Jewed weeks

anyone ever noticed that it’s generally accepted that saturday is the seventh day of the week (jewish sabbath) rather than sunday (christian sabbath)

Attached: FADE1979-1930-4828-BF91-1622703EA383.png (320x320, 100K)

Sunday is the 7th day of the week retard. Look at a calendar.

are you a shill or just that fucking stupid

Attached: 80490EED-27DB-48C5-954E-D9C5799FC74D.jpg (1000x563, 152K)

Have you ever looked at a calendar?

yes and sunday is the first

give me a picture of a calendar where sunday is the last day

Saturday is day 7, Sunday is day 1 retard.


Attached: calendar.png (349x293, 35K)

you are honestly fucking me and I fell for it. plan on suck starting a shotgun soon this shame is unbearable

You're the one having an austistic fit about a calendar. Calm down user, it will be okay.

I have seen both

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Time traveler?

Of course america must be the special snowflake

is it really just americans that do this

Anyone ever notice that when reading the Christian Bible you're actually reading the Jewish Bible with junk at the end?

The Early Christian "Sabbath" (holy day) was changed from Saturday to Sunday by Constantine to merge Christianity with pagan sun god worship, Apollo.

oh yeah that part in the back that changed the corse of human history forever yeah I remember it

Damn windows 10 switched it to jew mode


Attached: america mutts.jpg (2560x1707, 982K)

not everything is because of the jews you fucking sperg

then I ask why why is saturday the 7th day in our country