This is a board full of bootlickers

This is a board full of bootlickers

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American education does this. They actually believe their shithole is superior to other shitholes, and their evidence is "muh sacred texts, muh sancrosant connachooshun"

its very ironic since Americans own mostly debt by now and work at meaning less service jobs, most people who shill for capitalism here are indebted service job cucks if not Neets altogether

they dont want to think of themselves as being on the loosing side of capitalism so they adopt the discourse of the rich swine

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>people who believe in less government regulation are bootlickers
>despite the fact that they tend to be more self-sufficient and rely on others less
I'm not following your logic Germany.

working at Starbucks is not being "self-sufficient"

>black haired shitskins forced to live in a walled off slum
what the fuck? I love capitalism now

there are more forms of power than governamental power

t.starcucks barista

>minimum wage is government regulation!!! i want to be free to work for 2$ an hour like a free man!!!!

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Bootlicking has apparently created the most prosperous era in history, also pulls more people directly out of poverty every day than any other point in history

People in service industry are by far liberal.
This isn't even anecdotal yet you would surely have noticed it.

Fuck off commie scum


What's your alternative? I fucking abhor you stupid motherfuckers. Waa waah horrible capitalism! What do you do? Sit around on your ass and be a slacktivist of go out holding gay flags and "be an activist" aka obstruct others and waste tax money. Kill yourself politely if you are doing anything but a insurrection.

and liberals would vote for Bernie which makes more sense then voting for people like Trump who slashes taxes for the rich.

besides, working for Walmart is a service job still

The caricature is the reality in the corrupt and mostly socialist countries of the third world, much less so in "capitalist" countries from which most Jow Forums posters post.

Think about that, big government lover.

Name one capitalist country that isn't run by a corrupt dictator that has a slum


we want gibs

also this, Steven Pinker did a lot of research on this

listen, you cant have Capitalism without at least SOME redistribution of wealth. Teddy Roosevelt understood it:

>In August 1931, over eight million citizens were unemployed. By 1933, that number would be closer to 15 million. The production of a relief system to absorb this growing mass was slow and widely resisted in America. This was the country where one was supposed to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. The New Deal in the 30s and the Great Society programs of the 60s both had “the preservation of capitalism at all times in view” as a Time magazine article about the New Deal put it. But what exactly threatened capitalism at these times? The fear was in the dissolution of civility and good morals among the unemployed. Having no work, men wandered. It became less likely for them to marry and settle down. They may turn to crime or riots to take what they want or need.

Roosevelt taxed The Pigs 90% just to save the system from a Bolshevik-like Revolution in the US:

>Communist, anarchist, and socialist groups were beginning to look a lot more attractive to the unemployed and with riots becoming more common and unemployment still on the rise, one could speak of a “mass disorder” by the mid-30s. The New Deal (though it made some concessions that more hard-line American ideologues were uncomfortable with) was designed to steal that thunder and return the unemployed to work where they would become stable again. Roosevelt put it in simple terms: “I am fighting Communism, Huey Longism, Coughlinism, Townsendism,” he told an emissary of William Hearst in 1935, “I want to save our system, the capitalistic system; to save it is to give some heed to world thought of today. I want to equalize the distribution of wealth.”

So you see, without the capitalist pigs handing over at least Some of what they took from the workers back to them Capitalism Fails and full blown COMMUNISM wins

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>the most prosperous era in history

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This might have been a valid strawman if "communists" weren't constantly shilling for an open border and cheap slave labor. Kind of sad that they're just controlled opposition like neocons instead of actually being an advocate for the working class.

we're brainwashed into thinking that our police are here to protect us despite all kinds of police abuses of power. same thing with the military; if you look below the surface then you see how it's just a tool for huge corporations to have the taxpayers subsidize their existence by parasitically profiting from the rest of the world. the propaganda tells us that our military is keeping us safe from terrorists and russian hackers, and since that's a feel good story most people don't even want to look any deeper.

the 5% of us or so who do understand what's going on are incredibly upset with what's happening, but since the machine is quite powerful, it's hard to figure out just how to stop it.

