'Africans cannot farm'

sorry Jow Forums but you're showing your ignorance of the world again. Africans can farm - but have you ever tried to farm when there is the Tsetse fly?

INB4 Zimbabwe. Tsetse flies do not inhabit this region

Tsetse flies, through the cyclical transmission of trypanosomiasis to both humans and their animals, greatly influence food production, natural-resource utilization and the pattern of human settlement throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that the annual direct production losses in cattle alone amount to between US$6 000 million and $12 000 million, while animal deaths may reach 3 million.

Tsetse-transmitted trypanosomiasis is unique in that it has considerable impact over a vast area of some 9 million km2, where it so profoundly influences and distorts the patterns and density of agriculture that they are often contrary to the demand and the resource potential.

>"There's nothing that has made its mark on this continent as much as tsetse fly, tt's so subtle and invisible, and doesn't get in the news. But this is the reason why crop and livestock production are separate here.

>"You can imagine what it has meant for the continent that you have to walk everywhere on foot, and that all farm work has to be done by hand."

>"There's nothing that has made its mark on this continent as much as tsetse fly," said Mr Kabayo. "It's so subtle and invisible, and doesn't get in the news. But this is the reason why crop and livestock production are separate here.

>"You can imagine what it has meant for the continent that you have to walk everywhere on foot, and that all farm work has to be done by hand."

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If that was the case then we shouldnt be able to farm there also yet we were able to

And when Rhodesia was the bread basket of Africa was because the Tsetse fly wasn't indigenous to Africa then?

>literally a fly can beat all of the nigger in africa

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>It's da flys fault

Get some Off nigger. damn

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>what is bug spray

read my post you dense cunt.

Zimbabwe does not have Tsetse flies.

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>bug spraying all of central africa

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You spray the crops you harvest with crop dusters

It's fairly simple

the disease it causes has been treatable since the 1930's and the WHO gives the drug out free of charge to nigger nations
>Pentamidine is an antimicrobial medication used to treat African trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, babesiosis, and to prevent and treat pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in people with poor immune function.[1] In African trypanosomiasis it is used for early disease before central nervous system involvement, as a second line option to suramin.[1] It is an option for both visceral leishmaniasis and cutaneous leishmaniasis.[1] Pentamidine can be given by injection into a vein or muscle or by inhalation.[1]

>Common side effects of the injectable form include low blood sugar, pain at the site of injection, nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, and kidney problems.[1] Common side effects of the inhaled form include wheezing, cough, and nausea.[1] It is unclear if doses should be changed in those with kidney or liver problems.[1] Pentamidine is not recommended in early pregnancy but may be used in later pregnancy.[1] Its safety during breastfeeding is unclear.[2] Pentamidine is in the aromatic diamidine family of medications.[3] While how the medication works is not entirely clear, it is believed to involve decreasing the making of DNA, RNA, and protein.[1]

>Pentamidine came into medical use in 1937.[4] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system.[5] It is available as a generic medication.[1] In regions of the world where the disease is common pentamidine is provided for free by the World Health Organization

It affects livestock and people only.

man, if only some world government could step in and give free food to that kid, his 7 siblings, and his parents

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Neither does Safrica
but in 2 years they will be starving. Screen cap this ya cut.

>Niggers in South Africa cant farm cause of a fucking fly
>Whites are perfectly capable of farming despite flies
It's almost as if your entire bloviated argument is full of shit

>he doesn't know
move along shill

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Then you spray where people and livestock live

Pesticides can kill ze bugs and leave humans and other animals fine

>Africans can farm - but have you ever tried to farm when there is the Tsetse fly?
There are no flies in Harvest Moon 64, so, no.

And then import them on mass into their continent and give them welfare for votes,just imagine that

>he doesn't know you can't sage if you respond with an image

fuck off newfag

Blacks in Africa DO farm you fuckwit, Whites own the majority of the farmland.

Nice work /thread

damn if only there was something to prevent that like a net or something hahahah

oh well better go back to eating mud

Now they just need to figure out a way to blame whitey and beg for more handouts and this story will be complete.

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You can actually, they fixed that shit literally two years ago. I don't get why this misinformation is still being spread around.

And where did these flies go when European settlers were working your farms? Stop crying, you knew about the consequences before you start massacring the "oppressive white man".

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The africans should just hire some people to come and gas the whole continent for them. I'm sure I could scrape some money together to help out with the cause

>he still doesn't know about rhodesia


>Blacks in Africa do farm
>Zimbabwe is literally begging white farmers to come back after realizing niggers can't farm.

>flies can survive in africa
>blacks cannot

Yet they still starve in Zimbabwe?

That's due to Mugabes disastrous governance.

>Blame ALL blacks due to one hideously corrupt party and leader

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Dont listen to this faggot. The white people managed to work around us but these niggers think we are a plague. Make Africa White Again

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Well it was his idea and the people supported him. This self-inflicted genocide was a group effort.

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You know why /pol doesn't think they can farm... It's because they chase people off of an operation, profitable farm. Then gibs it to some random tribesman, and they fail to keep it running within a month. There's documented proof regarding this

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>Whites created the farmland.

Ever heard of a greenhouse? Jesus, how did africans survive? Maybe the chinese can sort the sorry lot out.

