1.21 MB JPG Ok I’m 40 Years old... Gen X I guess... all I have to say is WHAT THE FUCK?!
Just checked Billboard 100 this is literally WEAPONIZED MIND CONTROL BULLSHIT
Drake? Really?! Fuck everything in the top ten is nigger / ape-animal music. Are you fucking kidding me? Hey children - why do you listen TO FUCKING RETARDED MONKEY MUSIC ??!!!
>weaponized music Since the 40-50s the new standard was to record music in 440hz instead of 432hz like it was done before Why? Does it sound different? (((Something else)))? Keep in mind we're roughly 70% water
Justin Johnson
I think it's intentionally done it make people enslaved by whatever online vidya it is these damn kids are playing probably funded by soros
Kevin Myers
i actually believe the IQ of Jow Forums has to be around 40-50
user, you are confusing two different things. They changed the standard pitch one played at by a few hertz, not sure why, but that has nothing to do with what you are talking about, unless you believe that an A chord can dissolve you.
Ask yourself, did digital recording devices exist in the 40s-50s? No. There was no control over how many htz it was recorded at because it was an analog signal.
Elijah Bennett
People tend to believe what you say when you let them find out by retarded questions instead of telling them something
Xavier Moore
Well... my favorite music is Baroque Classical - how many hertz did they use in 1745?
Jonathan Roberts
Everything in pop culture now is chosen by children. Mainly tween/teenage girls. Shit-hop is the fast food of music. Literally the most talentless can be pushed to the top by the shit-hop music machine, and they are. Since it is so easy to do, they just keep doing it. Add the retardation of youth that social media generates and this is why we are where we are.
You want a different pop culture..quit letting tween girls decide who is popular. These 'artists' are actually children's entertainers.
100% agree with this - I have a two year old daughter. I honestly think some of the Elmo and Wiggles songs she enjoys are more dynamic than Drake or any of these other nigger singers
Jacob Hernandez
You are talking about concert pitch, yes? That was altered and there is some suggestion that it was to manipulate people by raising the standard A note to one that was found to be inducing of negative emotions.
Owen Cruz
Luckily my two year old daughter’s favorite videos are Frozen and Triumph of the Will
Ryan Powell
This is very technical... I’m not a musician but this makes sense.
The bigger question is why does every other country just soak up the shit we spit out and then adopt it into their own? I guess when you look up to someone you try and emulate them...sooo might want to look in a mirror and ask yourself some questions.
Joseph Kelly
What i don't understand is why do all the white girls sound like black girls, the black girls all sound the same, the black men all sound like Drake, but white men all have unique voices and sound production?
Kek I feel you bro but go check out kwaito on YouTube. That's real ape music
Tyler Morales
>432 Hz to 440 Hz I thought it was related to the physical size of the resonant parts of classical instruments and efficiency of acoustic amplification. Lower freq=larger instrument (diameter, length, mass, etc.) resonant cavity/reed/string.
Lucas Morris
You are absolutely right. Tween girls is the most sheepish demographic there is, so you can corral them all into buying exactly the same thing. It is highly efficient from an economic standpoint.
Evan Kelly
OP here... this stupid music thing is a very minor issue.
Help me out pol - I’m white, intelligent, over 40, and I’m sick and tired of this SJW bullshit. Do I just live my life and hardcore RP this weird game, or do I go public like Lift the Veil / Sargon / Styx666 / Black P / Vox / EVS?
Maybe I should just go to SF and let someone punch me in the face like Jeremy Quartering and shit on the sidewalk.
Tyler Brooks
US of A soaked everything in 1776. Why dont you go fuck your anus and kys?
Ian Martinez
I decided to see what music is popular on youtube. This one is a treat.