There are only 3 races by skull type..negroid, Caucasoid and mongoloid....Asians and latino's are caucasoid...

there are only 3 races by skull type..negroid, Caucasoid and mongoloid....Asians and latino's are caucasoid..even though they may think they are negroid...they are not...

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Asians are mongoloid. WTF!

Asians and latinos are Caucasoid...

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the aborigines of Australia are mongoloids...

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How many visible colors are there on the spectrum? It depends on how you choose to divide them.

Race has nothing to do with skin color.

are you retarded?...or just stupid enuff to think what you just typed means anything?

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Asians are not Caucasoids.

No they are Australoid you idiot

Then who's mongoloid?

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there are 3 races by skull are obviously 1 of the stupid people of your race

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The mongaloid skull is not far enough. There are Boreans and Notuns.

Asians are mongloid and there aren't only 3 races. That's simplifying it. In reality there are literally 30 something races going by genes and phenotypes.

I admire your willingness to be stupid and wrong...

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Asians are mongoloid, Latinos are mutts.
By the way, where is Mongolia?
[spoiler]In Asia![/spoiler]

you lady are stupid...

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She's so qt and smug all the time.

go on

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Fucking Zionist shills hate sexy traps for some reason

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you are wrong...negroid, Caucasoid, man, white man, skull type...mutts don't count for shit

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you are one dumbass motha fuckin desperate caucazoid just except
being left out for being a racist culture/soul thief fuck ass bitch
you fuck ass cumskin

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And yes, Jews are clearly not Mongoloid or Negroid.

Your mum mate. Fucking textbook mong if I've ever seen one.

He’s asking because the idiot OP classed Mongoloid Asians as Caucasoids.

>there are only 3 races by skull type
>negroid, Caucasoid and mongoloid
>Asians are caucasoid..
>hur durr what is a mongoloid


The 3 race bullshit is absolutely idiotic. Go figure that brainlet Ameritards have normalized it.

Ethnicity is real, racial groups aren't. Chinese, Japanese etc. have NOTHING to do genetically with Europeans going back at least 50k years, how the hell can they be the same racial group? Just think about how profoundly stupid that is.

Latinos are of many races, there are black latinos and white latinos, mestizos, and many mixes in between.

Skull type means very little in practice.

mongolians u fucking retard

spoken like a true negroe

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But you can't deny that there are differences in skull shape between (pure) races.

there are 3 races by SKULL type...dumbfux

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I think he's using "Asian" in the British way; like Indians and Arabs, not orientals.

arabs are also caucasoid...even though a millenia of imbreding has left the skull of some arabs mis-shapen and gross...

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and a recent news story from india(caucasoid's) indicated a pregnant goat died after being raped by 8+ indian males...there is no evidence that negroes fuck goats more than caucasoids...

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Lindsay Shephard is so god damn hot. And she's probably hit the final redpill by now due to all the abuse from lefties and Jews.

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when you type...no1 gives a fuck

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take the eceleb pill

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aboriginals have a distinct skull, retard

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Question is, how does skull type affect intellect and shit?

you are either a nigger, a cracker...or a mongoloid...pick 1...

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You can't punctuate spoilers.

Well when it's outside the head the person is usually only a bit smarter than a nigger.

obviously whitey is the smartest...

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The mongols are Asian.

Australian aboriginals are from Australia

Latinos are a mix, but primarily asian

Wait what? Pretty much all non negroids are smarter than negroids. You saying its cuz of the way their skulls are?

Interesting question

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there is no way she is not on the spectrum

Even better, user. Wayyyy better.


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Cannabalism = homicidal cannibalism

But there's no such thing as Japanese people. They are just Chinese who moved to a little island and lived by themselves for a while. Their religion and language and everything is inherited from Chinese. So how can you say they're unique? They're more like a tiny little branch or sub-variation of Chinese culture.

But does skull shape and size affect it?

If Asians are Caucasoid then who are the mongoloids? Other than op I mean.

Wait, hold on a sec

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Caucasoid drops negroid...easily

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Nips are what the Chinese should be.

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It correlates

I'm saying if the person is dead (skull outside their head) they're slightly smarter than a kaffir.

can you guess where the term MONGOLoid makes reference to?

Based af.

Until the 1960s, Neanderthals were classified as Homo neanderthalensis, a different species from us, Homo sapiens. But the genetic distance between Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis (

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Rice niggers and prairie niggers are mongoloids. Some natives in my area can easily be confused with dark skinned Asians.

There's also australoids and I believe inuits are their own thing too, but there are 3 main races.

What if its a negroid with its skull outside its head

>be actual Mongolian
>know that your people's name is a word-root for "retard" and occasionally used as a synonym for "Asian"

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I am an ape american and I aprove this message ooga booga nice nums bytw fame


hmmm. What did OP mean by this?

It's not because you're retarded though it's just because people with Down syndrome look Mongolian

untrue literary stupid shit...mongoloid may be(theory) the "oldest" skull type of modern(Caucasoid, negroid, mongoloid) skull types

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True. The bible says there are 3 main races as well. Everything else is a mix or a subrace

What about Australoids you nitwit

Literally just Homo Erectus moron, they aren't even a different race, but a whole other Hominid subspecies.

You're a Homo Erectus

I wish this video had sound it must sound tasty

1 theory suggests aborigines of Australia were isolated before caucasoids and negroes arose

I'm aware it's because people used whatever funny terms for things they could find during the age of discovery. I'm not offended either, just kind of confused.

and the bible said that long before modern humans realized it...

What about jew skulls, what are these creatures?

