Just got my DNA test results

I'm gonna fucking end it

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-04 at 12.41.48.png (1848x158, 47K)

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I'm 4 percent on my DNA test, don't worry about it user.

Just because we have some of gods choosen blood in us doesn't mean we can't fight for whats right.

Being 6 percent doesn't mean you will go for subverting mode.

>European Jewish

Why would you kill yourself for being an Anglo?

Attached: eternalanglo.jpg (690x388, 36K)


European Jews are genetically white so its OK.

>I'm gonna fucking end it

no one believes your filthy lies

Daily reminder that this is what the Ancient Greeks actually looked like

Attached: 2467FE8F-FE72-470C-A713-5115BBE97B15.png (1134x830, 1.05M)

i'd blast myself too if i was only 6% , 100% or you're subhuman .

It just means up your line you had a rebel jew that left the fold.

Jesus was born a jew but he too saw their evil and left them.

is this kys-tier?

Attached: 23andme.png (1363x803, 80K)