>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
As long as Erdogan has support in the countryside and in Europe (Turks over there vote for him because a cheaper lira means more products to buy and then sell in Germany) he will have a nice power base. The whole U.S scuffle has only earned him support.
Adam Ramirez
Yes, it is a similar tactic as Putin runs. He tries to coerce a sphere of influence in the long run. But geopolitically this is a dangerous game ... I see a lot of potential for a backfire here. I don't see Turkey having the requirements to play this game unless the other players make grave mistakes.
In my first and only visit to Germany (2015) I saw a bunch of drunk Arabs playing loud music while kicking each other. It was then i realized that all hope was lost for the Volk.
Jose Barnes
Hope is an unrealistic concept anyway. You have to embrace the blackpill until it breaks you ... and then you step beyond its event horizon. What remains of yourself then is a coldly logical void ready to do what is necessary.
Germany is heading straight for Weimar 2.0 ... I'd prefer that a thousand times over the artificial stasis covering our society like a shroud. The collapse is actually an open door ... one just has to step through it.
Here's a pill for you. >Child sex slave envolvement >Drug ring produced >Murder >Class system where you will be bottom and serve your master They like money more than people, the only nation worse than Jews. My uncle always said "The only thing worse than a Jew is a German " This is only minor stuff btw
Sebastian Morgan
No sources, studies, links or even a meme just an anictode form a close family member. You need to try harder that that.
Tyler King
I've seen it plenty of times. You think white people care for you? Holy shit most people look like straight from the Munster family, like their thoughts leak thru their leather skin and turns their head into something you'd see from the deep depths of an ocean floor. They don't even look at you even if you're the only person in the room with them. As long as pimp Daddy has the money flow, who fucking cares.
Jaxson Ward
European society was always a poor society based off morals. There's much more rats in here than all of China. Makes me think Communism is ye way to go. These people deserve to be on the brink of dying.
Elijah Green
As far as i am concerned they are no direct threat to us, so let them do what they want.
Lincoln Adams
Yeah if you don't want to see your nation filled with child slavery and prostitute s and everyone have an opiod addiction, and everyone being scammed like the Nigerian Prince, I'd run for the fucking hills. These aren't people on this thread. Something worse than people
Cameron Johnson
Nathan Adams
What's your IQ?
Jordan Scott
you don't want to know. You'll be crying in your bed and sucking thumb for the rest of your days if you knew
Never had it measured. Did the GMAT a few years back ... perfect scores in Verbal and Integrated Reasoning, only mediocre in the Quantitative part (but mostly as I was to lazy to learn all the math again).
>dare you enter my magical world >where female monsters face rape the males >and then kill them by grotesque birthing through their chests what's not to like :D
Dominic Collins
that dude had serious "mother issues"
Isaiah Wood
Total score would be 79th percentile. Still bugs me that I did no care about the math ... Verbal would be in 98th and Reasoning 92nd (Quantitative at 37th ... I simply hate math!)
well, I am always very sceptical about the "success stories". if not for the Alien franchise there would be no "huge success" and remember - for every success there are millions of equally if not more talented people who get passed over for the success. don't get me wrong, I love Giger's work, it just I don't like the whole premise (do what you like and you will eventually be a success) because it ain't. Giger was at least a simple artist while the domina Fortuna landed on his shaft. all the while many other "successes" are far more sinister - Dupont, Ford, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Bill Gates and the likes - we are told of how the "made it" from being "poor schmucks just like you". Fuck that!
Brandon Rodriguez
Those autistic people only had success because they played by the rules and laws. You wouldn't want to see true beauty.
Joshua Lee
The biggest lie in our times. Few examples in history where it was harder to 'make it' than nowadays. Our society is in paralysis.
If this were 1940s Germany, I'd betray Hitler for an allied amusent park desu. Also stop acting like niggers so I can convince my mom to come over.
Luis Gutierrez
It's all anglos, even their best ones are assholes. Something about living on an island makes people into caste-loving dickheads who will do anything to reinforce hierarchy including contrive conflict out of nothing to destroy the social status of whoever's slightly above them. It's pretty pathetic as they will reinforce the status of people they're vastly inferior to by sucking them off in front of everyone else with lauded praise over nothing. Mexican laziness puts you all above that and Hitler was right about the master race and my nordic friends did not care about status whatsoever as they were all to genuine about the topic of conversation which comes off as naivety to the anglo mind fixated on status which sees all socializing as pretext to prove genetic quality. It's some sick shit, at least beaners know whites are just better than darks so hanging out can just go along without the underhandedness.
Lincoln Baker
Their people are like this, hundreds of years after leaving the island. What the fuck do?
Brody Sanchez
thx :D im actually in quite a bad mood because of politics pretty much all the time.
Gabriel Stewart
Ethan Smith
Also do Germans even know first hand the "eternal Anglo"? Its a dominant trait in the English.
Liam Diaz
Yeah, being informed about news and politics can really drag you down. Always remember to stay healthy!
>wenn der faden verloren geht, wird auch das volk verloren sein...
bumpen against the Volkstod
Nolan Fisher
Just read as much as you can on Hitler's thoughts and believes and try to decipher his book. It's kind of fun. Like code breaking. Feels like. Also your news is much better than our news, just remember. It has much more truths and deciphering the Anglo can be a fun game.
If you ever feel down about the current situation rather than read the news, read history, by far the greatest source of hope one can gain. also youtube.com/watch?v=mQpRpK6kb8k
>isn't he looking for closer ties to the Orthodox church again Yes, this resulted in a renessaince of Orthodoxy in Russia. Krautism is only a mocking term for the common psychological and mental state of mid of parts of the German people, it only reallly applies to the Saxon tribe, others should get their own "diagnosis".
I don't have proper data at hand right now but from what I know about ancient migrations in Europe I would pinpoint the 'Krautism' to the amount of Baltic/Uralic hunter-gatherer ancestry retained up to this day in certain populations. Saxons should be rather high on that, similar in Prussians. I would even suspect a 'Krautism wedge' running down from the Baltics straight through East Germany down to Bohemia (disregarding cultural differences and more recent population displacements).