This is a board full of bootlickers

This is a board full of bootlickers

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American education does this. They actually believe their shithole is superior to other shitholes, and their evidence is "muh sacred texts, muh sancrosant connachooshun"

its very ironic since Americans own mostly debt by now and work at meaning less service jobs, most people who shill for capitalism here are indebted service job cucks if not Neets altogether

they dont want to think of themselves as being on the loosing side of capitalism so they adopt the discourse of the rich swine

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>people who believe in less government regulation are bootlickers
>despite the fact that they tend to be more self-sufficient and rely on others less
I'm not following your logic Germany.

working at Starbucks is not being "self-sufficient"

>black haired shitskins forced to live in a walled off slum
what the fuck? I love capitalism now

there are more forms of power than governamental power

t.starcucks barista

>minimum wage is government regulation!!! i want to be free to work for 2$ an hour like a free man!!!!

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Bootlicking has apparently created the most prosperous era in history, also pulls more people directly out of poverty every day than any other point in history