Goys! I have a question for you!

If Jesus died for our sins, doesn't that mean that the Jews did not kill Jesus and our collective sin killed Jesus? Also it was the Romans who physically did that so why did you persecute us for centuries? Blame the Romans who were white themselves.

You fucked us for centuries and now when we have some fun with you from time to time you start crying and bitching about it on 4chins. Why is white culture so fragile? Be like us goys. Smart, high IQ, persevering, and resilient.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>being this retarded
to smart too be smart, it seems

no sane man believes in your jewish nonsence

It's 'too smart to be smart' and not what you wrote. Also, you couldn't come up with a counter argument. Face the facts. Jews are the only humans and the only master species.

here's KEK speaking to you, kike

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>You fucked us for centuries
were whites bad to jews or something?

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That's a nice quote. Thanks.

I hope ironic faggots like you get the same treatment as the jews will, its the only thing you understand.

You don't know?

Tell us about it.

No. Go research yourselves. You want to make me feel bad.

Not only that we died for your shitty desert shithole, but accepted your cancerous religion and politics go fuck yourself jewish ash

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Well which event should I research?

I don't think you're capable of feeling bad.

Israel average IQ 95


It's an honest question man. Not bait. Also, I'm unaware about our activities in Bulgaria. Why do you hate us again?

How about starting with the Holocaust since it is most recent?

We have 20% arabs in our country bringing the average IQ down

I didn't do that, any nobody else alive right now did either.

There, now we are even.

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Reminder that we know what Christ really looked like

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Are you seriously asking why we hate you?
Its pretty fucking obvious
>controlls all the governments
>sending refugees in europe
>exploiting people for money
>bitches about anti semitism
Nobody in the world loves you, besides your brainwashed puppets you pathetic mongrel, your race was nature's mistake

there is no jesus faggot

Lol. We are a small country and as it is we depend too much on foreign aid. Sorry we can't accept any refugees. As you know, demographics is everything,

You will not need foreign aid when you get all those scientists and engineers boosting your economy.

Why is he naked? Also, he told others long hair were an abomination and he has long hair himself? Why do you believe in him then? What gives your faith strength?

But you seem to love our movies, music, and technology.

We are a benevolent group of people. We'll send them for the betterment of Europe and North America.

>movies, tehcnology and music
So you think we enjoyed that fat slob that sang in jewro vision?, what technology you stupid sand nigger? Besides some normal faggots watching the hollywood crap there's nothing we appreciate from your pathetic country

Paul commented on long hair, not Christ. Read your Bible.

No we want you to have them so you can get off the global welfare and feel better about yourselves. Also, that wall you have, very bad optics.... gonna have to do something about that as well.

Kikemodshills are at kvetchcon3

The "persecutions" of jews are not because of Jesus. It's because of your subversion of our nations.

ok. What about the argument in the OP?


Google and facebook were invented by a jews

>Be whites
>Have loopholes in their government system
>Jews use system to benefit them
>Somehow it's the jews fault for improving and looking after themselves

Jesus would not have been crucified, had he not been rejected by the Jews.
That being said, that's not the sole reason I detest the Jews, and so your argument makes no difference.

>Be jewish
>Abuse loopholes in foreign nations to undermind and weaken them while proffiting from it
>Host nation rightfully kicks you out for doing so
>wah wah wah! Why do you persecute us so? All we want to do is destroy you.

I bet you the moment i hit a jew in the face he's going to cry about anti semitism, pathetic race, can only undermine its host nations, facebook and google are purely to further degenerate society.

How were we to know he was the one true messiah? He didn't show us any miracles.

Don't use them then. It all depends on the user. A scapel in the hands of a doctor can save lives whereas in the hands of a killer it can take lives.

I don't the problem is that you faggots have already brainwashed the population in to using them

Jews made the Romans kill Jesus either that or the sponge on a stick theory is correct and he was taken off the cross later and never actually died.

>‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if some one should rise from the dead.’”
Luke 16:31
Jews wouldn't have believed in anything.

If God knows the future of everything doesn't that mean we were pawns and it's actually God's fault? But he later fixed all the wrong in the world by sacrificing his only son?

Kek. Jews try to even find loop holes against God's law. Just like your Father. The Father of Lies.

His son was the final Jewish Blood Sacrifice. If they had listened to him, he might have spared his son like he soared Abraham's son.

