Ask me anything

Ask me anything.

You know the drill.

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Other urls found in this thread:

When was the last time you cleaned your keyboard?

Haha Israeli shills are gonna get conscripted and die.

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When are you going to destroy the federal reserve?

>Be Israeli LARPers

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Agent X is a name already taken by A guy named Mark

about 4 months ago

i am in the DC area


I am part of a group of intel officers conscribed by POTUS himself to unravel and remove the deep state. OAN has covered us a few times and I am one of the behind the scenes guys but yes, it's a larp...

ok well suggest a better name I am all ears
I tried to choose the most generic trip+name combo

No. You're Victory of the Kikes

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Have fun being executed for treason George.

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take your meds
I am in this image but not where you would assume

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kys kike

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What's harder to get out of the keys, McDonald's grease or orange cheeze dust?

God knows I could care less about your jew hatred or black hatred or whatever hatred. you understand you are also playing identity politics with different "baddies", right?

kys bitch

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he doesn't eat cheetos anymore so I'll have to go with burger grease

Who is "he"? Trump? I can also larp.
>t. Judge Janine

The LeBron tweet is of course a massive distraction AND to solidify support with the Ohio peoples.
What's the distraction cover for?

Nah you're just a jew.

Are we gonna see anyone major locked up? Will we have justice?

Is Hollywood really going to get exposed as a bunch of Satanic pedos? Are there going to be mass arrests?


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>Is Hollywood really going to get exposed as a bunch of Satanic pedos? Are there going to be mass arrests?
Fuck out of here retard. You're asking a legit question in a LARP thread? Fuking faggot.

not with jeff sessions there
rosenstein needs to be fired
kelly keeps telling trump it will be bad optics
i think he's misinforming him and these rallies are showing the nevertrumpers on his staff the reality of life outside DC
slowly they will but these people are smart and have hidden for decades in plain sight so it's going to need lots of exposure
kappy is a shill, meant to point you all in the wrong direction, probably hired by one of the big producers to get the heat off of him
disinformation is huge with these occultists

>"Oy vey, Jow Forums isn't falling for our limited hangout Q-larp anymore to steer them into neo-conservatism and civcuck nationalism! Better come up with a brand new one!"

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>8 posts by this ID
>all to call this a LARP

wow you're doing a great job exposing yourself.
I'll hide all of your posts now, thanks!

i've always said that Q is neither good nor bad, it's jumping jack flash irl basically
if it gets people out and talking about the democrat crimes, who cares?

Specific Israelis/Sayanim involved in 9/11

Daniel Lewin (AAF11) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (AAF11) (Lewin's seat mate)

Oded Ellner (arrested) (Urban Moving Systems)
Omer Marmari (arrested) (UMS)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested) (UMS)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Dominik Suter (UMS boss/owner) (fled to Israel with wife, abandoning UMS offices in NJ and selling house, after one round of FBI questioning; multiple PCs seized by FBI from UMS remain classified)

Dov Zakheim (head of Pentagon, certified practicing rabbi) (formerly of SPC Systems, which specialized in advanced confidential automated/remote milcraft flight technology)
Michael Chertoff (ordered deportation of five arrested UMS Israelis and dropped FBI investigation, after pressure from Jewish state) (initiated surveillance/security state, reaping millions in profit from scanners etc, now owns Chertoff Group, which lobbies for new scanner tech to US Gov)
Larry Silverstein (his role/foreknowledge is exaggerated; he was a billionaire sayanim who looked the other way and was rewarded) (then new owner of WTC)

These names/people are the strings we yank to unravel the Israeli plot that was 9/11. While there were likely some Saudi hijackers aboard the aircraft, they were completely shadowed by Israeli operatives, as seen with the "Israeli art students" in Hollywood FL. Speculation: Some of the identified hijackers were professionally stolen identities used by Sayeret Matkal operatives who casually dressed as Muslims on 9/11.

Why don't you trip as Q and irritate the boomers?

OP doesn't even have any special information retard

yeah i agree i think israel should be looked into

LOL honestly Q is "cute" but not worth my time

The story about the ICBM being shot down over the Pacific after being launched from Vandenberg

Is California that compromised that the crazies have taken control of military installations and also are intentionally setting fires to collect disaster relief funds?

