It's been 4 months and I can't let go

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She's an ugly shitskin unibrow. Let it go.

get out of town

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she have a strong neck


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Just because she has a penis doesn't make her male user. It's 20129 for god's sake.

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You literally live in the home of good looking chicks with blonde hair and blue eyes, yet you're fantasizing about some mannish looking Iranian. What's wrong with you Wolfgang?

1 im from poland, i got enough of white pussy,y job is better here
2. Not fantasizing, memes are dope

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Memes are good, sure. Bang a hot polack and post pictures here.
>I'm on a VPN too, but I'm not being flashy about it like you.

She was too pure user. At least she went out making a statement.

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Im not on a vpn, i literaƂy live and work on deutschland brother

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>im from poland
It's okay for Poles to race mix with Iranians, so long as you LARP about being Sarmatians and convert to Zoroastrian fire-worshiping.

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reminder that in a parallel world, she and Eliott are a happy couple

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>Muh Hitler


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Her name is Nasime, she's a black belt in karate
Working for the city, she has to discipline her body

'Cause she knows that
it's demanding to defeat
those evil machines

I know she can beat them.

Oh Nasime, they don't believe me
But you won't let
those robots eat me

Nasime -- they don't believe me
But you wont let those
robots defeat me

Those evil natured robots,
they're programmed to destroy us
She's gotta be strong to fight them,
so she's taking lots of vitamins

'Cause she knows that it'd be tragic
if those evil robots win
I know she can beat them.

and their couple Youtube channel have over 10m subscribers and they both achieved the love and fame they always desired


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It's been 1 year and I still can't let her go.

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