USA is still 76% white

Where did the 56% meme come from?

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t. Joey Gomez Jr

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spics aren't white

Also im 100% aryan and so are all my friends and family

We are whiter then you Muhammad

What do you mean?

spics aren't white, they honestly have some sick colonization fetish that makes them think because their mestizo they get to be as white as Anglos

Q predicted this

More Hispanics are beginning to identify as white for some reason.

nice sauce tyrone

this, and i'm sure that poll doesn't account for the illegals


Hispanic white are still an honorary ally for the general white race in America. Many of them voted for Trump and keeping many states like Texas Red. Also somw of them could pass as whites in Europe.

t. actual 56%

Didn’t see the part that says
“White alone, non Hispanic or Latino 60%” ?

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>have ancestry in Spain
>have blue eyes and pale skin
>Amerisharts think you should be categorized with Mestizos

so? its true.

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shhh mutt, you aren't white

Did someone say 61%?

No spics on that list because spicspanics are counted as white .

Kek. 60% is pushing it though. America's racial categories are retarded. "Hispanic" is a retarded umbrella. If a Spaniard moved to America he'd be classed as "Hispanic" and be grouped with all the south American Amerindians, mestizos and niggers
>"Two or More Races: 2.7%"
Now my bullshit meter is going off

Latinos are included. And even without them, your definition of white is retarded. It includes people from North Africa and Middle East.

ahhh the rest of the stats

>hispanic race

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>in Great Britain they are ruled as Asians
>in America they are ruled as white
>in Germany they are ruled as natives

>>in Great Britain they are ruled as Asians
Actually only British controlled Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) would be called Asians. The others are just Arabs.

that includes spics and arabs

well I am and will always be no matter what you think so your idiocy doesnt hurt anyone but yourself.