>Americans have been so brainswashed they think literally any one of these things is bad
Americans have been so brainswashed they think literally any one of these things is bad
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Ben Garrison is a wackjob lolbergtarian.
>Offers to create plantation of dependency
No. That's racist. Cortez is a racist.
>Fox news
But none of it is free, it's all funded by an insane tax.
Trust me, as a swede I know this all too well.
>who pays for all this
It's not they're bad but that they're not realistic.
We really are a nation of dumb fucks.
SHe's a dark horse, and a bad one at that.
Doesn't even know how unemployment is measured.
>high-wage jobs
>open borders
Pick one and only one.
Yes, socialists are this retarded lol.
Niggers already have all the free shit they want, it's been socialism for POCs and capitalism for whites in the USA for decades now
Another definition of "free" is "that which is available or easy to access," user.
>let's start more shitty social programs that whites will have to foot the bill for
fuck you nigger
A blend of capitalism and socialism is fine.
Trump is trying to go all out capitalism which is fascism.
They have to promise (((Free))) shit to get elected. Of course, nothing is free and it will all be paid with higher taxes. While at the same time importing millions form the 3rd world.
>another definition
That's not language works, you cucumber.
They're not bad but forcing people to pay for them is.
If some multi-billionaire commie wants to donate this stuff to the us populace go ahead.
top kek
When debating immigration, everyone becomes experts in economics.
When you see the word "Free", you should immediately think "Scam"
Nothing in life is free.
based and boomerpilled
this is a troll thread
no one is that dump pls
Yeah its not free but according to all studies that I have read on the Bernie Sanders medicare for all plan it would save US economy in period of 10 years anything from between 17 trillion dollars to 640 billion dollars.
Ocasio is an absolute moron who I assume only got her college degree through the Leftists bending over backwards to appease anyone who isn't White.
Not an argument.
>it would save US economy
This is correct. Did you know General Motors in Canada was the one who pushed for medicare for all up there because it would take the cost off corporations from having to pay for their employees health insurence? A recent Koch brothers study also found this.
The fact that the Left would put that moron on national television is a stark illustration of how desperate they've become.
>Ocasio is an absolute moron
So disprove any of her political positions outside of ad hominins.
Behind every meme flag is a Star of David. Ignore.
B-But how are they gonna pay for all this free stuff?
Question to you Brit, would you swap your NHS for the American version?
Whites and Asians will. Combined with open borders the United States will become a completely brown Utopia. Everyone will have housing, everyone will be rich, everyone will be healthy, and everyone will be educated. It will be the first of its kind.
yeah lol Israel stop the occupation of Palestine.
America: Occupy Ice offices, airports, and bus stations.
Her policy is peer pressure on the streets not the ballot box.
Remember when they put a kennedy on TV and made him look like a total retard
It doesn't take a Ph.D in economics to understand that if you increase the supply of labor, yet demand does not change, the wages that workers can command will decrease.
"Free College" = shit quality college. Drooling lefties cherrypick things Norway does while ignoring all the side-effects and consequences they have on the country.
>yeah lol Israel stop the occupation of Palestine.
They should, along with controling US politics. Americans have increasily become less supportive of Israel.
>America: Occupy Ice offices, airports, and bus stations.
ICE should be abolished, it's a Bush era war on terror owellian nightmare.
>Her policy is peer pressure on the streets not the ballot box.
It's called radical populism, aka democracy. You should try it some time.
no, but everything else America has like free speech, gun laws, free markets etc are shit i'd be glad to have in the UK
>"Free College" = shit quality college.
But you could say the same for "free" high school, middle school, and kindergarden education?
Not him, but yes. Easier to see the people who die for no healthcare than the people who die for a shitty healthcare.
Who is the man pulling her tail? He isn't labeled, so I can't tell.
>are shit i'd be glad to have in the UK
As an American, I can tell you that you don't want the shitty corprorate (not free) market economy we have.
Yeah luckily this country isn't a democracy. You should know that.
And you know what does not matter remeber socialist she won her district with only 5% of the vote. Don't give her to much credit
idiots are so brainwashed they think any of that is based in reality.
>guaranteed high wage jobs
The government doesn’t make actual jobs
But the brainwashing is the other fucking way around
Santa Claus I think
Public community collages and regular ones alongside of trade schools would be paid by the states themselves much like they were during the 1950`s. As for the Public healthcare it would be gradually increased over the years by expanding the amount of age groups who would be granted access to medicare.
As for the how to pay for medicare simply by cutting tax cuts and getting rid of tax write-offs you could go a long way.
Because we know that there's several drawbacks, especially if she supports illegal immigration.
The only people who support her are fat angry homos and trannies with daddy issues.
So let me get this straight.
>Work long hours, uses intelligence and risk everything to make a company, live in a good house, get my kids to college, etc.
No. Fuck off nigger and thank me and the rest of your betters that we even pay what we already do to keep your worthless, unskilled, poor ass from starving to death for being the useless cunt you are.
There's no such thing as 'free' and sooner or later you're going to have to come get the shit you want to steal the hard way, and come home missing a few parts in the process.
If you want things from others, stop hiding behind government and come try it yourself. What we really need in this world is for you fucking commies to try another revolution, and to purge your asses into extinction this time.
And the waiting time for any procedure is insane.
My dad has a snoring problem, and the waiting time was over 1 year just for a consult so the hospital has started using the private hospitals.
My mom has a problem with her meniscus, and the public hospital doesn't even perform the surgery she needs unless she is in a car accident or similar.
