Is there any empirical evidence of genetic traits Jews have which make them so bad...

Is there any empirical evidence of genetic traits Jews have which make them so bad? I’ve seen the facts on their dominance, but I haven’t yet seen evidence that this is due to genetic differences. Is there anything indicating this?

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I wouldn't call the world's highest IQ in race as a "bad genetic trait", but whatever floats your boat.

Attached: IQADD.jpg (346x320, 36K)

Israel has a lower Average IQ than the US, and they don't even have niggers and spics to drag that average down lol.

Jews are successful because they are ambitious and help out other Jews. Whites aren't as successful as they once were because they've been convinced that helping white people is bad. It's as simple as that.

>Israel has a lower Average IQ than the US
>and they don't even have niggers and spics to drag that average down lol.
No, but we have about 25% primitive mudslime Arabs who drag our national scores down, you retard.

t. low IQ oven dodger

It's true and you're free to look it up for yourself. Bye.

dude you have to see the hole pic. you might be a little bit smarter but we are more athletic and more beatiful on average.

gold medals won by israel: 1 LOL. ever 10 year old white kid would beat up an israel

At least 1 in 3 are carriers of at least one of 20 serious genetic diseases, far more than other populations.
Cystic fibrosis and Tay-Sachs are the most common genetic diseases with most sufferers being Jewish.
1 in 27 Jews are carriers of Sachs alone.
Compare to 1 in 300 for other populations.
Every Jewish couple rolls the dice when they conceive a child.
They are one of the most disease prone populations to ever exist on par with century long inbred family's.

>t. muhammad

We literally made you.

Attached: 15.jpg (898x628, 94K)

Why such arrogance?