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Stfu commie faggot

Just because you krauts have a hard on for attempting to destroy the world doesn’t mean we do

the way to stop systemic problems is with organized action. I firmly believe that organizing is the best thing we can do to improve society

The guy who wrote 1984 was actually a Socialist who fought Nazis, isn't that ironic? Obama was a terrible president.

fixed it for you achmed

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Lmao capitalist shills are really sensitive
>muh commie whataboutism
>muh profits

you’re a fucking cancer on this board

No you didn't, because this is true of America also.

If you are a socialist fron a rich western contry, fuck your soul, I hope you die in a gulag. Just look at what jewish socialism did to eastern Europe. Die you fucking commie pigs!

>Obama was a terrible president.
Obama was a neolib, Trump is a fascist. Neither has solutions for the problems of common people.

rich western countrys also have a poor underclass, to provide rich people with their luxury

>he way to stop systemic problems is with organized action. I firmly believe that organizing is the best thing we can do to improve society

See this is revealing. People like you think that you just have to do "something", and if you do just something, anything really, because you have good intentions and you all work together (seemingly) you will improve society.
But thats now how reality works, at all. Most of the time you make things just worse, especially you because you don't really understand anything and your solutions are mostly shit.

what do you do when most people don't want to organize?
that's what it's like here. some kind of hellish brave new world where everyone's too interested in, virtue signaling, becoming a trans-bunny rabbit, watching reality tv or sportsball, or they're drug addled zombies.
if i bring any of this shit up then they just yell about how i'm a crazy conspiracy theorist despite any evidence i show them that proves i'm right. they just want to keep living their insanely destructive lives as long as it makes them feel good.

>The Under-Man is unconvertible. He will not bow to the new truth, because he knows that the new truth is not for him. Why should he work for a higher civilization, when even the present civilization is beyond his powers ? What the Under-Man wants is, not progress, but regress regress to more primitive conditions in which he would be at home. In fact, the more he grasps the significance of the new eugenic truth, the uglier grows his mood. So long as all men believed all men potentially equal, the Under-Man could delude himself into thinking that changed circumstances might raise him to the top. Now that nature herself proclaims him irremediably inferior, his hatred of superiority knows no bounds.

>This hatred he has always instinctively felt. Envy and resentment of superiority have ever been the badges of base minds. Yet never have these badges been so fiercely flaunted, so defiantly worn, as today. This explains the seeming paradox that, just when the character of superiority becomes supremely manifest, the cry for levelling "equality" rises supremely shrill. The Under- Man revolts against progress! Nature herself having decreed him uncivilizable, the Under-Man declares war on civilization.

>These are not pretty facts. But we had better face them, lest they face us, and catch us unawares. Let us, then, understand once and for all that we have among us a rebel army the vast host of the unadaptable, the incapable, the envious, the discontented, filled with instinctive hatred of civilization and progress, and ready on the instant to rise in revolt.

----The Revolt Against Civilization -- The Menace of the Under-Man

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And you're an asslicker.

Of course its gypsynigger who is dumb as rock.

If you can't make it in a capitalist society, you're either a drug addict or a massive idiot.

Yeah that poor workers in the lamborghini factory. They really have it though. Cry me a fucking river.

40-60 hours a week and 10k mortgage to (((them))). Vs 80hrs a week and 750k mortgage to (((them))).
Wew we rulers now!

>Degeneracy is thus a cancerous blight, constantly spreading, tainting and spoiling sound stocks, destroying race values, and increasing social burdens. In fact, degeneracy not only handicaps society but threatens its very existence. Congenitally incapable of adjusting themselves to an advanced social order, the degenerate inevitably become its enemies particularly those "highgrade defectives" who are the natural fomenters of social unrest. Of course, the environmentalist argues that social unrest is due to bad social conditions, but when we go into the matter more deeply we find that bad conditions are due largely to bad people. The mere presence of hordes of low-grade men and women condemned by their very natures to incompetency and failure automatically engender poverty, invite exploitation, and drag down others just above them in the social scale.

>We thus see that our social ills are largely the product of degeneracy, and that the elimination of degeneracy would do more than anything else to solve them. But degeneracy can be eliminated only by eliminating the degenerate. And this is a racial, not a social matter. No merely social measures can ever touch the heart of the problem. In fact, they tend to increase its gravity; because, aiming as they do to improve existing individuals, they carry along multitudes of the unfit and enable them to propagate more largely of their kind.

