Is it closer to the left or to the right and why?
Is ISIS right-winged or left-winged?
what's with "democrats" and labels
the world's not left-right
they are just western druggies user.
they operate on the same plans as aq but in their own words they "mutated", meaning the just jumped a few steps up of the nato proxy aq. Aq is not what you think you see. it has always been and is still a nato proxy. created by the us and saudi intel. the purpose was to both prevent communist influence and fight proxy wars against communists.
I know how much this is said and bleh, but it doesn't really have anything to do with shitslam, they just made up their own shit. I've been fucking with them a lot online, weaponizing their religion against them, fuck they even gave a bounty on my head and no I am not shitposting. I debunked their and fucking half of arabia loved me for it. I have had several massive social media accounts like over 100k user. it's all gassed now though, they gave me help against them quoting verses from the shitran. I was a fucking rockstar down there
>doesnt allow capitalistic fundamentals like interest on loans
Left wing
All religious freaks are left wing because they all believe in the myth of equality.
Does ISIS believe in the myth of equality?
>Pre marriage sex
>no border no nations
>financed by globalist jewery
Obviously left leaning
memes aside, most of them don't even know the religion user. So you got this portugese faggot that "converted"... 3 months later he is down there preaching islam over the camera whilst killing locals, how much do you think this faggot even knows about shitslime?... nothing ofc
and I am not defending the pedo cult, I think it is cancer personally, but that doesn't matter.
however I can give you one of the most toxic quotes we used against them to deligitimize them. Look they went around and called everyone kuffir for not subscribing to their cancer, and this is how the shitran works. you have tons of retards writing retarded shit, but the chief retard muhammed, whatever retarded shit he said that overrules everything so you go
>He who calls another kuffir, who believes in the one god and that the pedo is his profet, he is him self a kuffir
it's always like this in shitslam, really childish. However it has a strong impact on them
They believe in genociding minorities (like they did against the yazidis and shia in Iraq), they believe they are superior to everyone else.
ISIS are the real racists
they are whatever their jewish employers want them to be
>implying righties are not authoritarian
good meme
is there only the left/right spectrum running across the globe?
ISIS is a suicide cult, destroying polythesism and degeneracy. In the west, they use capitalism, Hollywood style camera angles and action film like speeches to influence muslims here.
However, are they not just waiting for 0 hour?
The way I see it, the pattern of normal civilisation has been tortured and damaged for so long that the infrastructure has become hostile. This is what the end of (one element) of humanity looks like, soon they'll just end up flagellating themselves marching through deserts.
btw we still got this one user that's super popular in the me. I haven't checked his account on twitter for ages, but I know he is still active. he posts only x tier shit, I think that was the first time I spotted the video evidence of åsgardsria, he just posts stuff like that. The arabs love him
that's åsgardsria you can't see them, you can only hear them. it is not a good sign, it means that war is coming
randon youtube search
there have been tons of these since 2011, everyone is freaking out, it's åsgardsria it is not new. If not during yule, it means war is coming a big one. They are riding from valhöll
Yes. All non-mulsims have equality with pigs and cattle. All muslims have equality with the servants of prophet mohammed (blessed be he), for any man claiming to have equality with him must be he himself or a blasphemer; and we kill those.
They say wit is a sign of intelligence
In practice: Right Wing.
However, thanks to SJW's and their "intersectionality" they're somehow Left Wing, just like all Black People or Whamen, because White Males = Evil.
I don't know how they rationalize White ISIS members. I guess they're just culture vultures.
go back to your own country cockroach
also your kebab sucks I don't get it why people like this döner shit, it is by far the most shitty kebab ever, it's lit worse than lutefisk. Afghan kebab is the master race. They use real meat
They follow the Koran literally by the word.
Considering it was written hundreds of years ago I guess you can call it extremely conservative by today's standards.
A time when usury was illegal and patriarchy was real.
Roman Equality, sure.
We never asked for this
it's going to get wary, they are all over the place now, everybody can hear them. I swear in one instance I even heard the horses run. I heard it. It's usually Freyja who is leading these runs, the head of the valkyries. Frigg is usually there too, but it's Freyja leading it
you even hear it here it's the horses
They are not any wing, they are religious fanatics.
my god you cannot deny this, you clearly hear a horse here
that's clearly a horse sound up from the skies. That's åsgradria, that's freyja, a lot of peopl will die she is already out prepping to chose who is to come with her and not, she takes half Odin get's the rest, but she is the one picking
It's neither.It's not a political party
Goat winged
>deeply religious
>hate women and gays
>child soldiers
>permavirgins with huge beards
Definitely right wing