>rhodesia under white rule was very prosperous
>rhodesia is named zimbabwe under black rule
>somehow zimbabwe descends into one of the most hyper inflated economies on earth
>wtf colonialism did this

nigger hate thread?

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OK that explains Bantu tier nigs, but what about non-testse fly areas?

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Lets do dis

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post more niggerball

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op you have to go back!

whites farmed succesfully there for how many centuries? in the same condition the new blacks have to farm but without complains and gibs me dat.
so equal chance for both races.

thank god we cleared this!

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thank god the advances of western civilization and medicine saved Africa!

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>Jow Forums
>reddit spacing

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>Boers can farm.

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African niggers can farm just fine. But the exports go to their chink masters. They get none to eat at home.


But why is it whites can farm those places then? Do we have the privileged of being immune to tsetse flis? What gives?

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Of course Africans can farm. They are called The Boers.

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Zyclon B

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I'm sure they can develop a cure on their own. Black people are smart, right?

Shit bait btw, desu

>Africans can farm
Most nig African farmers still haven't grasped the technique of crop rotation and are still using the outdated slash and burn method.

Fuck off and take you flies with you.

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>uses fly as excuse
>most famous starving country doesn't have the fly
>brings attention to this during argument

Congratulations you played yourself OP

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>Can't farm cuz tsetse fly

Meanwhile my ancestors (i wuz) had to deal with multiple ice ages, winters, dense forests, mountainous landscape, swampland, massive rivers, highly aggressive tribes, invasions by huge civilizations, civil wars, plague fleas and the german cockroach.

The problem of the nigger isn't that he isn't challenged enough, his problem is his inability to overcome challenges.

>of course they can farm
>here's why they can't farm

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We are not one species.

The Fixation index, or FST, is a way to measure genetic distance between populations.

The FST between Whites (British) and Blacks (Bantu) is 0.23.

The FST between the common Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the Bonobo (Pan paniscus) is 0.103
(Which you'll note is *half* the White-Black difference, despite the two being classified as two separate species.)

The FST between two Gorilla species; Gorilla Gorilla and Gorilla Beringei is 0.04.
(Or 1/6 the difference between Blacks and Whites. Again two seperate Species).

The FST between modern Humans and Neanderthals is

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negros are just to dumb and cannont into crop farming. all they can do is looth and raep!

hope they all starve out!

>inb4 useless dingos

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>impact over a vast area of some 9 million km2

Still just 1/3rd out of the 30.3 million km2
Even subtracting deserts, that should still leave plenty of perfect farming soil especially given the small population Africa had before colonial times and massive food aid programs.

My ancestors were also told you can't farm underwater.

>>"You can imagine what it has meant for the continent that you have to walk everywhere on foot, and that all farm work has to be done by hand."
>you have to walk everywhere on foot, and that all farm work has to be done by hand.
sounds like a rule imposed by dumb niggers that are mentally and socially incapable of manufacturing machine equipment.

>It is estimated that the Tsetse fly costs up to 3 million in animal deaths.

>Zimbabwe calls for 1.6 B-B-B-B-B-BILLION in food aid after they are struck by famine, only AFTER all the white farmers leave. Zambia, their neighbor, accepts the white farmers and despite both the fly, and the drought that year, saw a crop increase of over 40%

If the fly had anything to do with it then the white farmers would be struggling also, but they're not.

The fly costs $3 million a year.
Not having white farmers costs 1600 million a year. I know you're a Brit who cannot into math, but 'the land is being farmed by niggers' is 533 times worse than the fly is.

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Zambia has huge tsisti fly infestations. The British farmed there for almost 100 years.

Jesus fucking Christ, they're literally retarded.

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Meanwhile in Europe: Multiple Ice Ages

same with Tanzania
same with Haiti

>That's due to Mugabes disastrous governance.
Are you talking about the part where he kicked all the white farmers out of the country?

I like how she is watching out that nobodys looking. They know they are not supposed to do that but proceed to anyways..

>He just walked into the washing machine himself when I had my back turned, I swear!

And yes we should blame all blacks for this disastrous governance, they seemed more than complicit at the time.

The mosquito does a bretty gud job too.

Then move to where the food is!

Another reason to just VX gas the entire continent and start over.

Ever heard of the screwfly? No?
That's because ypipo eradicated its parasitic ass. Remember that.

Then they will let the Chinese in to "help"


Europeans have farmed Africa, they have zero excuse. They are just dumb niggers.

the reality in africa is actually worse than this graph depicts. Our niggers have, on average, 28% white ancestry and access to the best nutrition and education in the world. Theirs have almost no white ancestry and eat pig shit and dead flies.

Imagine being so low iq that you live in an area where the natural wildlife prevents you from farming for food, and your 16 children are malnourished and starving, and the thought of moving somewhere more hospitable doesnt even cross your mind

Attached: africa_agricultural_capacity.png (960x1790, 470K)

My grandmother is from Zimbabwe and they used to have the Tsetse fly, my gran even got sleeping sickness from one.

The white Rhodesian government got rid of the Tsetse fly in Zimbabwe.


To farm you need people intelligent enough to manipulate natural condition to enable them to farm.