Will there be a wall?

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Q predicted this

Yes there will be

The real wall is in our hearts.

I want a Pepe pin.

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Rome wasn't built in a day, and they had to invade other countries to pay for the construction. Relax Mexico with pay either in cash or blood.

Quads confirm

You don't understand Trump. The guy would rather slit his wrists then be made out to have failed. There is going to be a serious wall. And a serious, serious, monstrous ceremony for it. Biggest ratings of all time.




wow a whole mile, if that. Impressive.

>He believed a billionaire would give a shit about the wants and needs of blue collared peasants.

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We always have Israel

it doesn't seem very big

Only if he can manage to build it in 1 year,i dont see it coming

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The building of the wall will not be televised.

One day you will wake up, and it will be built. Gotta keep the media out of the loop so they don't sick protesters on it.

>t. Q

You can also dig under it

no, are you retarded

I believe in trump. If anyone can do it, he can. He has my unconditional support- even if he shoots someone in the middle of New York.

Liberals are the alternative- they destroyed Europe- we can never let this happen here.

>inb4 you are a hypocrite, being shortsided, this is playing into (((their))) hands.

Fuck you. I want to play for broke. Crush them now and forever; otherwise live under their rule.

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maybe after his gets his 2nd term, I can see him using the wall on his platform again and blaming Dems for it's lack of construction

bit late

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(you) are a [faggot]


lol you guys on the right are so dumb.

I thought they were gonna start the wall about 6 ft under the ground first?

This. It's your duty to treat freeloaders like shit so they scurry off voluntarily.
Way cheaper than actually building the wall, relocating millions of Americans living in the border area and maintaining the damn thing.

I'd say that you're quite stupid considering the same phrase is overused by most low IQ democrat voters.
Smug attitude, claim we're all dumb and that if we don't agree with you that is reinforced.
You don't get to say what is and isn't dumb.
You voted for stupid your entire life.

the construction at Santa Teresa construction project will build 20 miles of border wall.

You are objectively stupid.

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>having this fucking attitude
>Not realizing this is why Trump is in office in the first place.

Do you want 4 years or 8 years of Trump? Because if you wanted 8, this is the mentality that will cause it.

The wall just got 8 feet lower faggot.

Soon, 1 post by this ID-kun. soon.


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Eat my cock you fucking faggot. Just because your country is full of effeminate fags, already bent over for Mohammed, doesn’t mean we give up. That’s why America will always be better than Britian.

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yes and you will pay for it

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