Why do films make so much effort to nurture collectivist values (ex...

why do films make so much effort to nurture collectivist values (ex. giving yourself up for a greater cause) in their stories? just look at Blood Diamond

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Because their creators carry socialist values.

Is this from the new episode of BLACKED?

Because films have to appeal to low-IQ people

This is a shitpost thread, look at the flag.

I don't know but she good

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She's Jewish

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I just want to a dip bro just the cap

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giving yourself up for a greater cause is not a collectivist value... its what made the west great. if leonidas wouldnt give himself up for a greater cause xerxes could have seized the whole greece, no greece no roman empire as we know it, no roman law, no western civ

dem adams apples


Nigga please. She barely has one. You are overreaching.

Too Bad she a degenerate ..

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>why do films make so much effort to nurture collectivist values (ex. giving yourself up for a greater cause)
Because the "greater cause" is always retarded and they just want suicidal whites. Whites literally willing to kill themselves over shit that has a flawed premise in the first place. It's literally kike fairytales.

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of course poorlack comes first to defend the holywood movies and americans

Crazy how a jewish girl is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. It really do be like that.

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never see a succubus before faggot ?!

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How do I get a Jew wife? I'm a shitskin btw, not white. So it would be a step up.

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Because of Jews

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you guys see that movie where she fucks a nigger

no not that one

no not that one either

this one, where she lost like 40 pounds and looks like an AIDS junkie

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They tried to warn us.

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many times

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Jeff Holiday looks like he belongs at Woodstock 1999.

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>Fucking retard who doesn't know what the Hero's Journey is and how it's been the basis for storytelling since before the Iliad was even written/told.

Holy shit, a guy sings for that band?

Leonidas was fighting to win and he did, not like you suicidal communist poorlacks

oh come on

He really is just awful. That tattoo he has really is an anti racist tattoo as well, lmfao

Jow Forumsing the Jewjew Abrams one

He's an Ancap what do you expect


The Writers Guild was entirely designed to promote communist values.

they're all scattered, hold on

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the Onions it hard on this one ..

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Because Jews who control the movie industry wants to turn the public into social justice warriors who despise nationalism & race loyalty

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They make really good music, it makes me relax.

Collectivism is the ultimate goal of humanity, and giving up yourself for a greater cause is a most noble achievement. If this is the worst thing that you can find within Hollywood movies, then you should take a hard look at yourself.

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they do ... here try this faggot.. youtube.com/watch?v=05Jv5p9lI9s

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How does someone notice shit like this? Has Jow Forums really broken so many people?

This. Plato emphasized giving your own selfish interests up in favor of the interests of your country/collective. Individualism is a cancer. Athens were highly individualistic and they got their asses kicked every time by the highly collectivist Spartans. The Spartans didn't even need to build walls because of how good they were at warfare.

It's usually a plot device consciously or subconsciously written to fuel white genocide. Whites have higher empathy proportionally. White women in particular can be emotionally manipulated by news, movies, and "education" playing the strings of their emotions (guilt, shame, praise, heroism, crying children) until they let barbarians into the gates or enter the gates of barbarians.

I wonder who runs Hollywood and writes most of the movies.

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Why should I give myself up just for “a greater cause“? Why should I care about others?

Because your internet connection that lets you spend your life shitposting on the internet isn't a gift from God you dumb motherfucker.

It's LITERALLY a collectivist enterprise.

Really, if Jow Forumsfags got out and learned from the real world and no e-celebs, we wouldn't be in such darkness.

Im sure she can handle a kok like a fucking feng chew master

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Kekkk saved

Because transcending your base desires is what truly elevates you from an animal to a man. Animals would never give their life up for anything other than themselves or their own family.

Good luck. Jewish princesses only want other Jewish men or Aryan men for the purpose to steal their genetics.

Ok, that‘s a good point... humans are a social species after all...

Oh shit. That is truly bad. I have black hair and brown eyes myself but I don't want beauty to disappear from the world. Tc white ppl

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Who owns Hollywood? Hmmmm

Are you sure that Jewish princesses even want an Aryan man at all? lol

Read Plato's Republic if you have an interest in the philosophy behind giving oneself up for a greater cause, or simply one's country, even.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
- John F. Kennedy
I'm not a massive fan of the guy, but he's right about this. Though if you're an American I can see why you would have objections to fighting and dying in a foreign war.

no (((they))) switched to brown now

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Ridley Scott is far from being a socialist. These movies are pentagon propaganda showing americans as selfless heroes when in reality it's the opposite. Even when Oliver Stone made a movie about 9/11, instead of tackling the conspiracy, he made it about heroic firemen, give me a break. Hollywood has always been american propaganda except when the films are made by outsiders like George Lucas. he made a saga about a band of rebels defeating an evil empire. That narrative doesn't suit Hollywood because the film is on the side of the terrorists.

I‘m from Europe and I actually don‘t really have strong objections to sacrifice myself for a greater cause. I‘m just really interested in thinking about the idea of the „greater cause“, because I know some people who don‘t see any benefit in giving up their own goals for others.

>we blackin chozen pusy now, whyte boi


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>never see a succubus before

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Like I said, Plato thoroughly explores the concept in some of his works, while leaving it as a background in most of them. It's certainly an interesting topic, yeah.

I wouldn‘t say that the idea of rebellion is different from the idea of terrorism. Rebels want to fight a system that is supposedly bad for everyone, while terrorists just want to spread fear. So saying that siding with rebels is the same as siding with terrorists seems strange to me.

that good bruh just watchout they dont accuse you of genociding there pussy

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Oops, my first sentence is stupid. REBELS ARE DIFFERENT FROM TERRORISTS

its from a film called Blood Diamond. it's about illegal diamond trafficking in zimbabwe/rhodesia. Leonardo DiCaprio plays a Rhodesian smuggler, pretty good watch actually.

Because those movies can only be done in movies. Looks good on paper, though not practical in reality

From my understanding, terrorism is the act of causing destruction for the sole purpose of driving ideological/theological goals. Anyone can commit terrorism, I'm sure the US military has committed terrorism. If ISIS never blew shit up or did mass shootings, they wouldn't be terrorists, but they would be rebels.

wait what did you try to say with this statement????

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So she was Dolores. Fuck I didn't notice before

What am I looking at here?

Oh yeah I got it

I believe that terrorism isn‘t simply just destruction to only drive one‘s ideology. It is also about spreading fear to your opponents. Killing 102 soldiers by shooting a building with artillery is something different than killing 102 civilians in a mass shooting. The first example is destruction to win a war maybe, the second example is terror.

Razvaluha I don't know

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