Jow Forums has been promising me free lambos for years, yet here I am with my shitty mitsi. What makes you any different
>Yeah luckily this country isn't a democracy
Maybe, but the House of Represantives is the closet we have to a democracy in this place and that's where she is running.
>district with only 5% of the vote.
Not sure what you are getting at? Using your logic Trump only won like 20ish % of the US population as a whole in 2016. You are pretty much admitting right wing politics is a super fringe minority, only furthering my point.
That's Sigmund Freud. He's a very famous kraut, I'm surprised you don't recognize him.
Isn't it Charles Darwin?
>needs a PhD to understand supply and demand
>Trust me, as a swede
>People are still responding to the weakest, most obvious bait
At least sage this shit and never respond to memeflaggots.
So the kids will be working in factories to pay for their education?
Why pay legal working class citizens a livable >$15/hr wage when you can hire several working class illegals who will do it for less? Especially if a leftist politician refuses to deport them?
It'll be glorious to see your plan fail.
>none of it is free
>it's free if you're poor since you were never going to pay for any of it anyways
>Americans brain washed because they should willingly give up more of their gross paycheck
most of those policies are achievable
He has facial hair so I'm pretty sure it's
nothing wrong with taxing corporations heavily to pay for the public good
Guess we'll never know.
>what are parents?
get fucked commie
You don't get it, do you? You're restricted from the majority of jobs under free education. They'll just raise the bar higher to reduce the pool.
yeah its easy to come with the torches and pitchforks but just wait till the crops start growing on your farm.
You're a white knight fedora tipping faggot. Help m'lady and maybe she'll give you a kiss on the cheek.
Fascism is a blended system, too, being more of a state-controlled corporatist system. You could argue that we're closer to fascism in that regard, but all-out capitalism, which requires a completely free market, implies little state interference, which precludes a fascistic system of governance.
>get fucked commie
So you are advocating something so fucking crazy that no major political party on the planet advocates for?
Good job running on that if you want to win. Go tell your voters you want public education abolished, see how many votes you get.
you know nothing
back to school for you, fortunately, university is free in Sweden
? what torches and pitchforks, just use the state to mandate it, that is what the state is for
>maybe she'll give you a kiss on the cheek.
She already has
>They'll just raise the bar higher to reduce the pool.
Is that the case in countries with free college?
>forced to pay store janitor and cashiers $15/hr. Whom only made $10/hr a year ago.
>managers worked 5 years to reach $19/hr now he wants more because he's being paid the same as a janitor and all the prices have inflated to adjust to new lower min wage
> now most middle class making $15/hr-$25/hr today will be as poor as the new minimum wage class employees.
>implying that raising minimum wages won't increase all cost of goods at the same exact proportion
>when minimum wage was 7.50/hr milk was $2 gallon. When minimum wage is 15/hr milk is $5 gallon.
>nothing changed except middle class being able to afford $20hr over $7.50 to $20hr over $15hr
>not realizing the law wasn't made to help lower wage have a living wage but to force middle class to live like lower class.
Also checked.
Meaning its easy for you to take other ppl money when your not making none yourself.
Everyone should vote for me, I'll give everyone a mansion to live in and unlimited food. Everyone gets ferraris and there will be no natural disasters or terror attacks
But doesn't it work out? Helping your fellow man. I get it if they are foreigners or criminals but isn't it worth it if it actually benefits your society?
anti-semite hamas apologist
That's just a fact faggot. Nobody, and I mean, nobody who is normal supports anything you just said. We live in a communitarian based society, not lolbergtarian mad max society. Government exists and things like ROADS, schools, water, etc. exist as a COMMONS for a REASON
Increasing corporation tax just forces them to hide more money which is very easy to do. So tax receipts go lower since there is no benefit of showing on the books what they earned. They'll show enough to get the bank to give them what they need but the rest will go into things such as tax loss harvesting. It's better to lower the rate so more are willing to pay taxes on their profits.
well that's kind of the point of taxes, taking a proportional amount money from people and using it for the public good, corporations pay way too little tax as is, as do the ultra wealthy. people earning over say £1,000,000 aren't going to starve if a higher tax is levied on them. They aren't the kulaks
that's why you have to close loopholes and penalise companies that try it
I have no issues with helping ethnic swedes, as long as they aren't addicts.
Sadly it is all just immigrants clogging up the welfare and healthcare.
Sandniggers literally bring their entire clan to the emergency room to not have to pay for aspirin.
You're a dumb. Economic fascism is where governments intervene with corporations for the greater good. If you've been supporting anti-discrimination laws, then you're a fascist by default.
17 year old spoiled fag communist or jidf detected. Either way, sage and your time is almost up.
>i have no brain stem and cannot think beyond statements made to benefit me
>id love my forced free house with 2 syrians and one bathroom
>free college will make it easier for middle man to steal money and fuck over country like it already is, pell grant should be stopped immediately
why even bother replying to a troll
corporations create jobs..jobs create wealth..wealth creates spending for EVERYONE not just the ultra wealthy.
dumb brainwashed American
I've barely said anything. You however are carrying on desperately trying to convince somebody(yourself?) that I'm wrong and you are right. Keep going.
You do realize socialism is literally using other people’s money and labor for everything you use right? Your going to turn the rest of the world into slaves the. Yourself retard you never remember that at the end of all this (((revolution))) you become a slave
No it's not you retard.
>corporations create jobs
Government creates jobs
Worker co-ops do as well
Why are those not better models?
Interesting that these all are things common in the real first world, that is, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, but not in Muttland
His political artworks is too boomerish for me to take seriously.
>but not in Muttland
Nobody ever asks who will pay for the 1 trillion dollars on our military budget.