>A history of terrorism:
Menachem Begin, Stern Gang, Lavon Affair, USS Liberty, Isser Harel, Avraham Shalom Bendor

Oded Yinon, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties"
PNAC, pro Israel thinktanks, wished for a new Pearl Harbor, worked for Bush
Benjamin Netanyahu called the Attacks very good for Israel and is the author of several books which call for a global "War on Terror"

Ehud Barak, was at the BBC headquarter as it happens, names Osama bin Laden before the towers fell
Philip Zelikow, 1998 "imagining the transforming event", 2003 Executive Director of the Commission
Kenneth Feinberg, Shila Birnbaum, Alvin K. Hellerstein, Michael B. Mukasey: litigation of Larry Silverstein, avoided real trials from 9-11 victims, compensation fund, etc.
Bernard Kerik, denied explosives in the vans, got money from Eitan Wertheimer two weeks before
The complicit jewish owned media

I thought Jeff Sessions was gonna be the guy tough on the swamp. But then again, why the fuck would anything good ever happen?

I'm gonna be honest, if understanding Q is 100%, I'm at like .001%
I just want to rundown so I can get caught up.

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1. The MSM along with many others have been misleading the public for sometime now regarding the case of Imran Awan. Imran was employed by Debbie-Wassermann Shultz. The Jewish Zionist shill with direct ties to the Jewish mafia in Florida (recall she told the chief of police "there will be consequences). Check into DWS and here ties to Israel, it's not hard to see where she stand but more importantly who she works for.

2. Rahm Emmanuel paid the ISI for the release of Imran when Imran was employed by Rahm. Rahms father was a code breaker for the Mossad and Rahm himself had to be expelled from the WH by Bill Clinton for his ties to the Mossad.

3. Imran was a pawn of the CIA and the Mossad. The operation he was in involved black mailing many members of congress on the behalf of BiBi and Israel. The fucking Jews own congress in more ways than one.

4. Shills for Israel include Goodman and George Webb are attempting to deflect blame away from Israel. Imran and Huma were both agents of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is an arm of the Saudi government as well as the Mossad. Look at Prince Alwaleed, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan. Saudi crackdown.

5. Jason Goodman has tried to taint evidence in both cases of Anthony Weiner and Imran Awan while George Webb has filed lawsuits to obstruct the case of Imran under the guise of transparency. Those listed here are known Mossad operatives.

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Calm before the storm WINK ----> Stormy Daniels ----> Michael Avenatti/Michael Cohen ----> Cohen Raid "Michael Cohen is radioactive, anyone 30 years contact should be worried" ----> Kanye wakes up the blacks and says he loves Trump ---> Elon Musk gets the jews to name themselves on twitter ------> Roseanne calls out Valerie Jarret and sacrifices her show ------>Arizona pedo shit with Rothschild connection ------> North Korea summit ----> Space Force -----> Immigration standoff exposing obama era trafficking ----> UN pulls out of security council, Israel is pissed -----> DOJ handing over more documents (Israel is implicated) ----> Jews trying to start a civil war in the US to escape indictment ----> David Lynch tweets about Trump being one of the best Presidents ---> BTFO NATO ----> Summit with Putin, WW3 Averted, Putin hands over TBs of Data ----> Cohen tapes being released, Carter Page redacted FISA released. -----> Massive current uncovering of elite hollywood pedos and subsequent btfoing on twatters--->Elite pedo cult exposed (NXIVM)—>Rothschild bank being investigated for 4bil in fraud/missing funds--->Trump taking over the Fed---> Trump said hes willing to talk with Iran ——> Manafort case begins. —> Tony Podesta referred to prosecutors —> Test launch Anomaly on ICBM —> Meteor over Thule

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Did your mother yell at you today?

I'd believe the ICBM getting brought down and that "warning" mistake was an actual thing happening. This is where I wish I had more connections to what's going on.

