GLOBAL WARMING panic thread

Jow Forums, I'm terrified. I'm not being ironic and not fucking around. Yes, the libs are wrong on most issues. But they're not wrong on this, and you know it. What do we do? Is it too late to stop it??

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Fake and gay.

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>Is the climate changing?
>Do humans contribute to the change of the climate
Yes. There's disupute as to the exact percentage of the change which is anthropogenic, but it's clearly non-trivial.
>Is the solution to (GLOBAL) climate change found in the West self-destructing on ridiculously expensive and inefficient 'green' energies, while China and Africa continue to burn coal like nobody's business, and gradually pollute more and more as their populations grow?
The left's "solution" is the typical leftist self-flagellation, not an actual fix. Stupid shit like the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Climate Accords, which are basically just wealth transfers to third-world dictators, aren't even serious attempts to address the problem. Nor is making energy so expensive that factories just move to China (resulting in the same number of factories globally, but they just pollute in China instead of in the West). Saying that, of course, is off-limits, and "climate denialism".
The real solution has to be a global solution. Personally, I favor things like carbon capture (carbon-negativity) and a carbon tax on imports, to force other countries to get their shit together. One could even go so far as to make a case for the West selling subsidized energy to the third-world so that they don't use "burn-a-pile-of-unscrubbed-coal-over-a-bonfire" energy production techniques (I hate this idea, but it's hard to come up with a good approach to getting the retards in Africa to go a little greener).
If you aren't getting the third world on board, you're not serious. That means being harsh, which means the left will never do it.

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don't worry about it

most of the places effected only hit areas with subhumans

Earth has been more warmer than this and life thrived. What are you afraid of? Record crops?

if it gets too bad just eat a bullet lmao, thats my plan anyways

Also, the cost of prevention has to be weighed against the cost of mitigation. Even if the sea levels rise a few feet, coastal barriers can be erected near populated areas for hundreds of billions of dollars. It's fair to be worried about the potential impact on e.g. saltwater fish, but it wouldn't be an apocalypse scenario, and that means there's a cost at which it's inefficient to prevent the climate from changing. Policy ideas like Hillary Clinton wanting to build half a billion solar panels to reduce the US's carbon footprint are prohibitively expensive (not to mention it wouldn't solve the problem, considering how extensive the rare earth element mining operation would have to be to build that many solar panels to begin with).

Fussion, if possible, its the way ahead, if not, fission and the more greener versions, like thorium, the one wich use nuclear waste.

Nuclear power is a false god. It will work in first-world countries, but Africa will (hopefully) not be allowed to handle nuclear material, nor will the middle-east. A lot of these countries probably won't want to buy their power from overseas for fear that their supply will be cut off or prices will change. That makes it a non-solution (or a partial solution, at best) on a global-scale.

>the new campaign for global warming awareness is shilling on Jow Forums
I do happen to believe that climate change could eventually be a danger to humanity.
But it won't ever matter until africa is wiped out.

change isn't always bad, could be good

>(((carbon tax)))
>the west should subsidize MORE niggers
Fuck off kike. CO2 rules.

Not much longer now retard

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Though it's hot in Europe. This summer is not so hot in Hanoi.

Its over.

When did climate change stop exactly?
When was the last time we had a good ice age?
Yes I posted this same shit in another thread, but I’ll be damned if it isn’t relevant.

It's a climate shift, not climate change. Read some fucking back issues of Omni, retards.

Global warming will kill you whities for good. I can't wait.

So Which is the solution?

Interesting how there's so many of these threads all of a sudden. I know it's summer in the States but these threads only started popping up frequently in the last two weeks.

global warming does not have a political alignment

see my reply
big ol' routine nothingburger

It's the natural progression of the interglacial

Our Goldilocks zone planet is getting fucky.
We have for the first time in our species existence to use technology to determine the outcome of our planets climate.

Africa was once a green jungle.
Carthaginians were whitish Meds.

So what changed?


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Yes and you incarnate as a baby to a white mother and a black father in a hot world in brink of Apocalypse and the father just left you

Lord monckton declares that the climate scare is over.

it's happened before, it'll happen again.

Yes it's too late, that's the beauty of it. No need worry about bothering to fix it or solve it, we're fucked, enjoy it.

Stop a natural process like climate change? What, you wanna fuck the earth up? Humans have nothing to do with global trends, it's a racket. The fact you're pretending somebody just dropped hard evidence on you gave you away: there IS no evidence. Hundreds of billions of dollars and several decades of "scientists" who made bank literally just working to prove they deserved to be employed and not a bit of evidence was produced to prove that link. In fact, the opposite was proven time and again and the results were discarded and not released. Sage.

>Yes. There's disupute as to the exact percentage of the change which is anthropogenic, but it's clearly non-trivial
Show me the proof.

You fucking idiot. Forcing climate change to "undo the damage" of natural trends is literally doing what hippies mistakenly believe we do. It's FUCKING THE EARTH FOR HUMAN COMFORT.
The climate changes. We adapt or we die. Killing countless species including ourselves to avoid a chilly winter or warm summer is retarded and only serves to create a global hostage situation wherein "climatologists" demand unholy sums to railroad trends one way or another forever or we all die. (((They))) have been waiting for that opportunity for decades.

