Communism supports a quick death for my nation

Communism supports a quick death for my nation
Capitalism supports a slow death for my nation
Why should i support either?

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You shouldn’t, Christians who truly love god will always take the third position.

Reject the modern world, preserve the old.

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I do

you can be a communist or a fascist both can work out
just dont be a capitalist, of the three its the only one which sees greed as a virtue

Heil Hitler

pretty weak sauce understanding of communism u got there son

>natsoc btfo in WWII
>gobbunism btfo in '91
>capitalism still doing its thing
There's betting on the wrong horse, and then there's betting on the horses that already had their femoral arteries slashed before the race began.

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Third position isn't really defined

Capitalism is the most jewish system in existence.

democracy comes from ancient Athens which ya kno, kinda disappeared. no one's out here saying that democracy already failed thus can never exist, or that the shitty things that existed in Athens meant democracy could never work pretty flawed argument

How does that not describe communism
They literally look up to people who say, "we should get free shit and the richer people should pay for it"

Why do you retards always conflate capitalism with fucking corporatocracy? Holy shit you are economically illiterate.

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>capitalism still doing its thing
Yea except it’s evolved from a national based economic to an internationally based one. Just as the kikes had planned. You are just a useful idiot for your own destruction

Fascism IS corporatism in practice. Why can't you brainlet NEETsoc niggers just accept that you are capitalists without the Jews?

You shouldn't. Braindead civnats and brainwashed mutts support capitalism without any criticism because it's their new religion.

>economy and society being more public planned than private planned means it's corporatism
You're clueless.

Please explain then. I'm personally having a problem working for a large corporation right now. Seriously, certain big named companies are run by cock sucking overly greedy fagots ready to sacrifice the average worker for a percentage point.

It actually isn't. Corporatocracy happens when the government ceases to legislate competition-spurring economic policy and instead accepts generous donations in exchange for policies that favor only them. It's basically corporate socialism.

Do you know what taxes are?

>capitalists without the jews
>roughly translates to capitalism without internationalism
I have no problem with a nationally based capitalist market but allows international capitalism or communism forces volk to live under the rules and depend on peoples from other nations who don’t give a fuck about them. It’s an unsustainable concept that can literally only barely function with a slave underclass

Of course we all know the the most outspoken capitalists on here love internationalism and cheap nigger dick. They don’t care about their race and nation disappearing forever only how many material comforts they can purchase before they slowly drift into the void as useless barely sentient beings

So a govt needs to legislate competition for it to happen? So much for capitalism being workable without a state.

Just like socialism, it's not real socialism when people criticize it.

Capitalism is intertwined with internationalism because the job of those who own the capital is to pay lowest wages possible and to sell to as many people as possible. This requires either the abolition of borders, their weakening or preventing the borders from getting strong.

You can't use greed to preserve a race. You use greed to preserve profits, which doesn't care if the new customers are whites, blacks, browns, etc...

---> The reason why it kills countries slowly is because while it is heavily based off of capitalism, it sucks the countries money up to the top 1%. Competition within the economy ceases to exist as the favors the government provides ensures that they can safely ignore trust laws while preventing new competition from springing up. They do this through heavy regulations that only the top 5% can afford to maintain. This creates pseudo-monopolies and allows the top companies to easily manipulate the market for max profit. It's evil taking advantage of capitalism's positives to fuck over the people..

That is the most pathetic capitalist propoganda concept of communism possible.
Just remember the (((banks))) set to work on communism right after fascism was taken care of. Because some russian potato jews backed communism at first doesnt mean anything. They were just using what ever means possible to attack christianity (the tzar), as usual.

Both communism and fascism are collectivist ideals. Both stress working for the group good and the betterment of the group. Everything else, all things which follow from this, are just academic differences of how to accomplish this best. Whereas capitalism just says be a greedy asshole and handwavy-magic this also benefits society so dont think too much about it goy :^)

When you meet a real communist, or a real fascist, you know they inherently want what is best for their group, not just themselves. Wanting otherwise would automatically exclude one from the ideology. When you meet a capitalist on the other hand... Some act altruistically, some try to reason virtues in the system like friedman. But what of the followers?
A communist works for the people. A fascist works for his people. A capitalist works for himself.
The people, my people. These lines are not so distinct.

Capitalism was never meant to work without a state. Unless you force companies to compete, they will never compete because competing means they need to be competent. And if they are not competent, their company goes to shit. Most CEOs these days are incompetent. They get paid millions of dollars a year to sit on their ass in a room and then take their 14th vacation playing battle yachts with their buddies.

Communists though have this insane obsession with unity of the workers worlwide for a weird reason. A lot of the intelligentsia are pretentious wannabe bourgeois which condemned lefties of being cucks for generations. This is something postmodernist like Foucault noted, minus the being the cuck part.

JFG said something interesting regarding the left. They're as much ethnonationalist as the right. The difference is which type of ethnic group they want to fight for. Leftists are ethnonationalists who want a mongrelized race with specific minorities to be included and other minorities to be excluded from their mongrelization. This assessment may seem far fetched but it becomes more palatable when light is cast on the ethnic groups they despise.

Does this include such laws as those created to protect the environment or to protect employees or it something more like manipulating zoning laws and interstate commerce?

Yup, and you never know about it because the media is bought too. Though generic zoning laws like commerce away from housing is followed.

>preventing the borders from getting stronger

You understand that capitalism is shit but want to operate under the label "capitalism" and exploit the fact that it's so deeply cemented in our society as an inroad to convert people.

Convert to what? It's not like communism and other leftist positions are the only alternative to capitalism.

Last question for you, sir or ma'm. Is this crony capitalism or is that some other messed up form of capitalism as well?

Whatever particular system he's claiming is "true" capitalism.

>He is literally one of the cuckboys who believes late-stage capitalism will happen in his lifetime
Capitalism is flawed but you got about another 100 years till it collapses, stop thinking this generation is any more special than the last.

I love you usa. Never change .
You are the only nation to guide us. (I know you are mostly religious retards but overall you literally hold this world together)

As much i i
d öole to hate usa or love you are definetely necessary and I'd be happy if U-S-A would be even more powerful. Just deal with you sandniggers problems and Trump.

Take the Evola pill.

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You need to stop drinking the kommie koolaid
.Definitely crony capitalism, but Crocap is part of corporatism. Think of it like what socialism is to communism.

I'm not.

Actually its exactly like what socialism is to communism.