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>even though they may think they are negroid
They never were or thought themselves to be niggers, what in the actual shit are you talking about op

there are 3 races by skull type...Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid

It means someone needs to give her the D and set her straight.


Q predicted this

Jews are mixed


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Soooo.... what are they?

Asians are mongoloid your retard.


>What about jew skulls, what are these creatures?
If we thoroughly study the racial nature of the jew, we conclude that jewry is not a race in the ordinary sense of the word. Instead, as Houston Steward Chamberlain wrote, it must be seen as a counter-race, although the term “counter-race” cannot be understood in a biological sense. From a biological standpoint, jewry is a stable, inbred mixture of extreme races and racial rubbish. The concept of “counter-race” primarily means the destructive and disruptive effect of jewry within natural races. The distinguishing mark of jewry within human races has to do on the one hand with the racial makeup of the jews, who have been scattered for millennia, and on the other hand in their stubborn adherence to the crassest materialism, based on their so-called religious laws.

Jewry is the result of the mixing of every possible race. It is the biggest racial mish-mash in history. This racial mish-mash is so dangerous for all peoples because it because it includes elements from every race. The bad characteristics of these races have been passed on for many generations through jewry in ever stronger form. From this artificial, rootless, materialistic racial mish-mash, a parasitic counter-race has developed among the peoples.

The core of jewry is the coming together of rootless, rejected, asocial, sick, and degenerate elements of the various races, predominately of Middle Eastern and Oriental origins. One should remember that in antiquity, lepers were ejected from their racial community, just as were criminal asocial elements.

you are a moron

As a result of its parasitic distribution among the peoples over thousands of years, jewry wormed its way into almost all the races on earth. As a social parasite, it infected the lower classes, slaves, proletarians, the mob, etc. They had the least resistance to jewish racial parasitism.

Already in the Old Testament, we read in Exodus 12:38 about the departure from Egypt of the Children of Israel: “Many others of the rabble left with them.”

Since these lower classes leaned strongly to criminality and asocial behavior, and were inclined to political revolution, the jewish racial mish-mash incorporated the negative characteristics of these races, and increased them over the generations by mixing with the blood of the lowest elements of other races, passing them on in increased degree from generation to generation. Thus, the jewish counter-race moved ever more to the negative side. The artificial jewish racial mish-mash was held together by the force of materialistic religious laws that focused on life this side of the grave. It promised its adherents prosperity on earth, and lordship over all other peoples and nations. This jewish racial mixture was kept strictly separate from the influence of foreign gods.

During several hundred years of the Babylonian Captivity, the jewish racial mish-mash was strengthened by inbreeding. The inclusion of foreign elements, from this point on, was almost nonexistent. For the first time in history, a well-defined and distinct type emerged in the form of the jewish counter-race.

This jewish counter-race incorporated to the greatest degree the bad characteristics of nearly all races that it had inherited over the centuries by a process of negative selection. The jewish racial mish-mash primarily carries the traits of the Middle Eastern and Oriental races, but also influences of the Eastern, Western, and Nordic races. Mongolian and Negro traits also are frequently present.

you are a hateful person that feels comfortable demonizing other humans

While National Socialism brought about a new version and formulation of European culture, Bolshevism is the declaration of war by jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself. It is not only anti-bourgeois, it is anti-cultural. It means, in the final consequence, the absolute destruction of all economic, social, state, cultural, and civilizing advances made by western civilization for the benefit of a rootless and nomadic international clique of conspirators, who have found their representation in jewry.

Really wonder what Lindsay's feet look like desu
probably just as qt as her face

you should be aware when you type what you think...other people think less of you

There are several Gentile splinter groups that call themselves jews because they have joined the jewish faith, but have nothing to do with jewry from a racial standpoint. Such splinter groups that have joined the jewish faith include Yeminite jews in Arabia who converted to Judaism about 450 A.D, the Falash in Abysnnia, the Caucausus jews from the Caspian Sea, Georgian tribes of Iranian racial origins who later intermarried with Mongolians from the Volga area and probably were converted to Judaism by jews from Persia, the black jews of Bombay (Hindustanis presumably converted by Spanish jews), Chinese jews in Hunan Province, the Marambu Negroes along the Loango Coast who follow jewish rituatls, and the Khazars.

These groups joined jewry through prosyletism, meaning religious conversion, but do not belong to the foreign tribes that are part of the jewish racial mixture. Although they belong to the jewish religious community, they are not part of jewry in the narrow sense.

Don't quit your day job kike

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Asians are rice niggers and Latinxs are as varied as the rainbow. Do you have any idea how diverse Mexico actually is?

This brief overview of jewish racial origins demonstrates the uniqueness of the origin and development of jewry, which is precisely the opposite of the origin and development of all other races. As we have seen, other races grew organically from particular situations over an ethnically-based history, through a process of contact and struggle in commerce and war with other peoples. Unlike other peoples, it did not attempt to raise its members to a higher level through industry and labor.

Jewry is neither a race nor a mixed race. It is a confusing mixture of races, racial mixtures, and racial fragments, artificially held together by its rabbis. It acts as a kind of counter-race, which can only destroy, never build. Jewry is the product of the inbreeding of asocial, criminal, sick, degenerate, and rejected elements of every possible race in the ancient world. Jewry is neither a race nor a people nor a religion in our sense of those words. It possesses no homeland, but leads a rootless, parasitic life at the expense of the host peoples. Its current homeland is largely the criminal neighborhoods of the great cities of the world, its god is money, its policy is revolution and the destruction of the cultural treasures of mankind.

now you just sound like an evil wanna-be...wanna-be w/mommy issues...did your mom slap you off of her tit before you wanted her to?