Why do black men often have long fingernails?

Why do black men often have long fingernails?

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So they can reproduce the stylistic classical sounds of Robert Johnson. Gotta have gorilla fingernails to do this.

Something to with crack.

To sniff coke
It a symbol for pimps to show others they in the pimp game
They were raised by their moms so they think long nails is a symbol of beauty

it's for signalling to other "down low" niggers that they are sexually available

i always noticed this too makes me trust them less

So they can dig boogers out of their giant gorilla like noses.

To capture the dna of all the white women they rape

Probably also similar to the old Chinese Emperors to show that they don't get their hands dirty working.

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They don't have to worry about getting a broken nail while working with their hands.

bumping coke

it's a sign that they don't work with their hands.

It's literally just laziness. Niggers don't care much for regular hygiene maintenance.

Cause they are fucking stupid.

Not all, But most.

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Makes it easier to pick your nose and your asshole. I should know, I'm muslim.

the better question is why are whites so insecure that they eat their fingers

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Showing your age here kiddo. Long nails was a coke thing back in the days. Also, in the pimp game, manicures and pedicures are a must...so long nails also play in that part too. Usually an og coker will have 1 to 2 long nails per hand..the pimp game..its all

Because people who work keep the short so they can actually work.

Also, a lot of men in a trade will have longer than normal thumb nails..just for scraping and peeling, shit even strip small gauge wiring.

>never worked a day in his life

bwah hahaha

because they are faggots

most likely to be correct answer

something to do with picking bike locks

Long fingernails look better when they dress up in drag to get butt fucked by their music industry executive owners

>tfw David Geffen has fucked Snoop Dogg up the ass while he was dressed like a bitch with his pretty long fingernails

So they can smoke blunts down to the end without burning their fingers

t. Weedsmoker fag


stop putting pictures of niggers on my computer. cunt

Imagine the smell

they identify it with status or cleanliness, literally manicured nails.

why don't you americans roll a small piece of cardboard to act as a filter and keeps you from burning yourself/ingesting bits of weed when you smoke joints?

So they can slice open cigars by hand to roll the marijaunas

OH SHIT, I asked a black guy I worked with at a factory this and he said it was to cut blunts easier (with the fingernail). no lie.

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Because they have never worked a day in their lives. Also for rolling blunts.


He is A faggot!

>haha more like why do w-whites have good hygiene right?
Go wash your ass, memeflagger


Niggers are lazy

Nigger don't direspect Robert johnson

That is too much work for a nigger.

Correct answer.