Honest thoughts on Hungary and Hungarians?

Honest thoughts on Hungary and Hungarians?

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Pretty comfy people I would like to see them make a coalition with Romania and austria though that would be much more comfy.

A nice place with nice people.
If you disagree it's because you're a dirty povvo tourist

fat, lazy and dumb

digits confirm

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It's all anglos, even their best ones are assholes. Something about living on an island makes people into caste-loving dickheads who will do anything to reinforce hierarchy including contrive conflict out of nothing to destroy the social status of whoever's slightly above them. It's pretty pathetic as they will reinforce the status of people they're vastly inferior to by sucking them off in front of everyone else with lauded praise over nothing. Mexican laziness puts you all above that and Hitler was right about the master race and my nordic friends did not care about status whatsoever as they were all to genuine about the topic of conversation which comes off as naivety to the anglo mind fixated on status which sees all socializing as pretext to prove genetic quality. It's some sick shit, at least beaners know whites are just better than darks so hanging out can just go along without the underhandedness.

Illegal turkic immigrants from Khazakstan mixed with gypsies LARPING as european christians.

>pic related
% of gypsies by county in Hungary

Attached: Hungary gypsy population by county.png (900x630, 981K)

>coalition with Romania

The Romanians are about to anally annihilate the Transylvanian Hungarians just for shits and giggles, so I guess a coalition is unlikely at this point.

>t. even more gypsy infested nation

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Cool people i like them alot,hot women good wine.
The language is a bitch to lern however.

>Gypsies can learn romanian
>meanwhile, hungarians can't learn romanian
Oh wow, that map just proved you're below gypsies.

Yea I guess when we defeat the kikes maybe then you can talk with no outside influence and figure that shit out.

They are pretty based in my experience, I would take them over Poles and Romanians any day

>if I can't fill out forms in my own language I won't bother learning it
>I can't be asked to teach the language to my child in a mixed marriage
Hungarians are dying out, because we are autistic hwyte people too entitled and too selfish and high standards to have children. No ones gives a shit about gypsy rats, yet they are breeding, Hungarians and Romanians want to live easy, comfy lives and thus have low birthrates. That's why Hungarians are dying out everywhere, nothing else. It's not the 80s anymore.

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The closest thing to wh*tes that will survive the coming tribulations. Their architecture and their food are superior to those of wh*tes. It is honestly for the best.

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I’m part Hungarian and proud! I want to visit there one day.

>gets stabbed for 5 lei
>"at least he called my mother a whore before stabbing me in Romanian"
the mindset of the civic nationalist. Linguistic nationalism between genetically and culturally similar people is the jewish poison that were designed to destroy the Habsburg Empire and then Europe. Have fun with a Romania full of gypsies and niggers.

Of course gipsies can learn their mothertongue.
It is below Huns to learn that garbage

>The Romanians are about to anally annihilate the Transylvanian Hungarians

This is what Orban propaganda does to hungarian people.
IRL Hungarian hungarians fucking hate/don't give a shit about slovakian and romanian "hungarians".
Mostly because they influence all your elections and help import/export corruption and money for rich hungarian politicians.

Enjoy your EU Parliament elections, Presidency elections and Parliament elections being voted by "us", faggots. We decide your fate, unironically, and you idiots swallow it.

how does a state even function with so many gypsies?

>I’m part Hungarian and proud! I want to visit there one day.

>never seen Hungary with his own eyes

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Yes, Huns are illegal immigrants from Asia and they need to go back.
Just like the gypsies coming from Asia.

There are many BASED Hungarians out there. However, they are as ethnocentric as kikes, and Romanians are more slavic, "live and let live" in nature. There must be hatred between the two peoples in order to prevent the Hungarians from backstabbing Romanians and taking political power.

>can't speak hungarian
>ultra-patriotard who "defends" Hun Khaganate with his keyboard

if niggers are orks, gypsies are goblins. They steal, and they are sly, but they are weak and cowardly, they can only attack in overwhelming numbers and even then victory isn't assured. It's easy to beat them up and keep them in check.

they have some of the best porn actors and body aesthetics
personal ranks for good looking uncut and cut cocks and hot pink boipussy:
>1) central, northern, eastern europe
>2) mediterranean, latino
>3) thai, korean, central asian

northern males look better than their women, silly rapefugees and liberators with shit taste not picking on cute swedes, germans and czechs that can be at the same time husbands to love, boyfriends to cuddle and sons to protect


that's the percentage of gypsies that speak Romanian per county, not the percentage of gypsy population per county.

based empire brothers

Biggest dicks and hottest women in Europe, 1st one is according to statistics 2nd one is my porn browsing habits.

so happy my neighbors are actual romanian, dark brown hair parents and two golden sons
all absolutely integrated.......their home still managed to be targeted by gypsy thieves

amazing and ironic.

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Maybe at least we had austro hungary

>Romanians are more slavic, "live and let live" in nature
Dude.... Some Romanian individuals might be, but as a political state, that's hardly true...

They should eat something

>Biggest dicks according to statistics and my porn browsing habits.

They are ok a bit childish since they can't accept that transylvania is romanian land right now. Okey it was taken from you when you lost ww1 but this is the fate of the loser of a war what did you expect? Whining won't make the romanians feel sorry and peacefully hand it back. If you really want it back i suggest building an army and take it back with force!

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Transylvania is rightfully theirs

Yeah, we have Securitate-trained bad asses still around, thank God. Besides Hungarians run fifth column operations in Romania all the time.