I'm not a christian. I'm also not particularly antisemitic, atleast by Jow Forums standards though normies and yourself would doubtless claim otherwise. Fact is that jews were rarely persecuted for religious reasons alone: these merely provided a convenient synopsis when inter-ethnic tensions inevitably rose to a head. Rather it was the jewish habit of seeking hierarchal vertical alliances and securing exploitative monopolies from the feudal and religious authorities that caused the local peasantries to loathe and distrust them. This pattern was repeated ad nauseum for centuries. Your more honest and forthright co-religionists admit this - regrettably such people are a small minority.

The Peasants aren't the ones who kicked them out.

Peasants were frequently 90% of the local population. When jewish predations caused mass fury it was then, and only then, that authorities took action. There are numerous examples of this over the centuries

Is that the new line? Not long ago, maybe a year or two, the official story was that the elites would get heavily indebted to the Jews and kick them out as a way to avoid repaying the loans.

It also accounts for the sneering contempt with which jews hold rural,agrarian folks right up to the present time

Who is that picture of in the OP?

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It was frequently the elites who provided official protection to the jews so this theory is a massive overstatement. This accounts for the high rate of jewish inter marriage into various aristocracies esp. the english. They have quite successfully pulled the same strategy off in the usa - more thoroughly too it seems

I see you have studiously avoided responding to my posts or did you just come here to engage in condescension?

Go fuck yourself

((( Invented )))

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>is the master race
>can only exist in countries where they are given free shit
>was kicked out of those countries 209 times
Just a coincidence tho! Everyone happens to become anti Semitic when Jews live in their countries for absolutely no reason at all it just doesn’t make sense!

>never believe a fake Jew... especially one that shitposts behind a meme flag.

Try reading the Bible.

'When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!" All the people answered, "His blood is on us and on our children!" '

Matthew 27:24 - 25.

Not saying that as a Christian I agree with it, but that's where the distinction between Roman and Jewish responsibility originates.

you're not supposed to post a profile picture

Dying on the cross is a prophecy of Ezechiel and Psaums. That's why Jesus said "Father Father why did you abandon me" which is a quote from Psaums.

>Also it was the Romans who physically did that so why did you persecute us for centuries?
It would be blaming the arrow, not the person who used the bow.

>Blame the Romans who were white themselves
I don't blame tools. Romans didn't want to kill Jesus, they liked him because of his "Render unto Caesar" preach, which means hebrews should pay taxes and that God's kingdom is separated from the earthly kingdom.
But pharisians, the synaguogue of Satan, threaten a rebellion if he wasn't killed.

>You fucked us for centuries
You don't "fuck" with pure evil, you just fight it.

>be like us

Gay Religion
Jesus was Gay
YHWH is Santa Claus

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>Israel average IQ
the "smart jew" myth
both are the same, who are you kidding ?

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Just like jews today engineered the war on Iraq, Libya and Syria, they ensured that the history books say it was the US and europeans who bombed the Middle-East. But everybody knows it's the jews, and they aren't stopping, they're pushing the US to attack Iran.

In the talmud, it is written the Romans killed 400millions to 4 billions jews (depending on the definition of a "myriad") at the Battle of Betar.

The shroud of Turin is a poor fake, it doesn't take into account that the image should have been deformed. It's just a flat painting. It's a shame that the vatican keeps this crap.

>muh holocaust
Sage in all fields

How bout a rabbi gets petrolbombed in NYC ? Did Jesus die for this ? No, not for kikes, which means burning a kike priest to death sends him to hell. Good stuff !
Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner.

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You got it the wrong way.

We're not the tools. We're Christians, we're the enemies of the children of Jacob.


"The messiah will only come once [the children of] Edom -Europe, Christianity- will have been destroyed".

Its proven true by studying the pollen and radiography of carbon. 1sr century Jerusalem

Hmmm...I guess I'll have to research history more

>Pretend to be master race
>Get tricked by jews 209 times
>Still don't think themselves as stupid
What is the cause of this arrogance?

We lend money. You take money. It's not our fault you aren't smart enough to pay it back

True. It's a fake. Israeli depictions are scientific and accurate.

Sage yourself from this thread. Holocaust was real and it happened.

Ponce Pilate did NOTHING wrong.
It's the jews who wanted him dead.

>.I guess I'll have to research history more
Yeah, that will be a progress from spouting the bullshit written in talmud.

