Why are you not vegetarian yet Jow Forums?

Why are you not vegetarian yet Jow Forums?

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because humans are omnivores

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My biome like meat

appeal to nature fallacy

Ok, i have no reason to go vegatarian. Also the fact that declining basedboy countries tend to have more vegetarian restaurants isn't helping your argument.

>aliens come
>they're a carnivorous, plant based life form
>they look at vegetarians with disgust
wat do

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Its a myth that meat is required to survive. There is plenty of B12 in eggs and milk.

Appease them by converting to fruitarianism.

>unfertilized eggs and mammalian secretion
don't let the vegans hear you

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t. basedboy

Eating meat means you indirectly consume far more plant matter than I via livestock

>look at my MEAT surrounded in plant carbs and fried in plant oils and now I'm gonna dunk it in some CARB SAUCE


Although it sounds gross, what other way is there of obtaining b12 without eating poo or dirt? Defiantly not taking synthesized tablets or injections.


not even actual sheep are strictly vegetarian.
t. sheep farmer who knows how much them wool sacks love dried fish

Pretty hard to have 5 months of snow and -30C without meat when fruits and veggies are expensive af.

>cow died
>"better bury it"
>"no wait let's feed it to the dogs, that's even more moral"

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he said no poo

>I fed this animal something it could never catch in the wild so its not vegetarian

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>Hurr appeal to nature fallacy
appeal to nature fallacies can't be applied to natural systems like human evolution.

If something is natural to humans, then there is a higher likelyhood that evolution beneficially selected humans able to thrive with the stimulus

Sorry I didn't realise that we just take random dead cows and harvest the meat to avoid waste. I was under the false impression that billions of cows are fattened on an industrial scale then sliced open by machines

Herbivores happily eat smaller animals if they get the chance.

will look into it

i have been tricked into going to one
i will kill the next person that tries to make me go to a restaurant just to eat fucking vegan pasta salad or whatever it was

wrong Muhammad, they break in to my drying box to get at it. When a ram want's to go through a wall, it doesn't bother to look for a door.

>animals eating animals
>react instinctively
Nothing wrong with "herbivore" animals eating other animals because they rely on instinct to survive, whereas humans can reason what is humane.


Burgers are humane to my tastebuds.

Trade animal based fertilizer for new advanced alien tech

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Because the lack of meat turns you into a cuck. Meat is filled with protein that we need. Good luck eating 10 lbs of grass to get "the same effect".

In Poland it's impossible

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>billions of cows
surely not because they and their offspring have been provided for by humans

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I like meat



>Good luck eating 10 lbs of grass
Have you by any chance heard of Doctor Hindhede?

>and so the humane thing to do is starve the planet

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Wrong. It's appeal to evolution, which is not fallacious, but common sense.

Because I'm not retarded.

I'm straight

>surely not because they and their offspring have been provided for by humans
Absolutely not. Those cows would not go extinct if vegans had their way. They are noble and stronk creatures of the wild, who would thrive in peaceful happiness, were it not for human exploitation. All animal farming is about torturing and killing wild and free natural creatures you know.

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This is idiotic, it's possible to shear a sheep's wool without harming it.

Should have made this be about leather.

>and so the humane thing to do is starve the planet
you don't need meat to not starve

>declining basedboy countries tend to have more vegetarian restaurants isn't helping your argument.
the problem with vegetarian culture is that it attracts extremely obnoxious people, i have never met another conservative/right wing vegetarian

I don't think you've ever seen how wool is acquired.

Because despite my flag, I'm not a faggot.

Because I like eating fried chicken with chicken nuggets and egg on the side. While tending to my chickens. I enjoy the thought that they have no idea what a monster I am. I'm just the guy that comes and feeds them and gives them water.

that looks delicious

I actually support vegetarianism, it is pretty based desu.

Fried chicken is a nigger food

High five-five-five, especially the sausage, there to add protein and essential amino acids to the meal.


Can that be applied to your mother being fucked by Muslims

>cow died "better bury it" "no wait let's feed it to the dogs, that's even more moral"
scavengers are not killers.

vegetarianism is just a step in turning people into vegan cult psychopaths

The real question is:
Why are we feeding Africa?

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It's not about being vegetarian but treating meat as a luxury product and being physically active every day.

because last time i looked in my pants, there was a pair of balls hanging. balls strong enough to crack your numale skull in between them

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>vegan cult psychopaths
what exactly do these cultists do? True vegans/vegetarians just want to eat food that didn't require death or suffering.

they do exist but they dont push their shit on others as hard

Does that mean pure vegetarian restaurants or restaurants that just have extensive vegetarian menus? Because I don't really think we got that many first ones.

So any vegan who exposes hard-to-swallow facts on others are automatically labeled as liberal (by pol's definition)?

WTF is this shit , listen we are not carnivores,neither vegetarians we are made to eat almost everything faggot,

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All other herbivores have a more complex digestive system in order to extract the nutrition they need from plants
People fixate on dead animals when they have an empty, unfulfilled moral drive, and those squealing pigs make an easy outlet.
Healthy minded people will focus their moral drive on the death and suffering of more meaningful life.