It WILL be a danger to us. The only eay to avoid that is to artificially disrupt the natural cycle and ultimately force the next trend in the direction we pushed shit to be unfathomably off the natural baseline. It could end all life on earth. Leave shit alone.

Volcanos emmits more CO2 then humans right now, and there is nothing you can do about it

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100% top tier post.

>We have for the first time in our species existence to use technology to determine the outcome of our planets climate.
No. We don't. Those models have never been right. We can't even correctly predict what the weather will be in a few weeks, let alone months, let alone years.


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Gibs for niggers

you are going to hell self castrated heathen

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Move somewhere not on the coast and far away from climate refugee hotspots (for example, north midwest-ish U.S. or maybe Canada) and don't have children. Even if the libs are right, shit won't really hit the fan for decades, and since you're American you're first in line for food in case of a global famine. Just sit back and watch the world burn, knowing that you'll already be dead by the time you would ever be personally affected.

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Calm down kiddo, when you see their same scam played out again and again over decades you’ll know it’s fake.

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fuck you

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The US is mostly colder than normal right now in the US. It is the EU that is hotter than normal, so the EU summer fags are panicking.

it's too late user, just burn a pile of computer cables next to a marshland

>there is nothing you can do about it
Throw a virgin in them maybe?

I have good news user, its a giant fucking scam. All the 'scientists' researching it are in fact just environmental activists who do nothing but search for things which support their flawed hypothesis. I mean use you brain. How cold humans break the planet by burning a bit of coal. the whole thing is utterly ridiculous and should not be taken seriously.

>mini ice age coming
>muh global jewing

moron. all your chemtrailing won't change the fact we are entering a new ice age.

everything goes trough cycle, so does our planet and with it us. Changes of the planet shows us like this & there is nothing we can do, or could do about it. Because new age, we also change & thats why ppl are awakening now to old ages bullshit. That's why (((they))) are exposed. 2012 this change started. Don't be afraid, this is great thing.

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redpill within this vid.

Fun fact: The elimination of the Jewish population would lower greenhouse gas input to the point that the Earth will begin to shift back to the climate it's supposed to be. We know what must be done to save our planet.

>more warmer
With an education like that, who could ever doubt your claims?

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>world gets hotter
>more evaporation
>more clouds
>less direct sunlight reaches earth's surface
>earth cools down
I know this post is entirelty ironic but would you kindly fuck off?

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1 post sage

The globe has been warming for the past 12,000 years. It's not our fault, it's a natural phenomena. If it makes you feel better it should enter a cooling stage within about 1,000 years or so.

relax, it's only a chaynese hoax. just burn more clean coal.

everything is fine

someone on kiketube dropped the ultimate redpill on this.

"The reason why the Earth is not cooling. Is due to the fact that Government's are chemtrailing around the globe. Which are creating a massive heat wave. Instead of a mini ice age which is causing massive problems on our planet. Scientist's otherwise known as Educated Idiots are killing our Planet. By not allowing the natural course of the Earth's cycle to happen, & by interfering with mother nature. If the government's around the world continue to try, & play God with our planet. They are going to kill us, & our planet 120% guaranteed very soon."

Nato is responsible for this, they do the spraying. Now we all get grilled.

nothing is fine, you (((moron))).

< this is you.

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Notice how they stopped making their stupid climate predictions? That's because eventually the year they were talking about comes along and it becomes clear that nothing has changed. It gets kind of embarrassing,


Time line that has occurred between 7/19-7/22

>Hollywood user posts lists and names and occurrences on pol

>few hours later james gunn info breaks on pol and floods the interwebs

>mass media panic and twitter start to be deleted

>mass archiving of said twitters with 1000s of big wig Blue checks in serious trouble with horrendous tweets

The tweets all seem to revolve around this inside joke of fucking, rapeing, murdering, eating, and other degenerate satanic acts
>Dan Harmon deletes his tweeter and begins scrubbing social media after bad tweets AND a video of him rapping a rubber baby doll

>a major player in Hollywood posted here after that and thought it was private
He posted his tax return gross income of 327 million for last year...

He was demanding you talk to Admin...

> on July 22 the many threads and I investigations here were SHUT DOWN and blocked and mass people were banned for 2-14 days...

Many refugees in FullFeg

This video is a must!!!

Hollywood is the Royalty of America...
And commit just as much evil as them also

New CHN livestream , Isaac Kappy, another Silverman threat, thoughts on Q (A.i)and exposing Hollywood!!!
Pedowood news and illuminati movements

Very good stream and lots of info, knowledge on the occultic nature of the NWO

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>the Left is not wrong on a jewish conspiracy to enslave poor countries to work for peanuts while the rich countries are taxed to oblivion to pay for more (((research))) and (((raising awareness))) about (((Global Warming)))
>meanwhile the big end of town everywhere manufactures away in their big polluting industries, manipulates tree statistics to artificially "create" Carbon credits and dumps money on (((scientific research))) that says big oil and big coal are actually environmentally friendly
>instead of promoting the use of energy storage devices to capture the generation of energy that would dissipate in the grid you will support companies that would rather spend more on generating energy than on battery technology, when it comes to cheap solar your governments will slap tariffs on cheap solar because (((we need to protect the domestic industry))) its almost like they don't want people to buy solar

Fuck Off faggot.

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