>you fucked us for centuries

Nothing wrong with Fighting against evil

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>he doesn't know what murder is
>the thinks Jesus didn't overcome death

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I provided a sincere response. You really should read more about your people's diaspora. I would recommend Israeli Professor Israel Shahak
Jewish History, Jewish Religion:
The Weight of Three Thousand Years

13And Pilate, when he had called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people, 14Said unto them, Ye have brought this man unto me, as one that perverteth the people: and,

behold, I, having examined him before you, have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him:

15No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him; and, lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto him. 16I will therefore chastise him, and release him. 17(For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.)

>'Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.' (Samuel, 15:3)

>Deut. 25:17 – Remember what Amalek did to the Israelites
>Deut. 25:19 – Wipe out the descendants of Amalek
>Deut. 25:19 – Not to forget Amalek's atrocities and ambush on our journey from Egypt in the desert

Who is Amalek ? Well, Amalek is the grandson of Edom. Who is Edom ? He is the son of Isaac. Who is Isaac, he is the grandson of Abraham.
Why is it importent ? Because according to the jews and their exegesis of Torah and Old Testament, the lineage of Edom is christianity and the Roman Empire.
Not that this was after the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem and the start of diaspora, when the pharisians started writing an "oral law" Moses supposedly got from God, the Zohar.

Modern jews aren't "jews" per se, their talmudists and descendants of the corrupted pharisians, the children of Satan, to quote Jesus.

Talmudists (what is called "jews" nowadays) have one and only one goal : the complete destruction of christianity.

>Wipe out the descendants of Amalek
>destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

You think I'm crazy, but this is utterly important to them, it is the core of their sect and it leads their destiny as a people.

>and the Roman Empire.
And by that, they mean Europe and Europeans, in case it's not clear.

>remember the 82 millio
Sure whatever you want to believe kike

At la Hague in Netherlands, there is this holocaust memorial. Wait a minute, what is this biblical quote ? Deuteronomy 25:17, 19.

>"Remember what Amalek has done to you ... do not forget."

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>Holocaust was real and it happened.
fake and gay


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matthew 25: 26.

There were and are devout Christian jews, and most non Christian jews are not aware of how evil the ancient families are. they are innocent. Yes there are old jew and gentile families that have passed down a satanic craft. very evil.

Notice that we are still in a shill wave. also notice that antichristian threads pop up constantly during the raids. most of them are pretty retarded.

There really arent many Christian generals or topical threads. there are a LOT of antichristian shill threads though

Forget it jews read histpry and immediately think 'arguments' to subvert it , they'rotten without any hope as a culture
Holocaust is a sham indeed

This, jews never seem to attribute antisemitism to their own hateful actions, like torturing Christian children and shit. It's always someone else theyre , truthless imbecile scum.

Show us your flag, satan.

Thank you portubro , God bless you , let me add something

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I'm prochrist, what you mean satan , take a pic

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"Jesus died for our sin" This is like a basic bitch canard. It's embarassing

Yahowsha(Jesus) was the Passover lamb.. He died in stead of Isaac in order to seal the Covenant, it is/was a blood oath... So no, "Jesus" didnt die for your sins and God coudnt give two fucks about you and your sins. Yahowsha's blood was what was needed or what God promised in order to seal the Covenant. God only cares about the Covenant and the people that are a part of it, also known as his children. If you want to know how to be a part of the Covenant it's not rocket science

Here: blessyahowah.com

Good luck, bye

I know all your tricks, it's useless. Now show us your flag.

Faggot kike

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>If Jesus died for our sins, doesn't that mean that the Jews did not kill Jesus and our collective sin killed Jesus?

Jesus sacrificed himself and took our sins down to hell so we could live forever free of sin in Heaven.No one on earth or Heaven besides God has power over Him.
But regardless of whether the jews knew they were a part in this magnificent plan to defeat the devil. The jews did act out of their free will. Yet they also could be forgiven for their sins and receive the gift of Christ's sacrifice, Just like the Romans, if they were not to this day unwilling to repent from their misdeed.

And that is why the jews to this day carry the guilt for the crucifixion, not so much for your deed but for your unrelenting evil intentions and lack of remorse.
Even Judas hung himself when he realized what he did out of shame, guilt and remorse.
But the jew takes pride in it.

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pic = 3 dimensional reproduction based on the shroud of Turin. The Burial cloth of Jesus

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Hmmm...it makes me want to ponder about things...Thanks for the reply though

What if salvation is so easy that your just too cucked to accept it...

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No never , become Orthodox Christian, jew

Stop this faggotry His name is Iesus Christos

Fucking hell the did a jew blood ritual on the Messiah, kill them all.