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Enjoy your lack of vitamin B12, veganshit.


these "true" vegetarians and vegans do not know what they are doing - they have been brainwashed by the elite. There is no community that financially supports the pharma industry more than vegans - which should already be ringing alarm bells by itself.

Vegans cannot sustain themselves on their diet alone and are forced to take extra supplements. Its a cult because they are devoted to animals. It is literally animal worship. They place animals on a higher pedestal than themselves, starving on a poor nutrient diet, just for the animals.


>we are made to eat almost everything
Sure, but isn't it cowardly killing defenseless animals?

They're defenseless because they're meant to be killed

dont eat meat if you can kill shit, pussy nigger

Mostly because white people can't cook vegetarian food, they can't cook any food desu


Based France

Well its either that or plants and to be fully healthy and give your 100% you need both meat and vegetables.
Its not coward its the way things are maybe in an idilic world where we can be feed trough thin air killing animals would be bad

ok Raj

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Why do you even try to cook tho? Even the most celebrated white food like pizza and pasta are meh

i'd also eat dinosaurs if i could

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>vegans have b12 deficiency
>b12 deficiency causes neurological problems
>op is a retard
checks out

that isn't a fallacy in context, dumbass, and you didn't even it spell it right. Its like saying humans have opposable thumbs and are meant to manipulate the environment = naturalistic fallacy.

nice try retard. French food is the most highly regarded in the world.

>People fixate on dead animals when they have an empty, unfulfilled moral drive, and those squealing pigs make an easy outlet.
Assuming what you are saying is not about boosting ego, how can you possibly do nothing and say nothing when you understand (not same as knowing) the immoral system that is placed on industrially famed animals? Because animals cannot communicate, they cannot organize and escape the slaughter system we put them in, so we are their only way out.
>Healthy minded people will focus their moral drive on the death and suffering of more meaningful life.
There is nothing healthy about feeling fulfilled from death and suffering.


>doesn't know non-meat, non-tablet, and non-injection alternatives exist.

>nature fallacy
>common sense which made us evolve over all these yeras

Friendly reminder that you NEED to eat meat from to time because plants can't provide certain fats your body and most of all brain needs to function properly

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anything higher than 5 is gay as fuck

not if you take b12 spray, aside from that vegans have healthier arteries than marathon runners that stick to the SAD diet.

we (normal and healthy peoples) dont want to just survive we want to live

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>b12 spray
absolute state of vegans
>healthier arteries
just eat kimchi,nato and garlic nigger

-t. photosynthesiser

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>Highly regarded
>By world
>9 out of 10 people can't even name 10 french dishes all over the globe
>Most people think French fries are french

Almost all of the successful food cooking techniques come from France and have French names. Sorry we don't eat food with our hands like dirty, disgusting Indian peasants. Even any restaurant that serves Indian food that has earned Michelin stars are in the west and adapted by White people.

>we are their only way out
They're not supposed to get out, they're supposed to stay in. Make the process more humane.
>There is nothing healthy about feeling fulfilled from death and suffering.
No. You're focusing your moral drive on the death and suffering of lower life. You get upset about cows and pigs being slaughtered and feel a need to do something about it.
A person with a healthy mind focuses that moral drive on the death and suffering of higher life. We get upset at the pains and injustices endured by humans.

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Atoms are atoms and when they are in protein molecules they work better for me than when they are in fiber and sugar molecules and that's cause my body is adapted for that it's like being angry at an engine for running on gas instead of batteries. Why should I feel bad about that? And animals are adapted to be eaten by us. It's just God's plan don't criticize him to the brink of insanity. Vegans are like the animals they want to protect, stupid and ignorant. They are pathetic creatures living in the shadows.

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>these "true" vegetarians and vegans do not know what they are doing - they have been brainwashed by the elite.
Its actually the other way around:
>the elite want you to eat meat so that you will support their meat industries
>meat industries produce a lot of suffering energy
>carnivorous entities consume this suffering energy
>reptilians want us to eat meat so that they can eat us without karma
>Its a cult because they are devoted to animals. It is literally animal worship.
I'm fine worshiping/appreciating mother Gaia's creations, nothing wrong will come from that.
>starving on a poor nutrient diet
meat isn't required to be Jow Forums

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>Sorry we don't eat food with our hands like dirty, disgusting Indian peasants.
How do you eat burger and hotdog? By shoving it up your ass?

Vegans are subhuman

that guy looks like a narcissistic looser probably spends 6+ extra hours a day to maintain body mass

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Its a meme,(from your mrdia) still nice thoug

Burgers and hotdogs have buns you pick up to eat, we don't put our dirty Indian street-shitting hands into sloppy curry ebola mess and shovel it into our faces like you "people" do. You don't even live in a country, you live in a post-colonialist shithole that was only united by the British with railroads and a common language. You are shit people, shitting everywhere, shitting on your hands and using them to eat disgusting rotten food you have to disguise the disgusting smell of with tons of spices. Disgusting pajeet.

Luxembourg doesn't even has 1 million people so their number should be split in half.

So, you shouldn't eat those buns by that logic, why do you eat buns then? Do germs have a strict no buns policy?