A pizza parlor in dc is the main hub for an international child trafficking operation and said pizza parlor is owned by a direct descendent of the rothschilds >the democratic party uses black magick and rapes children for some sweet adrenochrome >they operate under the auspicious art world cover
Grow the fuck up Jow Forums its a fucking LARP how are you believing in this? Are you retarded? The only TRUE thing from this is that Huma abedin is sexy as fuck and I would suck her toes for hours during some lite satanic bdsm
Congrats on lurking the necessary 5 minutes and learning the terminology frequently used here to describe exactly what you're doing, Anthony. I hope Trump orders a search warrant on all of your property and belongings.
Ian Nguyen
Maybe you have heard of Epstein Island, a favorite getaway of the Clinton's.
Yes. Q-user is a meme. Spawned from the meme wars and took hold in the nightmares of the mainstream morons that don't know any better. You've got a tiger by the tail this time. Your "freedom" on the internet will bring down freedom on the global order thereby resulting in a gulag life under a dictator. Congratulations!
Trying to make this new dem a meme. The only dem who is able to be memed like that is congresswoman Rochester and its way too early for her to be playing ball. Check w your supervisor and change ur strategy
Name one other time a president came out to debunk/discredit a "conspiracy theory" I'll wait but you're probably a shill 1 post faggot
Nicholas Richardson
So much nostalgia. You got any of the abandoned hospital?
Caleb Ward
What the fuck are you talking about? You're the one making threads about the stupid mexican whore.
Camden Moore
Good job +25 cents have been deposited into your account. Keep doubling down
Charles Cox
Nobody even discusses this shit here anymore except for the occasional blatantly obvious shill who makes an ass of himself trying to deny the truth in the face of hard evidence.
First link contains the belgian x dossiers. These are the witness and victim testimonies from the dutroux affair, a scandal that exposed a small part of a transnational elite pedo ring that exists to this day. the most powerful politicians, celebrities and royalty were involved. the jistice system was the key in covering it up and shitting down inquiry or dissenting voices.
second link is an article by dave mcgowan on the finders cult. the picture i provided has reports on the investigation of this nefarious sect. these are must read items, and is the fastest way to get acquainted with how large and weird this shit really gets. human compromise and human trafficking are interconnected and are totally controlled by the intelligence agencies.
the YT video is Conspiracy of Silence. this is the best documentary concerning the franklin scandal. this scandal involved a multistate human trafficking and pedo ring with clients from the furthest reaches of american power. politicians, celebrities, top level businessmen, and powerbrokers of all kinds were part of it. the names of those implicated is fucking astounding. again, the intelligence agencies were totally involved.
OP, elite pedophilia is real, and even worse than what you have heard with pizzagate. if you are willing to open your eyes to the reality of how big and strange this gets, it will change how you view everything
Friendly reminder pizzagate isnt about a fucking pizzaria run by an obvious demon, its about the syntax used in personal emails by extremely wealthy and affluently politically powered people. Super wealthy people hire personal chefs they dont EMAIL each other about a specific food which by and by showed no varience in context which only solidifies they spoke in code. The fbi provided the key to break said code words. The pizzaria was a bonus and only made is more obivious, the level of hubris and in plain view is astounding, we will never again be asleep to jusy how evil these demons truely are. Fuck you op for insulting intelligence you faggot.
Brody Hall
>main hub That is a strawman. the main hubs would be the untouchable islands offshore.
James Thompson
And Alefantis is “just an artisan pizza maker”. And the Pope is “just a Catholic”. Please.
Oliver Evans
Katy Perry
This is how we do.
"Its no big deal" and the letters resemble pizzas
They are mocking us
Chase Phillips
I don't understand. What is it that you think is happening here? I Just wanted to know why people keep making threads about this dumb mexican bitch.
>Hollywood user posts lists and names and occurrences on pol
>few hours later james gunn info breaks on pol and floods the interwebs
>mass media panic and twitter start to be deleted
>mass archiving of said twitters with 1000s of big wig Blue checks in serious trouble with horrendous tweets
The tweets all seem to revolve around this inside joke of fucking, rapeing, murdering, eating, and other degenerate satanic acts >Dan Harmon deletes his tweeter and begins scrubbing social media after bad tweets AND a video of him rapping a rubber baby doll
>a major player in Hollywood posted here after that and thought it was private He posted his tax return gross income of 327 million for last year...
He was demanding you talk to Admin...
> on July 22 the many threads and I investigations here were SHUT DOWN and blocked and mass people were banned for 2-14 days...
I see OP couldn't be bothered to look for themselves, rather believe one side of what they've been told. Very lazy and far too common, user.
have a
Ian Green
>Comet Pizza I was at 10% plausibility before a weaponize autist busted through the door wielding and AR15 and started flipping tables and pulling down shelves and refrigerators and didn't find shit.
Well mentioned. And on the board that started the term cheese pizza off too...life is ironic and these fools trying to gaslight to literally save their lives, are amusing!
Charles Ross
You kikes really, unironically believe you can drug and sedate all your problems away. You're truly decrepit, weak individuals.
>QUOTE: What is abundantly clear at this point, is that “Pedogate” is a one-hundred percent reality, not just in America, but spanning the entire globe.
pretty spooky, with all that seth green shit that was going around with the rick and morty/hollywood threads recently
Sebastian Harris
that big scary actor, whom weeks before was involved in a hit and run with a young girl. who walked in, fired one bullet through a door, which happened to hit the hard drive. a magic bullet to rival that of the jfk assassination. too bad all the street cameras were turned around on the day of the shooting so we couldnt get any footage. what a bummer! yea my dood, definitely happened