>If, then, society is ever to rid itself of its worst burdens, social reform must be increasingly supplemented by racial reform. Unfit individuals as well as unjust social conditions must be eliminated. To make a better world we must have better men and women. No reform of laws or institutions or economic systems will bring that better world unless it produces better men and women too.
----The Revolt Against Civilization --The Menace of the Under-Man

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Oh, I have plenty of concrete ideas, but they don't work through individual action. You can't solve systematic problems through individual action.
>what do you do when most people don't want to organize?
You build class consciousness
>they just yell about how i'm a crazy conspiracy theorist
Well, you are a crazy conspiracy theorist
The problem is economic exploitation. Not any of the right-wing buzzwords you listed there.

Sorry kid but trump isn’t a fascist, look at his second amendment stance, dictators and fascists ban guns, trump is pro second amendment

>written and edited by

Love these liberal ''arguments.''
>hurr look us workers live in little shacks!
Meanwhile in real life everyone has a house or an apartment.
The only places on Earth that look like what it looks like on the left are places in India and Africa, and people who live in those kinds of conditions are not the working class. None of them have jobs.

It would make more sense if the ''working class'' side looked more like ''the ruling class'' side, but without the pools.

Poor people in America don't see themselves as poor people, they see themselves as soon-to-be-rich people.

That's why poor people vote to give rich people tax cuts, they all think that they'll make their big break any day now and then they'll be the ones benefiting from those tax cuts.

The same logic is why a lot of people on Jow Forums support fascism, and why a lot of communists support communism: because every single one of them thinks they'll be part of the omnipotent dictator class crushing everyone else underfoot. They never consider the possibility of becoming one of the faces stomped flat under the jackboot of autocracy.

Ok, shoot me some ideas to improve the conditions of the lowest workers.

You're just poor and stupid, not my fault you suck at life

>let's turn the west into the ussr and starve everyone because we inefficiently direct resources while neglecting what the market needs.
you're a fucking idiot.

>Calls legit critique strawman then shits out Louder With Crowder tier strawman.

Riveting stuff.

>that image
Literally just change the red to yellow and the word "proletariat" to "self-made hard worker".

>don't use power once you control it- you're only allowed to be controlled by it

None of what Trump says is reliable. Right now he needs the gun nuts in his base. But when he wants to ban them he can find some boogeyman to justify taking them away.
His actions are that of a fascist though.

Words of wisdom, right there.

Hans, I know it's not always easy to be patient and wait until Achmed's done with your wife when he comes over. But you should really get to the kitchen already, he surely wants a meal when he's done.


I dont think you know what that word means, did you hear it on the TV?

I'm not a liberal, bootlicker.

You're worse, you're a G*rman. Less of a bootlicker, more of a dick cheese sucker.

The worst thing in the world is a human with power. NO human should have power. Ever.

>posting in a board rife with police
>surprised when there's pro-cop sentiment
Not too smart there, are ya?

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I guess when you're in Germany everyone looks like a facist.

what if im neither of those but just extremely socially inept?
a little pro tip:most of the people who advance through life do it because they are good at being butt buddies and kissing ass of people in higher positions not because they are smart or hard working.
they larp that its all hard work and intelligence later because it makes them feel good and no one wants to admit reality when it makes them feel bad.

>collective bargaining to counteract the difference of power between workers and the rich bosses
>abolishment of rich bosses and controlling the allocation of resources democratically instead of by unelected individuals

All germans learn from young age in school that anything that isn't far left is fascist / nazi. Also, they learn that they're guilty of all the world's misery and that they have the duty to take from the privileged whites and give to the oppressed (aka anyone except white males).

I didn't say any of that. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

hey, I make 50k a year and I'm projected to receive an additional 1,500 from tax returns compared to last year. you could get huge returns too but the problem is that you have to pay taxes inorder to get a tax return

>we should all be equally poor rather than unequally rich

I wonder, pray tell, what you think the superior and better alternative would be?

>you either live in extreme poverty or 1% luxury and wealth

have you ever heard of this silly concept of middle class?

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The media is too meek to call out a fascist head of state in an allied country for what he is.

Actually the upper middle class controls most of the wealth in American. The shitty favela isnt accurate. Its more like this

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kek this fucking commie
fuck off back to wherever the fuck you came from faggot

Yes. Because humans are shit and all you do is destroy. I'm not infatuated with your filthy species like you are.