>s-slovaks r gypsy slaves
>rr-r-romanians are gypsssiiii
>ss-serbs are turkogypsies

People insult you with the words that would hurt them the most.
But hungarians are not people, they are illegal turkic immigrants from Central Asia, brothers of Turks and Mongols.

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"Stay hungary. Stay foolish" - Steve Jobs

be careful or we will invade you again gypo

But nobody except for a small minority on the far-right truly wants to take it back. What the most people advocate for is a greater autonomy for Transylvania, similar to like Süd-Tirol.

t. 100% hungarian white

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nice country, great architecture with that old european feel, nationalist and white. its a yes from me.

Hello Shlomo!

Coalition with people who stole the best part of our country. KYS

t. pic related

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>"Vote for me to FUCK SOROS"
Ahahaha, hungarians are this naive.

Attached: Fidesz Orban financed by Soros.jpg (640x427, 318K)

Brother from another mother.

Based Finn

you and what army Adolf?

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Oláh (Romanian) Gypsies

Nearly all Turkic people came from Mongolia.

The man who started the change in Europe, while your overlord is Johannis, a Merkel pawn and CIA-operated anti corruption agency that controls Romania.
KYS, gypo

Well they would give it back in the coalition it's like saying that turkey wouldn't let cyprus unite if Greece made a coalition with them

ayy lmao, what is romanians, slavs, germans

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One of the only European countries that wont be an Islamic shit hole in 50 years time. Good people as they vote for right wing politicians.

Gypsies came from Rromania (and ultimately, India).

>badmouth mongolians
>national hero is mongolian

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you came from north korea

damn are all Romanians this butthurt over their Magyar neighbours? calm it down ye daft cunts.

>fighting against corruption is CIA
>the Jewish state of Hungary
ayyyy lmao

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I’ve never met one nor been to the country, but they seem alright enough. Their architecture is beautiful I know this assuredly. As well as the fact that their language is closer to that of the Finns as opposed to their neighbors

An insult in Vojvodina
“You’re such a magyar”

>if I write that they're all hungarian on this image, then they will all be hungarian !
Hungarian history in a nutshell, rewrite everything you don't like, just like a liberal.

Maybe because you're turkic immigrants from Asia.

We call them bozgor, it means "nomad without a home" as in illegal immigrant.

Romanian sees Hungarian thread
>Turk mongol invaders
>lol gypsies

Like Romania is not at least equally, or more gypsy infested, and like you guys not more Turk than us.

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scotland deserves independence and ireland will be united

Streets of Romania actually remind me of India so this makes sense

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Kossuth was a "civic nationalist"
>unironically supporting the Habsburg Empire even as a Hungarian
As a general observation anyone in Eastern Europe who is a nostalgic of German or Russian rule is scum and an enemy of the whole region.

must suck knowing every european country hates romania as much as albania
even your neighbor countries

kek whatever you sad lad. both are under our thumb right now anyway, if that changes then its less of a loss for England than it it is for them.

you're pakistan now.

forgot to mention ukraine, the kikest and most hated ones, extreme gold diggers too

yet they don't do shit. Only Empires dare to engage Romania in warfare.

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Well this map doesn't look well to anyone in this thread.

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Kossuth did not support the Habsburg Empire. Gypsy, you know nothing. Go back to your Bucharest slum and keep sniffing drugs.

That's pretty much Romania summed up.

They have to compensate for their shit tier country. The only European part (Transylvania) has been turned into the same shit tier over the last 100 yrs.

>having a country

Unironically your entire country is stolen clay. Be proud of it.

Truth hurts, Tiganescu, right?

no u
subhumans supporting the shitty modern jewpuppet balkanization against the last powerful empires of White Christian Men here are absolute gypsy garbage

strange but they have always been based

Romanian ancestry: Gypsy Albanian peasants raped by Roman soldiers.

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basically a mercenary country like ukraine, they can sell themselves for any country

also costantia casino reconstruction when

Attached: 1200px-Cazinoul_din_Constanta_la_rasarit_HDR.jpg (1200x800, 242K)

never, faggot.
let the sea have your degenerate gambling.
and it's constanța.

also Kossuth was a jewpuppet
only kikes and retards support ethnic division between central european countries

Fuck off we're full

Gib milkies.

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They have pragmatic and intelligent leaders. After communism they managed to do better and protect their interest against the West. For example they made it difficult for foreigners to buy land in their country so they preserved their resources. Meanwhile in our country a huge part of our lands are owned by foreigners.

>Kossuth did not support the Habsburg Empire.
I didn't imply that genius, I was responding to
>jewish poison that were designed to destroy the Habsburg Empire

what is that

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that's the spirit, better not have any monument or history at all in your gypsy garbage dump

i just want to say that i'm sorry our gov't is filled with traitors who are shipping you refugees and that i hope one day we'll get someone in office who actually appreciates the amount of good will hungary has for us.

That's happening all over the EU

Gib back Kosovo. It's legitimate Romanian clay.

I think since the fence is up, not many illegals cross through the border there.

Have you ever been checked for schizophrenia?

I only know one Hungarian, a qt girl. But from what she's said, I don't get the impression that Hungarians are some conservative trad Jow Forums peoples. They have one of the highest divorce rates in the world and it sounds like no immigrants want to go there anyway because the language is fucking impossible.

>Be Hungarian
>11th century, come from Asia to Europe
illegal immigrant pls go back

My favorite Asians