What the fuck is wrong with you?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Attached: eurobar.png (800x631, 302K)

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Here's another one

Attached: DFo1WqXcAE6jDf.jpg (1083x1200, 146K)

>Netherlands 85% bested only by Sweden

Attached: justfuckmyshitup.jpg (456x320, 31K)

Fuck the hungs beat us by lousy 3%.

Can't immigrant mean a European one, like an Italian in Germany? It's too vague.

I don't remember being asked

Yeah, I could sure be friends with a Serb or an Italian, but with Araboids I would wash my hands afterwards

Odd how the top migrant nations hate migration.

Slavniggers. Not even once.

Attached: slavnigger migration.jpg (600x450, 78K)

Sweden yes!

Attached: 1443768776856.jpg (600x716, 67K)

You guys should have a cuckoff sometimes.