Capitalism doesn't exist when there's socialist elements over-regulating as a barrier-to-entry, it's capitalist-esque tendencies to a socialist structure.

If there is ANY prevention to creating a business, there is not any real capitalism present

Norway is a nice example of it, they got their historically unique massive boom to wealth when there was true capitalism there, then they added socialist stuff and barriers-to-entry for those seeking to be entrepreneurs but lacking a large capital-base to start on.

In 1970 any person could just create a product and sell it, and taxing came after profits were made and the taxing was 40-some percent lower than it is now there.. so someone that had nothing could go fishing and make their start by catching fish with a net or fishing-pole made from zero-cost items, sell those fish, make a profit and keep expanding from there on out.

Nowadays their starting taxes are around 52% effectively, they have socialism-driven costs for even paperwork and other bureaucracy-elements, registration of the business, having to register it as a stock-company, LLC, etc or have the business be deemed illegal and can land you in jail for a list of reasons. If you're not willing to spend north of $9-10k just to have that business started AND then they need capital to be able to run that business.

Norway got blisteringly rich because of capitalism, nowadays it's only those that have benefited from the capitalism that can afford to do it themselves in their now socialist system.

Capitalism is the best system when it's regulated by the market and not a socialist-elements government.

The rich are doing away with that.

>Capitalism doesn't exist when there's socialist elements over-regulating as a barrier-to-entry
Simply false. You don't know the most basic definition of socialism OR capitalism.

It's not like communism hasn't been tried before. It always ends the same.

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If Trump was a fascist everyone working for the "fake news" would be in prison or dead.

>Threatening socialism will do things capitalism is doing now
Wow, what a brilliant strategy!

you mean the thing that is being completely erradicated? also the thing that even if it existed would not justify a small amount of people having an obscene amount of wealth compared to everyone else?

Crowder is a neocon you retard. He doesn't think there's anything wrong with capitalism or immigrant labor.

Thats a total misrepresentation of the living standards in merica. And usually people living in slums vote for slums. .

He's a budding fascist. He simply doesn't have the power yet. What you just said is like saying "Well Hitler isn't a real fascist because he's just fighting street brawls". Aren't you retards always saying anti-fa are the Real Fascists™?

Objectively not true. The lower and middle classes are shrinking in America because everyone is shifting higher. The wealth gap has been closing for decades. Upper middle is where most of the money is now.

kek you faggs really were broken beyond repair after the mutts and the ruskies rapped you to death huh?
Jesus Chirst

He just started out. He is also an idiot who probably won't ever actually be able to enact his full fascist worldview.

>Simply false. You don't know the most basic definition of socialism OR capitalism.
provides zero counter-points

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>believe in less government

>supports police and military

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Pardon me, but when I look outside I can't really see the fanatics going from house to house, shooting anyone who owns a car because they're the bourgeois oppressors. Looks like communism hasn't arrived quite yet

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Stop trying to make it a rich vs poor thing. Not wveryone is rich and not everyone is poor. Theres a middle class. Where everything is fine. Maybe wages could go up a bit. Or taxes brought down. Maybe both. But the middle class isnt fucking poor and wont join your socialist revolution.

>collective bargaining to counteract the difference of power between workers and the rich bosses

Seems alright, I give you that.

>abolishment of rich bosses and controlling the allocation of resources democratically instead of by unelected individuals

You can start your own company like this already, mostly is inefficient and ends badly tho. The average worker has no idea about or interest in organising a company. That's why its not their job.

Leftists are the only true bootlickers considering they support every policy of the establishment like importing more migrants to feed the capitalist machine and they are the enemies of the working class.

>humans are shit

LOL you are shit. You are a terrible human being, and there's only one answer for that.

the middle class, even if it existed, doesn't justify very few people hoarding an oobscene amount of wealth, compared to everyone else

Where is the bug spray when you need it

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Socialism is when the workers own the means of production.

Capitalism is a system where bosses own the means of production, but don't do the labor, seeking after the profit motive.

It's basically private sector vs public. Is it private sector? Then it's capitalism. QED eat a shit.

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the establishment is conservative, not leftist

>A mountain jew doesn't see the utter collapse of society and oppression of the majority of the species
Holy shit color literally nobody surprised. If I had 12 nukes, I'd hit israel with one and switzerland with 14 because I'd steal someone else's to hit you with more.