Bring the news from the east
One will fall, one will rise
Only the strong will survive
Make use information
Each piece is more important than the last
Remember to buy your shirts and gear from my Etsy store

Are you Trump?!?!?!

No. OP is just a faggot.


Dang... Oh well guess it's back to masturbating to cat girls for me.

I'm starting to think the West Coast is heavily infiltrated by foreign actors and traitors that it may be beyond saving.

The Portland events would never be allowed to happen in any interior location.

you're the tiny guy top middle.

i'm interested in what you're saying.

is it safe for me to live near camp perry?

jeez maybe you are a kike. jews are an issue. there's no doubt about that. whether there's a tenable resolution is another issue. don't really have too big a problem with blacks -- except their cultural tics cultivated by kikery.

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the purpose of kappy is to embarrass Jow Forums and have normies associate pizza-related theories with schitzophrenia.
kappy is currently on a few meds -- ssris/anti-anxiety.
kappy was briefly institutionalized in his youth.
kappy is going to start making exotic and fantastic claims...they're going to focus tons of attention on him...whenever they think they've maximized the hype, they're going to have him fake a schitzophrenic break, he's going to freak out, and all his hollywood pedo pals are going to come out to support him while he publically distances himself from his comments and advises all anons currently investigating pizza-gate to take their meds.

he's a kike and this has been a staged op from the beginning.
but pizzagate is very real.
i'm going to (metaphorically) pick kappy up by the ankles, whip him around and thrash the lot of (((them)))) with his bony kike-ass.

how do i know this, agent X?

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yeah, you are definitely larping.
Q is POTUS + Bannon + a few others (Jared, Miller + a few people whose names you cannot google)

Sessions is /our/guy.
OP is larping.
Sessions is just as much /our/guy as POTUS.
count on it.
>The world is about to change.

Bannon is going to be hanged for treason and you will be too.

Why is the left wing driving people toward the right, why are the newspaper stories becoming more ridiculous. Why is the media trying to incite a civil war in every western country regardless of trump

If the deep state is really about to blow up then I'm curious if there is a plan to let the leftists down easy. I live on the West Coast and I personally know a few people who might actually lose their minds. Likely they would assume (and maybe even be ((reassured))) that it's something like a hostile takeove of government. Will it just be a big flush indictment slam jamboree?

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careful little ears what you hear
careful little eyes what you see
careful little mouth what you say

we've been working on this for 20 years.
you're fucked, fren...and i mean royally fucked.
we have your social media indexed and cataloged.
i wouldn't be tossing idle threats about casually if'n i were (You)
Bannon will have a statue dedicated in his honor in Colorado Springs (so will I) -- shortly after we move the capital to a more central know, as a symbolic gesture.

>the future belongs to /us/

it really, really, really does

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Steve Bannon will be extradited when he's indicted and then executed for treason. Ron Dermer is gonna be hanged like the pussy ass bitch he is too.

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i just read your post.
you're not so bad.
listen, hombre, Bannon is running the Q op right out in plain sight...he's also consolidating /our/ guys in europe.
Bannon is the man...the traitor stuff was all just theater.

Bannon is gonna be hanged for treason.

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calm down, faggot.
you know not of that which you speak.
i've got five dijjis in this thread fuck off.

Ron Dermer is gonna be hanged for treason

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Rabbi Shmuley is gonna be hanged for treason

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Oh no no no! LOOK AT THIS PUSSY!!!!

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You know, you say pussy and post a pic, I expect when I click on it I'm going to see a pussy.
>fucking jew

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You're a funny catposter. Made me kek.


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so how long until the msm starts cutting down on these kike shills that have been accusing other kikes of raping kids with 0 actual evidence alongside pushing flat earth thus ushering in a new era of complete censorship on all platforms?

did you tweet after taking your sleeping pills again?
what the fuck does this even mean?

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Why do cheeses have different colors if they are all made from milk?

Haha, look at the picture, the great white hope looks what, 12 years younger here, baron is swimming around in his fucken nutsack huh?

nnigga needs a sippy cup

>implying nigger/kike hate is unwarranted
you really are a kike huh kys already

Help me find the first mention ever of the russia trump collusion. Where did this false story stem from.