around and notice everyone is looking at me
>almost flicked the finger at all of them had I not been so good at restraining myself
I only shop here because of all the organic food other than that this place is a swamp of basketcase libtards

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Piercings are for degenerates

Interesting blog post boomy

that happened

You are literally the worst person to have ever lived.

Why the hell do you own and wear a jeb Bush shirt? You sound like a real faggot.

Situations like that can be a lot of fun if you are daring enough. For example sarcastically saying something like "Hail Hitler" at that moment could be really effective, if you have the right body language and confidence.

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and then everybody clapped

Why the tattoos and piercings? Did daddy touch your no no spot? I feel like conservatives would be offended by your jeb antics

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Because I was voted for Jeb Bush in the primaries and attended all his rallies and helped organize Angelenos for Jeb Bush

>organic honey
what does inorganic honey look like?

Back when everyone was making fun of the guac bowl i looked at the merch on his website and saw a tanktop with a picture of 70's Jeb sitting on the beach, obviously trying to drum up youth appeal in the cringiest way imaginable. I really wanted to buy one back when Jeb was getting double assfucked by Trump and Jow Forums OC 24/7, but when I actually tried to get one all trace of them seemed to have been scrubbed from the internet. It's a shame

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bear shaped

>he pays extra for products that have "organic" written on them

shit I kinda want a Jeb shirt now

>tfw you've been buying Inorganic broccoli this whole time

>hello, police?
>this young man's shirt is intimidating me
>please do something about it
You should have laughed at her and mocked anyone retarded enough to be intimidated by a fucking YEB shirt.
I've seen this shit countless times, leftists concern trolling, pretending to fear for their safety as a means to shut people down.


You must be a farmer.

The only Jeb! shirt you should wear is one with the Guac man electoral college meme on it.

You should be ashamed of posting here.
Geeer probably knew an apologetic cuck when he sees one.

>Jeb Bush 2016 shirt
Trader Joe's. Not even once.

>Almost flicked the finger

user they were upset you were a lost child...

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is angelenos slang for beaners?

Means I live in Los Angeles

this is bullshit, no one remembers who the fuck jeb was.

All food is organic, bad bait mate.

food is actually a combination of organic and inorganic compounds. For example salt is completely inorganic.