NRA is going to die while you guys argue about ethnostates

>NRA is going to die while you guys argue about ethnostates
What happened to you Jow Forums?

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>NRA literally never said that


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You can't have threads that are remotely about gun control, as this thread will soon devolve into, on Jow Forums without it being send to Jow Forums.

Good then the GOA can takeover from them and actually fight for gun rights instead of just compromising with shitlibs who's end goal is a out right ban.

Do any of you fags know why the NRA replaced Brownell with Oliver "arms smuggler, acquitted on technicality" North recently? I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the full page photo of that weasel in the Aug issue of National Rirleman.

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I don't go on Jow Forums, so you probably have a point. I've been an NRA member for years, though. I'm just glad I live in a state where you can have cash transactions for guns and not worry about all of the bullshit red tape.
What's your beef with Ollie?

They had the biggest fundraising year in their history last year and they're on track for another good one this year.
I suspect that someone forwarded them an email from the NRA begging for shekels. For as long as I can remember the NRA has sent out "the sky is falling" emails and letters claiming they are on the verge of some major political defeat that could be averted if you just send them $20, any organization reliant on donations will do this.

Shit like this is how the NRA makes millions, lol. Keep screaming, faggots.

[X] Doubt

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Fuck the NRA. These niggers have been handing over gun rights the whole fucking time. Oh if we compromise a little... FUCK YOU.

He was playing fast and loose during the Iran Contra deal. He was pivotal in making illegal arms deals because congress wouldn't fund it.

Ha wut? They made sooo much after Las Vegas

I know what happened, I'm just trying to figure out why you have a problem with it. He made sure the Capitalist faction had guns. It's basically the reason El Salvador isn't Nicaragua right now.

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>Tim Dickinson

I'll look into it more. I just don't like the way it sounds when top brass is involved in this type of shit. I'd rather see things kept above board.

We're taking your fucking guns and the police are fully on our side.

>In late May, the Seattle Police Department knocked in the door at Brian Smith’s house and did exactly what many Second Amendment advocates say is their worst fear: they came for his guns. They were able to do that because of a relatively new Washington State law that allows the government to seize firearms from a person who has been deemed to be a danger to himself or others — even if he is otherwise legally able to own guns. It’s called an extreme risk protection order, or ERPO, and it’s quickly becoming one of the only pieces of gun-control legislation to make it through state legislatures. Earlier this month, Illinois became the 13th state to sign one into law.

ERPO is going to do all of you in.

It was literally the Reagan policy for Central America at the time. Arm and support the Capitalist factions in that region.
That being said, Obama's Fast and Furious program was the polar opposite reasoning for basically the same thing.
The world is filled with shades of gray and the only thing that matters is how it turns out.

fake and gay OP is a faggot

sage everything

The kike mod rape ape banned politics of gun ownership on Jow Forums. The noguns obnoxious cunts were vocal while everyone else was actually shooting their funs.

How can you separate the politics of gun ownership from guns? Fucking retards.

>The left is trying to dissolve the NRA for their own political benefits
Is that what's basically happening? Sad.

oy vey we're dying gib shekels pls you stupid boomer fudd fuck the terrorist obama wants your rusty truck gun because school huggings its the fucking end of the world with a free chinese tote bag and yes nobody needs 3d printed bomb stocks so buy another s&w also here is dana with nice feet very fuckable watch ollie funnel $$$$$ for her new tits huehuehue god bless the dirt over ronnie raygun's tactical pants.

Your mom is a disgusting, fat nigger and you're going to hell. Sage and die.

Who gives a shit about the boomer NRA. The don’t give a fuck about the 2nd amendment all they care about is the gun market.

that's what I thought. although they did finally raise their membership dues. had to finally break down and get the lifetime.

>no one reads the story

They are in financial trouble because banks are making it hard for them to operate and insurance companies are dropping them making it harder for them to host conventions. This is a lawsuit against banks and insurance companies to force them to allow them to operate

well i can just print my guns now, so why the fuck do i need the nra?

what do you think the NRA is?

The NRA is pointless and ending it won't accomplish anything except pissing off gun lovers. The left seems to be under the assumption that the NRA is the only thing protecting the second amendment

> the police
> Seattle
Have fun in your urban hellholes while starving to death once we blow the bridges and tunnels in Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo.

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Remember Zumbo!!!!!