Croats and Serbs got played by the kikez to fight each other, now you are both weak and nobody is there to protect you only to exploit you at least the serbs are smart enough not to choose a side yet.
They have NATO to protect them and still bought 40 yro planes from Israel for bilions.
They will eventualy push us into EU by ``referendum`` where (((they))) will count the votes. I know our leadership will fall for that one eventualy but at least i have some hope.
Samuel Hernandez
>together meme When our king formed Yugoslavia first time and invited them they repayed us with NDH in 1941.
When Tito (croat) formed second Yugoslavia to include croatia aswell they repayed us by unconstitutional separatism backed by west to form their state.
Clearly they dont want to be with us and we dont want to be with them anymore because 3rd time wont be the charm.
Asher Rivera
And thats a good thing. I would ask all of remaining serbs in croatia to sell their land and return to Serbia. I would also volonteer and ask our neighboors to help us build 3 meter high wall on border with them with no roads of crossing anywhere. That is my wishfull thinking tbqh. Hope it happens some day.